Chapter Seven

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Picture of Eila up top


*Rayne's point of view*

Draco and I were awoken to the sound of screaming and stuff breaking. We ran out of our room and went to the main hall to see my mom and dad fighting. Well more like my mom beating my dad's ass. 

"She is your daughter! How the hell could you do that to her?" she screamed before blasting my dad . He fell to the floor. I went to go to him but Draco held me back. I looked at him but he shook his head no. I knew he was right but I couldn't let my father be hurt no matter what he did to me. I busted out of Draco's arms taking the blast from my mom's next attack. The impact threw me back into the stairs. My dad stood up and ran to me. "Eila stop!" my dad screamed. Before falling out I got one look at her face. She looked destroyed. Then everything went black.

*Draco's point of view*

I rushed to Rayne and took her in my arms. Snape backed off knowing what I am capable of, but Eila began to step forward. I pointed my wand at her. "Eila back off you've done enough and Draco won't let you near her." Snape spoke before raising his hand to her. I picked Rayne up and began to walk away. Before I turned the corner I turned back to them. "You call yourself parents but look what you have done to her. Your hate for each other has done nothing but destroy the only good thing in both or your sad lives. Snape, Rayne is the only family you have. You both turned your backs on her." I hissed before bringing her to the hospital wing. I will be damned if they continue to hurt her. She was born out of jealously and loneliness but I will not allow that to define her life. I need to get her our of here.

Hours have passed and Rayne has finally woken up. I never left her side. She looked in to my eyes and began to cry. I held her close and kissed her hair. Our moment was interrupted when we hard the familiar heavy footsteps of Snape. Rayne looked in his direction with a look that could turn anyone to stone. "What are you doing here?" she hissed. I felt her pain so I just held her. "Why did you help me Rayne? You got hurt because you didn't know when to stay out of it." he spoke sternly. I just looked at him. Why was he trying to be a father to her now? "Stay out of it? Dad I am the only reason you are okay. Hell, I am the reason you are alive." she yelled. He looked taken aback but he let her say what she needed to say.  The nurse then came and told Rayne she could go so I picked her up and brought her to our room. Summer break was beginning soon and I think it's time her and I just escape both our families. Ron had invited us to attend his brother's wedding so I think that would be best. Rayne agreed thinking it would be fun. Her and I decided just to use the next few hours to discuss plans and just talk about us.

 That afternoon her and I were on the train heading to the station to meet Ron, Harry, and Hermione. When we reached the station Rayne ran to Hermione throwing both girls to the ground. I laughed along with the other guys as I carried mine and Rayne's bags. Once the girls got up we all headed to the Weasley home. I know I dogged on it for years but it actually felt more homely than my actual home. Ron's mom greeted all of us with a sweet smile. The girls went upstairs to get ready. I watched as Rayne skipped upstairs and just thought to myself that I was the luckiest man alive. My thoughts were taken from me when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You really love her don't you Malfoy?" Potter asked as he shook my shoulder a bit. I just sighed and smirked. I then went to help the guys set up for the wedding.

*Rayne's point of view*

Ginny wanted to do my hair so I was sitting in my black silk robe Draco gave me as she did. "So Rayne, you're getting pretty serious with Malfoy?" Hermione asked. I just smiled as I thought about everything. "Yeah I guess. I mean he told me he loved me. Like actually told me he loved me." I replied. Both girls squealed and jumped up and down. I just laughed and shushed them knowing Molly wanted peace and quiet. When Ginny finished with my hair, my black locks when pulled up into a  curly up-do. I did my makeup as a green smoky eye paired with a black lip.  The girl got dressed as I zipped up my own and putting on my heels.

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