Chapter 16

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Adrien's POV

Four Days Ago

I glared at my best friend in response to his assumption.

"No, I do not." I insisted, yet again. "I do not have a crush on Marinette."

"You can admit it, Adrien." Nino told me, still smiling smugly. "I promise I won't tease you forever."

"There is nothing to admit." I protested. "And there is nothing for you to tease me about. Marinette is just a friend, and that's what she'll always be. Nothing more."

"Then why are you getting so mad at me every time I bring it up?" He questioned. "You used to just brush it off or take it as a joke. Why are you getting so defensive?"

"Because your girlfriend was saying the same thing to me not long ago, and I know she's the one who's put you up to this." I answered, and I couldn't help but smirk at the way he started blushing when I referred to Alya as his girlfriend.

"Dude, you two have been together for a couple weeks now." I pointed out which only seemed to make him more embarrassed. "You've got to stop freaking out every time anyone calls her your girlfriend, or you her boyfriend."

"What about you?" Nino shot back. "What if I started to call Marinette your girlfriend, or you her boyfriend?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought but quickly fought against my blush. "Big difference." I countered. "You and Alya are together. Marinette and I are not."

"For now." Nino commented and I only shook my head slowly in response. I looked down at my bag as I heard my phone ringing. Holding up a finger to Nino to ask for a moment, I answered the phone.


"Adrien, it's Kagami."

I smiled a little bit and looked at Nino, lowering the phone from my face slightly to mouth her name. It was obvious by his eye roll that he understood who it was.

"What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that reservations for us have been made for our celebration date." She informed me.

"Date?" I questioned, and the word unsettled me a bit. Next to me, I noticed Nino give me a surprised, yet slightly disgusted look.

"Well, yes." Kagami replied easily. "A date. We will be alone, even if it's just as friends, it is still technically a date."

"Right." I said before smiling, which felt forced. "Friday, isn't it?"

"That's right." Kagami confirmed, and I could hear the smile in her voice. "I'll see you then."

"Yeah, see you." I replied and our call soon ended. It was only after I put my phone back into my bag that I noticed Nino's reaction to hearing my side of the call.

"What?" I questioned innocently.

Nino was giving me an annoyed and exasperated look. "A date?" He asked. "With Kagami? Why would you go out with her? You don't even like her as anything more than a friend, you've told me yourself."

"You're right, Nino, I don't like her." I agreed. "Which is why this thing I've got planned with her isn't a real date."

"Where are you going?"

"We're going to go ice skating."


"Yes, just the two of us."

"It sounds like a date."

"It's nothing more than friends spending time together, and celebrating the win of our fencing tournament late."

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