Chapter fifteen

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*Rayne's point of view*

The next few days were quiet so we came up with a plan. Not one I liked but it would get us on the inside. But first I needed to consult Aurora as she knows the blood line better than anyone as she created it.

(underlined is Rayne)

'You called my child'

'I need any insight you can give me on what we are walking in to'

'I can do you one better but you would have to give up something precious to you'

'Anything but Draco and my daughter. Take whatever you want. Now what is it that you can give me?'

'I can merge with you when the moon is at it's highest. You will have the power of the moon to help you'

'Deal. That is in a few days.'

'When the time comes just call my name.'

I soon came back to reality and everyone looked at me. "Aurora agreed to help but at a price and I am willing to take it if it means my family and friends are alive." I said. Draco nodded his head knowing damn well not to argue with me when it came to the protection of our daughter. "Now to discuss the plan. Draco I need you to get captured with Esmeray. They won't hurt either of you since you both are of the Malfoy bloodline. I know you don't want to leave me behind but it's the best we got right now to protect her. Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I will find you I can promise you that." I spoke. The look of worry and hurt in his eyes killed me but I needed to show him I can protect him and our daughter.

Some time later we sent a messenger owl to Bellatrix where to find Draco and the baby. We made it sound like her was ready to go back to the dark lord as long as it meant protection for Esmeray. I watched from behind a tree as Draco walked through the portal with Bellatrix. My heart broke but I knew it was for the best. I didn't tell Draco but I truthfully don't think I will survive the merge of Aurora and I.

*Draco's point of view*

Esmeray began to cry as we exited the portal at my home. I knew she could feel her mother's heart breaking but I trusted Rayne to find us. She would never break her promise to come back to her family. I walked through the door to meet my parents. They watched me closely as I held my daughter close. My mother's heart was quickly captured but my father didn't want his emotions to show. He has always been funny like that. He slowly stepped forward and laid his eyes on her. I could tell by the softening of his expression that she took his heart . My mother then helped me get upstairs to my room where I saw a crib set up. I placed her down in it and she just looked at me. I took Rayne's necklace her dad gave her from around my neck and placed it in my daughter hands. I opened the locket part to show her the picture of her mother and I at our first yule ball. I could tell it brought her a sense of comfort. It did for me as well. I hadn't realized my mother was still present until she spoke.

"You are very patient with her. I never thought I would see the day." she spoke softly. I turned to look at her but didn't say a word. I could tell it hurt her that I didn't speak to her but I have no trust for anyone in this family since they took the one woman that meant everything to me and made me believe she was dead.

"Draco I know you are angry but we thought we were protecting you. We hadn't realized what she meant to you. We want you to trust us. You know we would never hurt your child. She's a Malfoy." she spoke. I looked at her with a cold stare. "Esmeray, her name is Esmeray. You don't realize it but you are hurting her by taking her mother from her. Think if someone had taken you from me." I spat. She looked taken back and extremely hurt by my words but she knew I was right. "I am so sorry my boy. I am willing to help you whatever decision you make. This girl is clearly the one for you. Your father agrees with me whether he tells you himself or not." she said once more before leaving. I want to believe her but it is so hard to. I looked to my daughter and began to tell her a story.

"There once was a boy who was very selfish and mean to everyone around him, until one day a girl with ebony colored hair and blue eyes came in to his life changing him forever. He did everything he could to be with her. Her father and his parents didn't think it was a good idea that the two kids were together but that didn't stop the boy from telling the girl how he felt. He knew from the very start that she was the woman born to be his wife and mother of his kids. In fact the night he showed her how much he truly loved her they created a beautiful princess with blonde hair and grey eyes like her daddy. The day the princess was born was the day all the selfishness and self-loathing left the boy's body. His vowed that day he would live for the girl and that princess. Nothing could separate him from his family not even death itself. Without his girls he would surely not survive. He promised both girls forever and he meant it. No man, woman, witch, or wizard would ever harm a hair on the princess's little precious head. I love you and your mother so much." I whispered as her eyes began to flutter shut. She clutched Rayne's necklace in her little hand like her life depended on it. I decided to leave the room and placed a charm on the room so no one could reach her. 

I went downstairs to see my parent's in the living area with Bellatrix. "Ah little Malfoy decided to join us. We are so glad you left that harlot of yours behind. She would have just dragged you down from being the most powerful man you can be." she sneered. This made my blood boil. I walked up to her and got up in her face. "How dare you talk about the mother of my child like that. She is more a woman than you will ever be. At least she kept her child and didn't hand her off because it was convenient for her. She stepped up and raised the kid she laid down to make unlike you who had a child with a man that doesn't even love her." I screamed in her face. I hadn't realized tears were flowing until I felt the warm streak down my cheeks. I then began throwing things around. My parents just watched me and let me get my anger out. They knew the feeling of being away from the one they love. Bellatrix just rolled her eyes and walked away. I threw my back against the wall and let myself slip down. My mom joined me on the ground pulling me in to her arms letting me cry. I looked up at my dad with a hate filled glare. 

"Because of what you did to me I could possibly lose the only woman I have ever loved. You were a selfish coward who took away his son's choice. I hated you for so long but you will never understand the hurt I feel because it kills me everyday to hate you." I yelled before returning to my daughter.

*Rayne's point of view*

I could feel the pain Draco was feeling and my tears were just flowing. Hermione tried to comfort me but there is nothing you can say to comfort a mother without her child and a woman without her lover. I just held on to the tarot card and thought of what my daughter looked like in my dream. She was so beautiful and kind. I only hope I have the strength to meet her when she's older. If I die she will always wonder why her mother didn't try hard enough to be with her.

I always wondered why my mother and I never had the bond I have with my daughter. Now I know its because she never loved me. She loved the power that she forced upon me the day I was born. Because of her selfishness I have a target on my back. Because of her I may never see my beautiful daughter again or the love of my life. I didn't even get the chance to tell him I wanted to marry him one day and make his life brighter than what it is. I may never get that chance because my mom was a cold hearted coward. My dad is a coward as well but at least he didn't lie about loving me.

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