Chapter 4

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Adrien's POV

I needed to get out and stretch my legs. I couldn't believe Chloe had the nerve to say all that! Little did she know, I'm Chat Noir, so it was me that she called a loser. I can take it though. But when she says it about Marinette? No. I don't think so.

I had been sitting on the Eiffel Tower lost in thought about what Chloe had said. It took me a few minutes before I was able to take a few deep breaths to calm myself.

I just don't understand why she thinks everyone is below her.

Did it make Marinette upset? Chloe says it so much that I wouldn't be surprised if Marinette was used to it. But what if she was just hiding the hurt?

I think I better go check on her. Just in case.

What if Chloe's words really upset Marinette? Should I do something to convince her that nothing Chloe said was true?

And just like that, I had an idea. Something that could brighten her mood if she was feeling down. I mean, all girls like flowers, right?

As fast as it took me to get to the Eiffel Tower, I was back in my room. I detransformed and tossed Plagg a piece of Camembert, knowing he would complain if I didn't, then quickly walked out of my room.

I walked down the halls, looking around in hopes no one would question what I was doing. I paused briefly outside a room, and when I was sure no one was around to see me, I walked inside and quietly closed the door behind me.

I was in my father's old scrap room.
He had used it when he was first starting with his designs before his industry became popular. Some of the old materials he used to use was around, as well as old outfits that hadn't been quite as good as my father had hoped. Sometimes he came here and reused the cloths and fabrics, but mostly this room was a free-for-all.

I walked across the room, my hand feeling all the types of fabrics as I looked around. These materials were still in great condition despite sitting around for many years.

I came to a stop when I spotted what I had been looking for. Ribbon. There were ribbons of all sizes and colors available for my choosing.

What was Marinette's favorite color again? Pink? Yes, that's right.

Out of all the choices of shades of pink, I decided on a ribbon the shade of lavender. It was the right length I was looking for too, so that was a bonus.

I stuffed the ribbon in my pocket and went to leave the scrap room. I didn't need anyone seeing me with the ribbon if I got caught.


And I got caught. I had tried to subtly open the door to leave and wasn't able to see if anyone was around first. I paused briefly before stepping out of the room and closing the door again behind me.

"Adrien, why were you in there? You know nothing of much value is in there."

"I go in there sometimes because the materials remind me of Mom." I said. Maybe not the complete truth, but it wasn't a lie either.

I looked at my father as he took in my response. "She and I used to make up games in there, remember?" I continued. "I like to relive some of those memories at times."

My father only lowered his head in a slight nod. "I understand. Come with me."

Before I could say another word, he turned and walked down the hall. I reluctantly followed, wondering why he was leading me through the house. Where was he taking me?

Then I realized it. The same place I had planned on going next.

The garden is always beautiful during a sunset. The way the sun hits the many flowers and trees makes them seem to sparkle, especially when they were just watered by one of the gardeners.

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