Chapter Eighteen

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*Draco's point of view*

I can't believe she left. I know she didn't mean any harm but what am I gonna do without her? What is Esmeray going to do without her mom? I then felt the anger run through me and I threw the liquor bottle at the tree making it smash everywhere. Ron came to me and caught my hands before I did anything stupid but I couldn't control my anger. I lashed out and the next thing I knew I had Ron pinned up against a tree fuming. Hermione was screaming at me with my crying daughter. 

"Draco stop it! You are going too far. You're scaring your daughter." she yelled. I felt like reality hit me with sobriety as I looked to her letting Ron go. I rushed to her and took my child. I began to cry at the thought of hurting her. Esmeray put her little hands on my cheeks. I pulled her in closer and just held her like my life depended on it. Everything was beginning to feel ok until I saw a messenger owl flying my way. I grabbed the note from its leg and read it.

'My Sweet Boy,

I am sorry to tell you that the dark lord has captured Rayne and Harry. They will be attacking the school tonight. Snape is in charge so he will get you in but You will need to put Esmeray somewhere safe if you plan to fight, because the dark lord will do anything in his power to get to her. Rayne is alive and so is Harry but no one else knows besides you and I. Please don't fight with your anger. Fight smart not hard.


I crumbled the paper in my hand and went to the others. They looked at me confused. I showed them the note and the were up faster than I could say butter beer. Hermione opened a portal to the great hall and we all went through. As the portal closed I saw Luna. I grabbed her and pulled her to the side covering her mouth so she wouldn't scream. When I was sure we were out of sight I turned her around. When she saw it was me she relaxed. "Draco what are you doing here?" she asked. She then looked into my arms and noticed her. "Luna some bad stuff is about to go down and I need you to take her. Please promise me you will protect her." I begged. She nodded her head and took my child. She then ran somewhere to hide. It's better I don't know so Voldemort can't search my memories. Just then Professor Minerva began to attack Snape. Fuck. He was our way in without being caught. 

*Snape's point of view*

As Minerva was releasing her attacks I noticed a certain white haired boy in the great hall. I knew I needed to get to him. I turned myself into a black mist and shot myself through the glass. I found him running to the astronomy tower. Once I reached the tower he looked angry to see me.

"He has her." he said. I felt my blood boil. He promised if I came back that he wouldn't take her. Draco then punched the wall in anger. I knew he was more angry than I was. Our moment was ruined though when we heard attacks from the outside. We looked and saw The forcefield had been lifted and we were under attack from the dark lord's army. We looked at each other. Before the forcefield was closed I flew myself out.

*Draco's point of view*

Snape is making a death wish for himself but if it gives me back my beloved Rayne than so be it. I went to the balcony and blasted a protection spell to try to strengthen the forcefield. I felt my strengthen dwindling when I noticed several other people using the same protection spell. I continued to fight as this was not only about my family anymore it was about the school and everyone in it .

*Rayne's point of view*

I laid quiet with Harry in the boat house as my father walked in. I remained still but listened closely. 

"Voldemort!" he screamed. He sounded broken inside. It broke my heart but I can't turn my back on what he has done. Just then I heard the familiar laugh of Voldemort and my mother. Confusion muddied my brain as I saw her walk in. 

"Severus what are you doing here?" she asked smugly. I just watched in horror as the mother I once loved with all my heart standing with the man that is trying to kill my daughter and I. My dad got in her face. "Where is she?" he yelled. She just pointed towards me with a smile. "Your precious Rayne is gone Severus." she sneered. I felt my heart shatter when he came to me and fell to his knees. "No! Not my baby!" he cried. He hugged me closer and I could feel his tears raining on to my skin. He then let me go. My spell still keeping me in a dead like stillness. I tried to fight it but I couldn't. I managed to slip a tear from my eye and he saw. It he knew I wasn't dead but he wasn't letting them know that. He then went back to my mom.

"How could you kill your own daughter?" he asked with pure disgust in his voice. She just laughed. "I never wanted her, but I took her existence as an opportunity to make her a weapon that I could control but when she slipped into the clutches of the Malfoy boy I lost her and you can't control something that has a will." she replied. Just as he was going to reply Voldemort's snake , Nagini, slithered in.  Voldemort crouched down and extended his hand to her. She slithered up. I noticed my snake trailing behind her. By now my spell had wore off. I reached quietly and traced my finger on angora's side. She slithered towards my arm and rubbed her nose on me. Harry was coming to as well. I raised a finger to my lips to shush him. he curtly nodded before remaining still.

"Severus you have betrayed us more than once and I can't have that. So unfortunately I am going to have to let you go and clean up loose ends." he spoke. Then before dad could react Nagini began attacking him. I was about to scream out when Harry covered my mouth and my dad raised his hand. I knew he was doing it to tell me to stay. I had to watch in horror as Nagini bit and shredded my father's chest.  Once Nagini was done with her assault the three devils left. The last thing I heard was my father's fatal whisper.

"Rayne I love you. I am glad to be your dad." he whispered before closing his eyes for good.  

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