Chapter Three

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*Draco's point of view*

For the last six months I have been able to call the Rayne Snape, my girlfriend. I got her a promise ring today because I am sure that I want to marry this girl one day and I want to give her forever. Her dad I agreed to keep the death eaters thing a secret from her for now. Until I can find a way out of it I don't want her involved. I would die if she got hurt. My thoughts were interrupted when I approached the astronomy tower and I saw Rayne's beautiful face. My heart skips a beat every time I see her. I've had to fight off my urges to touch her and kiss her, claiming her body as mine. She walked up to me and kissed me. I melted into her lips. Everything about her intoxicated me like a drug. She was my drug.

"Hey baby, I got you something." I spoke before pulling the ring out of my pocket. "It's not an engagement right but a promise that one day I will make you my Mrs. Malfoy." I spoke and I put it on her hand.

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She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I felt my self lose control in that moment. I put my lips on hers again and deepened the kiss by sliding my tongue over her lower lip. She granted me access and moaned into the kiss. It turned me on so I backed her against the stone wall. She hit with a thud but not hard enough to hurt her. She raked her hands into my hair as I let my hands roam her body. She moaned into my touch. I needed her, but I needed to stop. I was about to pull away when she pulled me by my belt loops to her. I wasn't going to have sex with her right now but I knew what I could do to pleasure her. I let go of her and dragged her to my room careful that no teacher would see us. Once I got her there I began kissing her again. I pushed her against my door pushed her legs apart with my knee. I looked her in the eyes asking for permission. She nodded before laying kisses on my neck. I let my hands go to her buttons on her shirt exposing her breasts to me. I removed her shirt and bra using her tie to cuff her hands together. As I was touching her exposed breasts there was a knock at the door so she bit her lip to stay quiet. 

"Yes!" I called out. While waiting for an answer I turned Rayne over and bent her over grinding my hard growing crotch on her soaked one after picking up her skirt. "Draco, it's me pansy." Pansy replied. I groaned both from annoyance and pleasure. "What do you want pansy?" I snapped and I held Rayne by her throat as I grinded harder into her. "I thought you'd want to have a little fun tonight. I mean you haven't gotten any in a while." she grossly attempted to flirt. I continued to touch on Rayne's beautiful body. "NO pansy. I get all I need with Rayne." I yelled. Pansy huffed and stomped away. I then picked Rayne up and laid her on my bed. She moaned at the very sight of me as I realized my shirt was open. I leaned on top her and kissed her again. 

"Can I touch you babygirl?" I asked. I don't want her to regret this. She nodded but I needed her words. "Use your words." I ordered. She shivered at that and it made me smile knowing only I could do this to her. "Yes." she moaned breathlessly. I began leaving kiss on her neck down to her breasts and I rubbed my fingers up her thigh to her soaking wet pussy. It excited me knowing that she was only this wet for me. I felt her jumped when I touched it and she moaned quietly. Oh how I wish I could fuck her and make her scream my name with her beautiful mouth. As I attached my mouth the her left nipple I moved her panties and pushed my finger inside of her. She moaned and grabbed my hair. Her hands still bound in her tie. I removed my fingers from her unwillingly as I tied her restraint to my headboard before going back down and removing her panties. She whined from the cold air now touching her delicate spot. I kissed down her thighs to her forbidden fruit. I kitten licked her clit. With a moan she jumped and attempted to push her legs closed but I pushed them back open and forced them to stay open as I dove my tongue inside her. Her body arched and pushed my tongue deeper inside of her. I could hear her painting and it made me ravish her more. I licked every inch of her as I inserted my fingers back in finding her g-spot. I curled my fingers a couple of times, before she began to cry out. "Draco, Baby, i'm about to cum." she whined as she struggled against her restraints. I used my free hand to release her restraints and pulled her hip further to me. She cry out as she tugged my hair letting her orgasm take over her. I licked up every drop of her cum before I stood up looking at the sweaty goddess right in front of me. She climbed to the edge of the bed and began to undo my belt. I should've stopped her but I couldn't when she gave me the look she did. I wanted her. She pulled down my pants and boxers enough for my hard member to be in her eye sight. She looked at me through her lashed as she took me in her mouth. I moaned at the feeling of her warm tongue on my dick. She continued to suck me off until I came. I held a clump of her hair as I came in her mouth. I removed myself from her mouth and she looked me straight in the eyes as she swallowed. God this girl with be the death of me.

After catching our breaths we began to get dressed. I took my shirt off and that's when Rayne's eyes fell on my forearm. My eyes traveled to where hers were looking and there in plain sight was my death eaters mark.  I look to her and saw the tears rise to her eyes. I went to walk towards her when she held up her hand. "Don't! A death eater!" she exclaimed. I felt guilty that she trusted me with her body and heart and I lied to her.  I just looked down and she gathered her stuff. I could see the pain in her face, I reached for her but she jumped away from me. She ran out of my room. I fell to the ground. Did I really just lose the only girl I have ever loved.

*Rayne's point of view*

Its been three months since I have seen Draco. I only told my father to tell I needed time but I still loved him. I know Draco didn't believe me but I will see him soon. Ever since I left that day I couldn't help but remember how he touched me and kissed me like he was afraid to lose me but he dominated my body like it belonged to him. 

I exited the train and I saw none other than Draco waiting for me with my favorite flowers, Tiger lilies. I walked up to him slowly and he handed me the flowers. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. I ran my finger over his forearm and I noticed him wince. I looked at him concerned before bringing his forearm into my view to see it freshly scratched up. I looked at him and put my hands on his cheeks. "Draco, What did you do to yourself?" I asked with tears in my eyes forming. He just fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around my waist, and crying. "I tried to remove this hideous mark so I wouldn't lose you. I can't lose you because of a stupid thing my father made me do." he cried out holding me tighter. I helped him to his feet and brought him to his dorm where I started tending to his wounds. I noticed in the corner of the room I remembered oh so well he had Angora. I smiled to myself. He took care of her for me. I walked over to the snake enclosure. "You kept Angora for me?" I whispered. I felt Draco's presence behind me. "She was important to you so she was important to me." He replied.

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