Chapter One

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*Severus's point of view*

As things began to get more heated around here, my daughter's mother, Eila, sent me a howler saying she needed me to take Rayne. I haven't seen her since she was 12 years old when she had her accident in the dark forest. I am a cold man but when it comes to my daughter, I just want to protect her.

                        'MY DEARST RAYNE,



                                                                  YOUR FATHER'

 My little girl and I have been very blunt with each other not really affectionate. I sent the letter with an owl and retired for the night. I only hope she responds.

*Rayne's point of view*

Three months after receiving that letter from my father, I sit quietly on the train with my snake, Angora, laying in my lap

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Three months after receiving that letter from my father, I sit quietly on the train with my snake, Angora, laying in my lap. Angora looked up at me with a sparkle in her eye. "Rayne, I am scared" Angora hissed. "I know me to." I replied. The other riders looked ta me funny for talking to Angora because they didn't understand her like I did. I usually sat alone as no one understood me. Often people feared me because my father wasn't exactly the most pleasurable man to meet. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a group of girls laughing. I looked up and saw them looking at me. "Who is this loser and why is she in high priority seating?" a dark haired girl asked. Angora didn't like this and hissed at her. She jumped back from Angora. I wrapped Angora around my arm. "Angora, back down. She is no threat." I spoke softly. She did as told but kept her serpent eyes on the girl. "Pansy leave her alone" another girl spoke. "What ever you say Hermione." Pansy spoke as she left. Hermione sat in the seat with me and studied Angora. "She won't hurt you. Angora is harmless. My father gave her to me." I said. Hermione smiled and held her hand out to me. "Hermione Granger and you are?" she replied. I looked at her hesitantly but I decided to answer. "Rayne Snape." I whispered. She looked at me shocked for a moment. "I didn't know Severus had a daughter." Hermione said. I nodded and sunk into my seat. But when I saw the kind smile on Hermione's face I brightened up a bit.

                          Hermione and I talked and joked until we reached the train station. As we made our ways off the train Pansy tripped me and I fell to the ground. Hermione caught Angora before she fell. I was starting to get myself up when I felt someone help me to my feet. I looked up and saw a handsome man. "Pansy, back to the common room. We will talk when I get there." the boy spoke. Pansy stomped her foot and huffed before doing as she was told. "Thank you Malfoy" Hermione spoke. Shock flashed over my face. "Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?" I asked. He looked into my blue eyes with his steel grey eyes and nodded. He then flashed me a smile before taking a cloth and wiping my lip. "You're bleeding Ebony." he spoke. I looked at him confused. "Ebony?" I asked. He laughed a bit and played with a strand of my hair. "Oh, my hair." I said shyly.  I was about to say thank you when I heard my father's voice. "Malfoy, what is the meaning of this?" my dad spoke as he walked up and examined my face. Hermione looked at me and I nodded for her to go on with Angora. "Professor she had fallen and I was only trying to help." Draco replied. I stepped in because I knew my father could be harsh when it came to me. "Dad I am alright. I tripped and Draco was just helping me." I spoke. Draco tensed for a second under my father's stare.  My dad just turned around after grabbing my wrist. "Wait, Ebony, what's your name?" Draco called after me. I turned back to him. "Rayne" I replied before following after my father. 


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Well a week later I was of course I was sorted into Slytherin by the sorting hat, but surprisingly my father wasn't happy about it. After the sorting ceremony while the other students were eating I stepped outside for air. My uniform doing nothing to keep me warm.

                                                                      (Slytherin school uniform)

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                                                                      (Slytherin school uniform)

The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps. "hey Ebony, what are you doing out here?" Draco's voice rang through my ears. Something about this boy makes me blush. "My name is Rayne, Malfoy" I replied.  Draco smiled and blushed himself. He is nothing like what I heard. Other students have told me he could be cruel but I don't believe it. "You are nothing like your dad you know." he said. I looked at him and grabbed my locket. I took it off and opened to reveal the picture on my mom.

                                                              (Lelah and a younger Rayne)

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                                                              (Lelah and a younger Rayne)

                   "This is my mom and me when I was six." I said as I showed Draco the photo.  "Why did she send you to be with your dad?" he asked. "My mom loved me but she knew when she couldn't protect me. She hated my father for using her to get over Lily potter but she never kept me from him. She knew he could protect me when the time came. People judged my mom because she was a Diggory involved with a Snape." I spoke. "Diggory? As in Cedric Diggory?" He asked. I nodded. "Cedric is my cousin, but he doesn't claim me since I am a slytherin and a Snape." I replied. Before Draco could reply we were cut off. "Rayne, it's time to retire to your room." My father's voice rung through the air. I looked at Draco before going with my father.  On the way to my room my father decided to bombard me with questions. "Rayne, exactly what were you intending to do with Mr. Malfoy?" he asked. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. "I didn't think it was a crime to talk to a person and make a friend." I replied. "Rayne, he is not good for you. He is involved with some bad people. What would your mother say?" He snapped. I looked at him once more. "She would say to trust my heart like she did when she trusted you." I replied and the I went into my room. I want to know him.

~Draco's point of view~

                         Rayne's words stayed with me as I travelled back to my room. when I opened the door Pansy was sitting on my bed in only my shirt. Pansy disgusted me but she was the only girl will to get close to me, until Rayne. Something about her just makes me want her. She seems so pure and so good. I don't see how she is the daughter of a lying and conniving cad like Snape. I want to know her.

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