Chapter Seventeen

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*Rayne's point of view*

I awoke to a bright light. I opened my eyes and saw Aurora standing before me. Her grey eyes sparkling in similarity to the beauty of her golden locks. Her clothing where of renaissance era. Her white long sleeved dress with a back corset. Her skin was as fair as the moon. She looked like an angel from the heavens. 

"What happened? Am I dead?" I asked. She shook her head no but reached her hand out to me. I took it and felt a wave of energy. "You are not dead child. You are merely between realms just like me. " she replied her voice carrying a thick Scottish accent. She then guided me out of the waters and to a camp sight where I saw children playing with a man playing the guitar. Though when I tried to get closer a barrier stopped me. "What is this?" I asked. I looked to Aurora and she had a tear rolling down her cheek. "This is my curse. I have to watch my family the very way I last saw them together. I have to watch as my husband laughs happily not knowing that this would be his last day. I didn't use my power to protect others like I thought I had. I was so angry at the world for making me different I lost control. When it came time to protect my family I lost it and it took my husband's life. My kids never truly forgave me. The town gave me the last name Malfoy meaning bad faith after the incident. My children bore the burden of the name as well. My daughter died when she was only fifteen from a health condition and my son left me when he became of age. The Malfoy name he kept as a reminder of who his mother was to him. A monster." she spoke softly. I just looked at her and began to think. "Is that what I am? A monster?" I questioned keeping my composure. She looked at me with a smile and shook her head no before placing a hand on my cheek. 

"No child. You are not a monster. If anything you are their salvation. This power you carry. You could destroy everything around but you chose to protect it because you love the world around you. You almost gave up your life to protect Harry." she spoke. I nodded my head feeling a bit better knowing Harry was alright. Then I felt guilt wash over me. "I need to get home to my family. I promised I wouldn't leave them." I begged. She sighed and placed a finger on the middle of my forehead. That's when I could see them. Hermione was caring for my daughter while Draco was drinking himself away in his tears. This broke me inside but it only makes me want to fight harder for them. Aurora removed her hand and looked me in the eyes. 

"I told you once you would have to trade something precious to merge with me. What will be your price to pay?" she asked. I looked at her deep in her gaze with fire raging in mine. "I want to trade the precious thing that condemned me." I replied. She smiled and nodded before a flick of her hand. After that everything went black.

I was soon awoken to the sound of a voice. I opened my eyes to see Harry. I stood up from the waters and felt the aura running through my body. "Rayne you hair and eyes are different." Harry spoke. I looked at my hair to see the tips have turned white. Aurora. I stalked past him grabbing hold of his shirt. He stumbled behind me but soon caught up. "Harry I've got a plan. Are you willing to trust me?" I asked, He nodded his head. I smiled and began my idea. " the only way into that battle without Voldemort suspecting a thing would be for us to be dead. We will go to them and let them 'kill' us. They will bring us to show everyone they won. Now are you in?" I spoke. Harry smirked and shook my hand. Now how were we going to lore them?

*Bellatrix's point of view*

Voldemort and I sat planning with most of our loyal minions when we heard the annoying voice of Harry potter. "Hey! You want us? Here we are!" he yelled. I rushed out the doors and saw him with that bitch Rayne. I smiled knowing I had them where I wanted them. I began my assault and Voldemort joined me. Rayne's little powers weren't working now. I took one blast at her and she flipped to the ground violently. She was so weak she wasn't fighting back. I just laughed as Harry struggled to defend himself as well. 

"Bellatrix your killing her!" Harry yelled in pain. I just smiled more wildly. I will finally get revenge and get my Delphinie back. I continued the strikes as I thought of my baby being in some strange world without me. But I can't have her back until these two are dead. I was soon halted by Voldemort who took the strike at Potter. They were both down and not moving. They didn't even look like they were breathing. Narcissa stepped forward and went to the kids. She sat at their sides and put her hands on their chests. Her head fell when she looked at Rayne. I knew this would hurt Draco but my Delphinie comes first. I motioned forward two goons to pick up the bodies. I then looked to Voldemort.

"What do you want to do with them?" I asked in disgust. Voldemort just smiled and he brushed a stray hair from Rayne's face. "We are going to bring them and show all of the people who oppose us what happens when you defy us. Snape will especially love having his daughter back." he spoke evilly. I am a bad person myself but not even I would give the dead body of a child to their parents their faces in. I nodded and staid back as the goons began the march to the portal leading to the school. What have we done?

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