Chapter 15

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Marinette's POV

It is true I have been spending a lot of time with Luka. But I can't help it! Each moment we spend together, the closer I am to finishing the song. Though I don't think I'll be writing words for it. I can't think of any that could possibly describe how I feel about him!

Alya has tried to talk to me about spending less time with Luka, even though she knows that he is helping me write a song for Adrien. But, maybe she's right when she tells me:

"You spend too much time with him!" Alya said, and she's been saying this a lot lately. "I'm starting to think he's your new best friend."

"No one could ever replace you, Alya, and you know that." I told her.

"I know." She sighed heavily before looking at me with worry. "But Marinette, I'm worried about what's going to happen to you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, almost amused by her worry. "Nothing's going to happen to me. What could happen to me?"

"I don't know..." Alya said, crossing her arms as she continued to give me a nervous look that seemed to become sterner the more she questioned me. "Your targets could change?"

"Change targets?" I questioned, though I knew exactly what she meant. "Why would I do that? Luka is just a friend."

Alya sighed softly as she looked at me. "It doesn't seem like it anymore, Marinette. Adrien and I are both thinking there might be more going on between you and Luka."

"No there's nothing-" I cut myself off as I realized what she said and my eyes widened slightly, and my cheeks heated up a bit. "Adrien?!"

"Yes, Adrien." She said, and she seemed a bit more amused with me now. "He and I were talking a couple days ago. He misses talking to you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, now worried that Adrien was completely getting the wrong impression. "We still talk!"

"Just greeting each other at the beginning of class, and maybe holding one conversation while in class don't count." She told me. "What happened to never wanting to do anything else but spend time with him?"

"Alya, you know Like and I are getting closer to finishing the song." I insisted. "Maybe a couple weeks at latest."

"You can't go on like this, girl." Alya said, then sighed heavily. "Look. I understand completely why this is so important to you, but is it really worth risking what you already have with Adrien? I mean, I know what's going on with you, but he doesn't, and he's not going to find out either because there's no way you'd outright tell him what you're up to."

"Alya..." I groaned, knowing she was right. "Fine. I'll try talking with him."

"That's my girl." Alya said with a relieved smile. "Have I ever told you how nice it is, knowing you can actually form sentences around him more easily? I'm not exactly sure what's happened, but you seem much more relaxed when you think about him."

"Crazy, isn't it?" I agreed, and I hoped she didn't notice my nervous smile.

But she had, telling from the twitch of her eyes and eyebrows that showed it confused her. "Right. Well, I've got to run. I'm taking my sisters to the zoo."

"Have fun." I told her and gave her another smile as I watched her leave through the trap door on the floor of my room. As soon as the sound of her footsteps faded down the stairs, I sat back in my pink chair and sighed heavily as it spun slowly.

"Tikki..?" I questioned, and my kwami came out of hiding instantly.

"What's wrong Marinette?" Tikki asked me, obviously concerned.

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