Chapter Nineteen

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*Rayne's point of view*

The next few hours felt like an eternity. Soon two goons came and picked Harry and I up. The spell wore off long ago but no one noticed a thing. They carried us past my father's cold corpse and I knew then that I had no body left but my daughter and her father. The light of outside felt nice on my skin but the light was dull enough for the moon energy to power Aurora. I opened my eyes a crack and saw the stones of the bridge leading to the school. I knew we would be there soon.

*Draco's point of view*

I stood tall with the students of Hogwarts with my daughter in tow. I held a brave face until I saw Rayne being carried by one of the goons. I handed the baby to Hermione and went to run to her but Luna and Neville stopped me. I felt the air leave my lungs and my knees go weak. Voldemort just smiled and walked up further.

"Look and witness what happens when you oppose my authority. These two children died for a dream they knew wasn't reality. These children and Severus Snape paid the price for your ignorance. Don't be stupid and do the same." he called out. I just let out a yell which broke my parents hearts. As Luna held me I noticed Harry's hand flinch. My mom looked at me and then turned her gaze to Rayne. Rayne was moving her fingers. They were alive. That's when I put two and two together. They were faking. I kept up my cries as an act to protect the two before I saw Bellatrix usher me forward. Hermione looked skeptical. I walked forward to voldemort. I sent my mother to get my daughter. Hermione handed her over reluctantly after my mother whispered something in her ear. I then turned my attention back to Rayne. I noticed her eyes open. Voldemort went in for a hug and told me how smart I was for returning to his side. 

"Your child will be a great asset to the movement I am trying to enact." he whispered. That's when I took Hold of his cloak and swung him to the ground. "Now!" I yelled. Harry kicked himself away from the person holding  him and fell the ground to my side. Rayne tried to fight but the guy was too strong. I looked to my parents desperately. My dad then let out a mighty yell and tackled the man to the ground sending Rayne flying to the stones. Harry and I went to her. She was fortunately ok. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I kissed her. She just put her hands on my cheeks and looked at me.

"Baby I know you are happy to see me but we are in the middle of something right now. Get down!" she spoke before pulling harry and I down a bit as fireballs flew over our heads. I looked to my parents. "Go now!" I yelled to them. They nodded and took off down the bridge with our daughter. I soon turned my attention back to the scene as Voldemort yelled and his minions began attacking. We all began to fight. Rayne and I staid close to protect one another. But that didn't last long before someone blasted us apart. I hit the wall then Harry and Ron caught Rayne. They all stood up pointing their wands. 

That's when something clicked in my head, the moon. I pointed my wand at the sky and chanted a spell to power the moon. More people began to help and I noticed as we did that Rayne got stronger. I needed to get her at the center so we can surround her.  I fought my way through the crowd and gathered Neville. We got to Rayne and got her to the center of the courtyard. That's when a blue light formed around her.

*Rayne's point of view*

When the light formed around me I felt Aurora's energy run through me. I began to float. Voldemort's people continued trying to assault me but my family at hogwarts wouldn't let them have the chance.

'Aurora I need you now.'

'I am here. Now lets fuck up some shit'

'Looks like youre catching up with the times'

'Not for long.'

After that I opened my eyes and I saw everything and it's energy. I began to pull energy from the earth. It was fueling the rage inside me as well as Aurora. I looked at the group with my deathly stare and began to attack. shooting the energy from my body. I caught enough attention for Harry to attack Voldemort. I decapacitated the rest of the minions and began to syphon my energy and give to Harry to strengthen his attack. I felt my body fading quickly using my life force again. I continued but was losing strength until I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked to my sides and saw Aurora's children and my dad. I looked to my dad with tears in my eyes.

"Dad I am too weak. I can't keep doing it." I cried. He just put his ghostly hand on my cheek. "Rayne Athena Snape, you are the strongest woman I know. You grew up with a target on your back and on top of that brought a beautiful daughter into this. World are stronger than me and you are certainly stronger than your mother. Now baby I need to you to push through for your family." he pleaded. I nodded my head and turned back to Harry pushing more energy towards him. I let out a scream and my energy mixed with Harry's magic broke the elder wand to pieces. In that time Neville also decapitated Nagini making it easier to kill Voldemort. 

Once the wand had been destroyed. I felt Aurora leave me but not before whispering a thank you. I looked to my side to see her disappearing with her kids, then I turned to my left and saw my dad smiling before disappearing. I walked next to Harry and we watched together as he began to fall apart.

"This isn't the end. I will be avenged." he coughed out.  I just crouched down to his level. "It is the end for you. If Harry and I could destroy you then bring whatever you got coming." I sneered. He finished disappearing when the wind blew like sand. I just smiled to myself as I felt the relief wash over me. Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Draco down on one knee holding the most beautiful ring.

 I turned to see Draco down on one knee holding the most beautiful ring

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