Chapter Two

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~Rayne's point of view~

 I've been here for a year now and it was time for the annual school Yule ball and I felt very depressed because no one would ask me because of my father.  I sat in the courtyard studying my potions book even though I knew them well. My attention was taken from the words as I noticed a certain white haired boy coming my way. Draco and I have decided to be friends against my father's wishes. He sat down next to me and I smiled. "What can I do for you Malfoy?" I asked. He looked at me offended, but I knew he was playing. "Well I thought we were on a first name basis Ebony." he laughed. I laughed in reply as well. "I came here to ask if you had a date for the yule ball." Draco spoke. I looked at him with a sad look and shook my head no. "Well, would you like to attend the yule ball with me?" He asked. I jumped up excited and hugged him. "Oh my god yes!" I exclaimed. Draco smiled and picked me up spinning me in a circle.

A few hours later Hermione and I went looking for Yule ball dresses in town. She found a beautiful purple gown with matching shoes. I was starting to feel like it was no use when Hermione found the perfect gown for me. "Hey Rayne, check this one out." she called out.

It was perfect so I purchased it and we left to go get ready for the ball

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It was perfect so I purchased it and we left to go get ready for the ball. I eventually told my dad I was going to the ball with Draco. He refused to accept it at first but soon realized he wasn't going to win so he just gave in. He proceeded to give me a poor rendition of the sex talk which I shut down real quick. I mean I have feelings for Draco but I won't give myself to someone unless I know they love me to. Draco and I have gotten really close in the first year I have been here. He makes me feel things I have never felt before.

Its been three hours since Hermione and I started getting ready and I was finally finished. My makeup was neutral but dramatic, my hair was left natural, and my shoes had snakes up the back heels.

 My makeup was neutral but dramatic, my hair was left natural, and my shoes had snakes up the back heels

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                                                                         (Rayne's makeup)

                                                                         (Rayne's makeup)

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