chapter Eight

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*Draco's point of view*

After the reception Rayne and I staid back to clean up when something felt off. My thoughts were taken when I saw a large grey mass rushing towards Rayne. I grabbed her out the way and everyone began to freak. Hermione, Ron, and Harry took off making sure everyone got out okay, then retrieved us. We all ran out and defended each other the best we could. I had to get Rayne out of here. She was one of the people the dark lord was after. Having her and Harry together is only going to put the both of them in more danger. I grabbed Rayne and began to cast a spell to open a portal when a mass knocked her and I to the ground. Rayne fell to the ground with a thud and a scream. I looked up and rushed to her to make sure she was okay and stood her up. The mass came back blasting us apart.

The mass was blasting Rayne and hurting her. I let out a yell of pain and agony which I believe Hermione and Luna heard because they rushed over and blasted the mass with their Patronus. I looked over and Rayne was out cold. The girls helped me up and we rushed to her as fast as we could. Once I grabbed her she opened her eyes and wrapped her arms around my neck weakly. Luna opened a portal and pushed us through.

Both Rayne and I fell to the ground. I winced in pain as the portal closed. I got up as quickly as I could to get to Rayne. I noticed she was out cold and her head was bleeding. She must have hit her head when she came through. I looked at my surroundings and saw that we were in the woods near Eila's. I picked Rayne up  bridal style and walked through the trees and the field to see Eila's house. It looked abandoned. I pushed open the front door to see everything torn to shreds. Eila must have been captured. Knowing my family they would never strike the same place twice. I laid Rayne on the couch before using my magic to clean the house. I tended to my beloved's wounds and waited for her to wake. It scared me not knowing if she would be okay or even live to defeat the dark lord.

Hours have passed and she has not awoken yet but I placed an enchantment to protect her as she sleeps. I went to bathroom looking myself in the mirror as the tears pricked my steel eyes when I laid my sights on the horrid mark that had been placed on me. I looked around and I found a straight razor. I picked it up and looked at it with tears in my eyes. I was about to cut the skin that bore the black ink of the mark when I heard footsteps. I looked up to see Rayne with shock on her face. She then walked up to me and took hold of the straight razor before putting it down. I fell into her arms and she went down to her knees with me. "Draco, what the hell were you thinking?" she asked. I looked her. "It's because of this damn mark that you are in danger." I cried. She sighed as I left her grasp and stood up, she stood up as well. I felt all my emotions going out of control. I then found myself putting my hands on the sides of Rayne's cheeks pulling her in, kissing her with all the love in my body, and backing her into the wall.

I pulled away from her before looking her in the eyes. "Is this alright?" I asked.

*Rayne's point of view*

I nodded my head and he slowly and gently kissed down my neck. I felt his hands run up my back and bring down the zipper of my dress. The material slipped off of my body. I unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off of him. He picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist before carrying me to my room and laying me down on my bed with ease. He climbed on top of me kissing every inch of my body making me shiver with delight. He then trailed down my body with his tongue as he took my panties down with him. he pulled me by my hips to the edge of the bed a started leaving kisses up my thighs before blowing air on the spot I needed him most. I whined needing his touch, he growled in return before diving tongue first into my private garden that awaited for his destruction. I cried out and put my hands in his hair as he ate the soul out of me. This man could do magic with more than just his wand. I felt the knot forming in my stomach and I was a moaning mess. "Draco, Baby, I'm gonna cum." I moaned. He continued to skillfully flick his tongue until I came and he lapped up my juices. He then traveled up my body to my lips, placing a chaste kiss upon them. I sat up and began to unbuckle his belt as I looked at him with desperation. 

Once his pants and boxers dropped to the ground he stepped out of them and climbed on top of me once more. He opened my legs and brought them around his hips. I felt his hard length right at my entrance and I bucked my hips awaiting his entry. He then looked me in the eyes again. "Are you sure you're ready?" he asked. I nodded my head pulling him into a kiss. He placed his right hand on my cheek and his left on my hip as he began to push inside me. I threw my head back from the pleasure. Once he was fully inside he stilled to allow me to adjust to him. I nodded my head to signal I was ready and he began to move his hips. I cried out from the intense pleasure. He threw his head back grunting and groaning. He took my wrists and placed them above my head. "Does it feel good baby girl?" he asked breathlessly. All I could do was whimper and whine. I had never felt pleasure like this before. He began to rick his hips faster and harder into me. I felt the knot forming in my stomach again as I fought against his hands so i could touch him. He didn't budge though. He thrusted into me until we both came, him shooting his hot cum inside me. But soon he became hard again. He flipped us over where I rode him and left love bites all over his neck. He moaned as he watched me bounce on top of him watching his hard length disappear inside of me. "Ugh you sure this is your first time baby?" he asked. I looked at him with a sultry look and bent down to whisper in his ear. "I guess you just bring it out of me Malfoy." I whispered before biting his ear lobe gently. He moaned and began to rock his hips up to meet mine. I felt myself cum around him again. He took me off of him bending me over in front of him and thrusting back inside hard and fast. He took hold of my hips and god this man felt good inside me. I felt his length beginning to swell and his rhythm became sloppy. He then stilled deep inside me unloading himself inside me. We both moaned before he pushed me down harder on to him making me feel every pulse of cum leaving his body. But I wanted more. 

He pulled out of me and sat on the bed. His member getting hard again at the very sight of my naked form. I straddled his lap again before sinking down on to him and riding him. We were both sensitive from the many orgasms so it was long when we unloaded on selves on to each other again. I climbed off his lap and we got under the covers to cuddle. I laid me head on his chest and felt myself drift in to darkness but not before hearing him. "Thank you for the best love I have ever had." he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.

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