Chapter 11

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Adrien's POV

"Be there or be square."

"I'll most likely be square, Nino, you know that." I scoffed.

"Your dad can be such a downer sometimes." Nino groaned over the phone.

I couldn't help but chuckle softly. "I think we both know that was an understatement."

I heard Nino sigh on the other end of the line. "It's funny that you're the one correcting me about your old man." He said. "You used to try to defend him and be super polite about the decisions he made for you."

I hesitated before I responded, surprising myself for not realizing it earlier myself. "You're not wrong." I said. "I guess I've just gotten tired of not having any say in what I get to do with you guys."

"I'm surprised it hasn't gotten old faster." Nino agreed. There was a slight pause. "Hey, Alya's calling. I'll have to take this. You know how she is."

"I get it." I said. "I'll talk to you later."

"You'll at least try to come to the party, won't you?"

"Of course." I smiled with amusement that he had to ask, but of course he couldn't see it.

The phone call ended, and I sighed softly as I lowered my phone. I might as well try asking my father if I could go, right?

I took a breath to prepare myself for the answer I expected to come. He would surely say no and tell me that it was for my own protection, to keep me safe and away from the world's influence. Isn't it funny that, as his model, I have an influence over the world, but it can't have any over me?

"Father?" I said at the door to his office.

"Yes, Adrien?" I heard his answer from the other side. I took that as invitation to open the door.

I hesitated briefly before starting, seeing him look almost impatient as he leaned over his desk, his elbows supporting the weight of his shoulders. "Father, a few of my friends from school are throwing a party to welcome home a musician of the family."

He looked at me expressionlessly as I spoke, and it made me feel slightly uneasy. "I've been invited as well as my other classmates."

"I am assuming you would like to attend this party." My father concluded and I nodded slightly as an answer.

He let out a deep breath and sat up straight in his chair. "You have done well in your Chinese and fencing lessons." He observed. "And you are doing very well with that song of yours as a pianist."

My eyes widened slightly with surprise at these praises though I tried not to show it. I was sure he'd say:

Go to your room and practice that song until you've perfected it. You will practice until your Chinese tutor comes over for an extra lesson. You will then practice your piano music for a bit longer until it is time for you to get some sleep for the night.

But that's not what I heard when he opened his mouth.

"You may go and enjoy this party with your friends." He said, though it seemed as though he hadn't wanted to give me permission. I couldn't hide the smile growing on my face. "Be back by nine o'clock tonight."

"Yes, Father." I said, hardly believing I had gotten permission. "Thank you." Why couldn't every time that I ask something of my father be this simple?



"You made it!"

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