Chapter Twelve

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*Rayne's point of view*

Hermione and I sparred for awhile while Draco tended to now three month old. All was going well until I heard Esmeray scream and then I was struck by a blast. So was Hermione. We went down with a yell. The guys came running and began attacking the people who hit us. It was Bellatrix and my dad. I felt all the anger arise in me and I began to fight back. 

"Rayne, get to Esmeray and Draco. They are in the house." Harry shouted. I listened and took off running to the house. I could hear my father close on my heels. I slammed the door shut and quickly ran up to mine and Draco's bedroom where he stood holding our baby ready to attack. I dodged his attack and he quickly realized it was me. We both looked at each other as we heard the door blast open downstairs. I kissed him and kissed our daughter. "Draco please take care of her." I whispered. He just shook his head and handed our baby to me. He looked into her eyes before speaking. "Rayne, you are the only person that can tell Esmeray what her dad was really like. Don't let her grow up thinking I didn't love her." he spoke. I nodded my head with tears in my eyes. I knew I couldn't fight him on this. I let him go and charmed the door shut. I sat on my bed and cried as I held my baby close.

*Draco's point of view*

She sacrificed herself for me so now it is time for me to sacrifice myself for her. I rather my daughter grow up knowing her dad did something right for her. I traveled down the stairs to come face to face with Snape. My blood boiled seeing him.

"How dare you show your fucking face here?" I shouted as I blasted him with a fireball. He just looked at me with what looked like sorrow. "Draco I am sorry. I had to continue my allegiance to the dark lord or he would have killed Rayne." he spoke. I just shoved him against the wall. "Snape he used you to get to Rayne and your fucking granddaughter." I screamed. He looked shocked and then looked past me. I looked behind me and saw Rayne with Esmeray in her arms wrapped in her black blanket. 

"Dad this is Esmeray. Your grandchild. This is who you are putting in danger by being here. Forget about me. Think about her." Rayne spoke through her tears. I went to her and took her in my arms just looking into her eyes as I wiped the tears from her eyes. Snape just watched us closely. "You were pregnant? How old is she?" Snape asked. I looked to him then to Rayne. She nodded her head. " She was pregnant when Voldemort captured her. Esmeray is three months old." I replied. He looked at us confused and that's when it struck me. "You didn't know that he had Rayne for eight months did you?" I asked. He looked like he began to get angry. "No I was not aware that he had her. I was certainly not aware she was pregnant or I would've gotten her out." he replied. 

We were about to continue when Snape cloaked Rayne and I. That's when my aunt Bellatrix walked. I covered Rayne's mouth and we watched everything. "Snape where are they?" she laughed. I cringed and so did Rayne. Snape just looked at her with a cool stare. "They escaped. The child has passed. Voldemort can leave them out of it." he spoke. He was protecting us. He really does care about his kid and his granddaughter. Rayne and I slowly make our way up the stairs as Snape continues to distract Bellatrix. Once they were far enough away we climbed out the window and on to the roof.

I saw Hermione running towards the house and used a spell to cloak her sound. She reached up and Rayne handed the baby to her. I helped Rayne down and I was about to follow when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg. I looked back to see Bellatrix holding a dagger in my leg. I let out a scream of pain. Soon after Snape pulled Bellatrix to the ground. I took the dagger from my leg and threw myself off the roof. Harry and Ron cushioned my fall then continued to help me get my way to the girls who were at the tree line. I only saw Hermione and the baby though. I began to panic when I heard galloping hooves behind us. I looked at it was Rayne. A smile reached my lips as I reached a hand to her. She grabbed it and pulled me up. 

"Hermione take the guys and the baby. Draco and I will distract Bellatrix." Rayne demanded then we were off to the clearing. We both drew our wands and began our assault. Rayne was showing just how hard she was willing to fight for our child. I admire that about her. I fought beside her just as hard. We both came from broken families and would do anything to keep ours from even cracking. When we got a moment I kissed Rayne's sweet lips and began to attack again.

Next thing I know I was struck with the cruciatus curse. I fell to the ground screaming in utter pain. Rayne dismounted and I have never seen her with so much anger in her eyes.  She came between Bellatrix and I. She fell to her knees with pain but I could tell she was pushing through. She stood up and began to walk towards Bellatrix.  I just watched in awe as she fought through the pain. Bellatrix soon stopped struck with awe herself

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