Chapter 13

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Marinette's POV


I looked over in his direction, stopping mid-sentence from the conversation I was having with Alya. I felt my heart drop when I saw it was that girl who was akumatized yesterday who was trying to get his attention.

I watched as Adrien turned and immediately smiled when he saw her. "Hi." I heard him say.

The way he looked so happy to see her... Did they already know each other somehow?

I felt jealousy building up inside me as I saw her hand him that note of hers. Although the girl was blushing and clearly embarrassed, she had more courage to try talking and confessing her feelings than I did.

As Adrien read the piece of paper, the girl stood there, looking down. It seemed with each passing second she was turning redder with embarrassment. I had to look away when I saw that smile that Adrien gave her and heard him say, "Why don't we hang out after school? I only have Chinese lessons, but those are closer to the evening."

I didn't have to look at them to know that the girl instantly lit up with excitement. I could hear it in her voice when she said, "Are you serious? Yes! That Would be amazing!"

"Come on, girl." I heard Alya say and felt a hand on my shoulder. "Why don't we head to class?"

I looked up at her, and I could tell that she wanted me out of here, so I didn't have to see Adrien with that girl anymore.

Did it really mean anything? Or was Adrien just being nice? Either way, I wish I could at least write him some letter that told him what I felt about him. That way he'd know, and maybe I might find out if he likes me too in any way.

Why did I just think that?

My cheeks grew hot when I thought about the possibility of Adrien liking me back. It seemed too good to be true. I shook my head to clear the thoughts. I didn't need to give myself any false hope. I needed to focus on how I was going to get out my feelings to him, and that way was Luka.

I hadn't seen him in a few days, but he told me he'd start putting together some basic tunes that I'd be able to build off of. He's really such a sweet guy. I still can't believe I'm actually going to have a way to tell Adrien how I feel about him.



I glanced towards my trapdoor when I heard my mom calling for me, which I shouldn't have done because I ended up tripping over one of my rolls of fabric. I yelped in surprise as the box flew out of my arms, and photos of Adrien went everywhere, slowly falling to the ground.

"Really?" I groaned at the mess of scattered photos. I had been trying to clean up my room before-

"Marinette!" My mom called again, interrupting my thoughts. "Luka's here!"

Before Luka got here...

"Don't worry, Marinette." Tikki told me encouragingly. "You go down there, and I'll make sure your pictures of Adrien are cleaned up."

I smiled at her gratefully. "Thanks, Tikki. You're the best."

"Yes, yes, I know." Tikki giggled softly as I scrambled up to my feet. "Now go before your mom tries coming up here."

"Thanks, Tikki!" I said again before disappearing down the stairs. I smiled when I saw Luka standing next to my mom and dad. "Hi, Luka."

"Hi, Marinette." Luka said, smiling back at me.

My dad put a hand on Luka's shoulder as he looked at me. "This lad says he's helping you write a song." He said. "What's the reason?"

I blushed a bit and looked away briefly. "I'll tell you about that later." I promised my parents. "Can Luka and I go up now?"

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