Chapter Thirteen

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*Draco's point of view*

 I watched as my beloved Rayne began to glow. It almost terrified me and then I really began to be afraid when she began to float a bit. Bellatrix began to go white as a ghost. Just then Rayne let out a ear piercing scream and all the energy surrounding her blasted forward at Bellatrix flinging her about half the field length away from us. She then began to fall. I rushed the horse over to grab her. I caught successfully and made the horse gallop into the woods following the others. When I caught up Hermione was in Ron's arms with my daughter in tow. Rayne finally came to and got off the horse with the help of the guys. She went straight to our baby and checked her over. Esmeray was all smiles and giggles when she saw us. I am so happy she doesn't know what is happening.

I watched as Rayne held our daughter with happy tears in her eyes. We needed this moment of happiness. Now that we are safe I will find the time to talk to Rayne about what happened.

*Bellatrix's point of view*

I have never seen anything like what Rayne did and this is the first time I can say I am genuinely afraid of the little snake.  Snape has already returned to his allegiance but I don't believe it for one second. Something seemed very off about Rayne. It has to be something from her mom. I made my way to the basement prison where Eila remained. Eila was too calm during all of this and something doesn't feel right. As I turned the corner I heard Eila's calm laugh.

"Oh Bella I know you're there. You had a run in with Rayne didn't you?" she asked. I looked at her shocked and nervous. "How did you know?" I asked. She just laughed evilly.  "I know what I created her for. Severus doesn't nor does Rayne. You dont think it was mere coincidence that she is the perfect replica in power of none other than the first Malfoy herself, Aurora. Rayne is the blurred line between good and evil." she spoke crazily as if she lost her mind. I quickly ran up to Lucius and Narcissa's day room. They both looked utterly shocked to see the condition I was in. 

"Bella what's the matter?" Narcissa asked. I just walked up to her barely able to form a sentence. "Sissy, we are in big trouble. Eila says that Rayne isn't just any witch. She was created in equal power to Aurora Malfoy. We could die." I spoke quickly. Narcissa's face went white and she looked to Lucius. He already had a book open to the lore of Aurora.

                                                                        (Painting of Aurora)

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                                                                        (Painting of Aurora)

Just like the rest of the Malfoy's Aurora had white golden locks and fair skin. Lucius then began to read the story. "Aurora Malfoy, the first of her name, was born in the night of the winter solstice. She died at birth and her mother placed her in the waters of Tarot lake. The goddess of the moon took pity on her and granted her life turning her black locks to a golden white and her blue eyes to a slate grey. Her mother praised the goddess for many years until her passing when Aurora was the age of sixteen. She then mastered the art of Tarot magic making her the witch of Tarot lake. She taught many others her magic style before settling down and fulfilling her line full of heirs to her moon born throne. She stopped practicing after the death of her only love" he read. Now my heart is small but I can still feel the hurt she must have felt. Narcissa just sat in shock. One wrong move and we could set her off and she could possibly kill Draco.

*Rayne's point of view*

I sat quietly watching my daughter as Draco slept. He has been so attentive he needed the rest. He is a wonderful father. I held my daughter and began to sing to her.

I decided to turn her lullaby into the story of her father. She watched me closely with her grey eyes as I sang. I smiled as I sang the story of the man I love. He deserved so much better in his life and I plan to give him just that. Seeing Esmeray's smile warmed my heart. She was in every aspect her father.  I noticed Draco stir as I continued singing to her and he just watched me in awe. I rocked our daughter ever so softly so she could begin to rest. I still sang as her beautiful eyes began to close. I want her to know the story of her parents. Her parents have made mistakes but we always came back to each other. Hopefully one day Esmeray can take this lullaby and sing it to her kids. I also hope that Draco and I will get to see her grow up. I promised her with a mother's love that I would never leave her but I don't know if we can win this one and it frightens me to the core. As I finished singing I looked towards Draco with a tear slipping down my cheek. He came to my side and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know you're afraid Rayne. I am to, but I can promise you that we will get to watch her grow and live just as we did. She will find love and be a beautiful loving girl just like her mom."  he spoke softly. I looked up into his eyes and could tell he meant it but it did not ease my fears. If Voldemort gets his hands on her my heart will shatter. Esmeray is the best thing to ever happen to me and I will die if something happens to her.


sorry for the short chapter. I just felt it was alot for one chapter but the rest will be coming soon.

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