Chapter Eleven

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*Rayne's point of view*

It had been three days of traveling and I felt the pressure increasing in my stomach. I knew what was about to happen. Nothing can hold her off. We are so close but I can't reach any further. I fell to the ground with a scream as I felt my water break. Hermione rushed to my side and knew immediately what was happening. "Harry! Ron!" she yelled. They both came running. I had tears streaming down my face. I am so scared. I need Draco. I Realized where we were and I pulled on Harry's arm.  "Harry, we are close. You need to get me to that house please. Draco can't hurt anymore." I begged breathlessly. He nodded his head picking me up and rushing with me to the house. 

Once we reached the front yard and he put me to my feet and my tears of pain turned to tears of joy as I saw a certain white haired boy coming from the stable. When his eyes fell on me he bolted towards me end engulfed me into a kiss. I almost forgot I was in labor until she kicked again. I pulled away and clutched my stomach. Draco immediately picked me up and brought me inside to the bedroom. 

"Hermione! What's happening?" he called out. Hermione came quickly behind him and sat at my side. I let out another scream as I felt another contraction. "Baby, I'm in labor. You're going to be a dad. Now you had to save her." I cried. He looked into my eyes with shock but soon recovered himself as he removed my pants covering me with a sheet. He didn't know what he was doing but we didn't have a choice. Hermione was holding my hand and wiping my forehead. The pressure just kept getting greater over time and I began feeling the urge to push. Draco looked at me and he knew he had to be my rock. 

"Rayne, you have to push." He spoke. I began to push and cried out from the pain as Hermione held me. Draco just staid down under so he could support our daughter coming. The pain was becoming to much and I started feeling afraid again. "Draco I can't go anymore. I am so scared and tired." I sobbed. He came to me and put his hands on my cheeks and Hermione went to where he was. "Rayne, baby, you need to keep pushing. You are strong and I am right here to catch you if you fall. I am scared to but we can't give up on our baby." he spoke softly with worry in his eyes. I nodded as he kissed the top of my head and sat behind me supporting my back. I began to push again. I have to do this for her. For my daughter. A moment of pain is for a lifetime of love.

I continued until I heard her cries. I felt a smile form on my face as I fell back on Draco's chest. Hermione handed me our daughter and Draco wrapped his arms around us. "You both have a beautiful baby girl." she said with a smile before Harry and Ron joined us.  They both looked worried. 

"It's a girl." Draco spoke in shock. I mean I can understand why. Harry and Ron smiled before coming to see her. "What's her name?" Hermione asked. I looked at everyone then to my precious princess. "Her name is Esmeray Lorelai Malfoy." I spoke. I felt Draco's chest begin to shake signaling he was crying  as he kissed the top of my head and tightened his grip on his daughter and I. We laid that way for what felt like hours before Draco helped me to the bathroom to I could clean off myself and our newborn.

Draco hasn't let go of Esmeray since she officially joined the world. It has been three days now. She looks just like her father. The same white blonde hair, fair skin. The only thing she has from me is my eyes. I watched in admiration with how soft and gentle he was with her. He so strong and brave that it is sweet to see him open himself up to someone other than me. This little girl is only a mere three days old and she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. He won't let her out of his sight. He won't even let me out of his sight.

Esmeray has us all captivated by her beauty. Draco and I have also learned that she is a empath witch. She was why we were able to feel each other. She felt everything we did. It breaks my heart that she felt all of our pain before she was even born but she is the luckiest little girl ever to have Draco as a dad. Hermione, Ron, and Harry staid to help us protect her because now that she is here Voldemort will come after us with even more strength. I wouldn't trust anyone else to lay their lives down for my daughter. Esmeray might be the key to something Voldemort might try to use against us all and I will not allow him to condemn her. I may be eighteen years old and not sure about the whole mom thing but I know that I love her so much.

Our sweet moment was cut short though when Luna showed up saying there will be a war in Hogwarts very soon. Maybe sooner than we are ready for. I looked to Draco and he had a cold look in his eye. He was ready to kill to protect his family and so was I. We both pledged our allegiance to Harry. It's now or never that we end this so Esmeray and other kids can grow up without fear.  We were to begin training when I was better so none of us would be a weak link. My maternal instincts are strong and is what will be helping me fight this war. Even if Esmeray and Draco lose me in the process they would be safe.

*Draco's point of view*

Since the birth of Esmeray, Rayne and I have been on high alert. Rayne told me about how Voldemort said he had plans for our baby. That terrifies me because she is mine and only a mere few days old. I hate being so scared to lose someone but I learned with Rayne that it comes with loving someone.  Rayne and Esmeray are my absolute world. I couldn't give them up even if it could save my life.

My daughter had white blonde locks with tiny curls. Her skin was fair but her eyes carried the blue ocean of dreams like her mother. Did I ever think I would become a dad at eighteen? No. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. Without my girls I would have never changed who  I was. I would've been fighting alongside Voldemort and my father. Meeting Rayne was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I knew now that I want her for the rest of my life. I pulled a small box out of my bag that my mother had given me the first time she met Rayne. It was the Malfoy family ring. I was going to ask her to be my forever when the time was right. 

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