chapter 14

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*Rayne's point of view*

I soon fell asleep in Draco's arms and my deep slumber turned into a dream.


I was walking through a house and found myself seeing Draco on the porch looking years older. I had a wedding band on my finger. Soon my attention was taken from Draco as I heard hooves and a girl's voice. "Momma, did you see? I finally rode Renegade without falling off" a girl cheered. I turned to see a teenage girl who looked so familiar. Then it hit me, Esmeray. She was all grown up.

 She was all grown up

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"Esmeray?" I spoke. Soon everything dissipated and it was only her and I left.  She looked at me and looked worried. "Momma. You need to unlock your power or this future will be stopped from happening. All I could do was look at how beautiful she was. "Baby what power do you mean?" I asked. She opened her hand and produced the tarot card of love. I just looked at her with confusion written all over my face. "Momma your power is unlocked by love. Now please wake up and save everything before it's too late." she spoke as she disappeared. 

~Dream ended~

I felt my eyes opening to the morning light and saw Draco sleeping next to me. I then looked to see Esmeray sleeping soundly. I sat up put my hands over my eyes. What did she mean by my power is unlocked by love? I was then distracted as I felt a touch on my shoulder. 

"What's wrong my love?" Draco asked with his tired voice. I looked at him and then to our daughter. "I had a dream about Esmeray being all grown up. She looked so beautiful but she told me I had to unlock my power with love and showed me a tarot card." I replied. Draco then tilted his head as he looked at Esmeray. He reached over and pulled something from her blanket. It was a tarot card but not any tarot card, the tarot card of love. We both looked at each other. My dream was real but how? I then touched the card and a image of a woman rushed into my thoughts then a name. "Aurora?" I asked.

(Underlined is Rayne)

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(Underlined is Rayne)

'I am here but only you can hear me.'

'What's happening to me?'

'You are the next tarot witch.'

'That's what she meant when she showed me the tarot card.'

'Precisely, your child is born of my bloodline with your moon born power. Your love for her and Draco will be your greatest power but if you are not careful it will be your downfall.' 

'I understand'

Soon I was drawn back to reality when Draco was shaking me and calling my name. I looked to him and he looked so afraid. "Oh Rayne. I thought we lost you. Your eyes turned white and you weren't moving or speaking." he spoke. I had the look of shock on my face. Aurora had taken my thought to contact me. Draco just pulled me into his arms and held me as I staid in utter shock. 

"Draco, I think I know how to defeat Voldemort." I whispered. Everyone put their eyes on me with desperation for an answer. "A tarot witch." I spoke once more. They all looked confused and then it clicked with Draco. "You. That's why you could blast Bellatrix with all that energy." he spoke. I nodded my head and slowly stood up with his help. Hermione was holding my daughter keeping her calm. "We need to start moving before they find us." harry said. We all nodded and gathered our things. All of us took turns riding Renegade so we wouldn't tire out so fast.

We finally reached a safe ground to rest for a few days. The battle will be happening soon so we best prepare. While everyone rested I went to the lake and once I stepped foot in it I felt a rush of energy knowing exactly what lake it was. I began to focus my energy and felt myself begun to rise from the water. I came back down when I opened my eyes. We need to get to hogwarts soon. I can only hope Harry and I can finish this with too many lives lost.

*Eila's point of view*

Everything is working out just how I had planned. Rayne has become more powerful than I thought. my mother was right to perform the moon ritual on her. It will protect her and get me what I want. Revenge for the pain Severus put me through. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the son of a bitch's voice.

"Eila what did you do to her? Rayne is not of Aurora's blood line!" Severus yelled through the bars. I only looked at him with all the hate in the world. "I did what I had to. I didn't even want her but you did. When she was born my mother saw her potential and made her the most powerful weapon alive. So what if it cost a few tiny lives. She will be untouchable." I hissed. He just looked at me in pure shock. This has got to be the first time I have ever seen this man speechless about his little brat. Now since she had a little monster with Malfoy her powers will be amplified. As long as I keep everyone distracted she will become an unstoppable machine of death. That's what this miserable world needs.

*Draco's point of view*

I watched as Rayne played in the water with our baby but my enjoyment was soon halted when I sensed none other than Snape. I turned pointing my wand at him. "What are you doing here you bastard?" I asked. This alarmed Rayne as she held Esmeray close to her breasts with her wand pointed at Snape as well. Snape laid his wand on the ground and held his hands high. 

"I came to tell you that Eila isn't on your side." he replied. I saw the hurt in Rayne's eyes but she did not falter. "How would you know dad?" Rayne asked as her voice cracked from her holding back tears. Snape looked at her with love and hurt in his own gaze. "Rayne, she told me your grandmother performed a ritual on you to make you a weapon. She used your existence as a way to get back at the very world that robbed her of happiness. I'm sorry my darling." he spoke softly as if she would break with ever word he said and that's exactly what she did. She fell to her knees crying her eyes out. I rushed to her and held her. Snape took one last look at her before disappearing. I don't know what his reasoning for telling her this but it gives us an advantage. I slowly noticed Rayne beginning to glow. I took Esmeray from her and put some distance between us. Rayne then let out a scream sending a wave of energy every direction. I shielded Esmeray with my body as the blast hit me. 

After the assault I looked back to see Rayne with her hands over her face crying. I knew she needed her space right now so i took our daughter back to the campsite where everyone was rushing back to see what happened. I told them and they all gave me a look of heartbreak. Hermione went in the direction of Rayne as the boys tried their best to get me to talk. All I could think is the conflict of power and emotion going on inside Rayne right now. I hope she is strong enough to surpass this. I can't lose her. Esmeray can't lose her mom.

I bowed my head and prayed to a god that I wasn't even sure existed. "God please don't let this power destroy the only woman to make me feel a god damn thing in this horrid life I was given. She gave me things I never thought I would have. She gave me a love that can only happen once in a life time." I begged. The guys just looked at me but said nothing knowing there was nothing that could be said that would cease my worries for her.

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