Chapter Nine

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*Rayne's point of view*

I woke up in the arms of my beloved. His naked form being illuminated by the moonlight. I smiled as I got up from bed and wrapped my body up in the sheet. I walked over to the window and looked over the fields I once called home. My world was falling apart but when I am with Draco it feels like my life couldn't be any better. My thoughts were disturbed when I felt Draco wrap his arms around me. 

"What are you doing up so late, Baby?" he asked before planting a kiss on top of my head. I smiled to myself and leaned against his chest. "I couldn't sleep any longer. We honestly should keep moving before they find us." I spoke. I felt his shoulders shrug and he let me go beginning to get his boxers on. I put on my underwear as well and collected some clothes from my parents' room. Draco and I had gotten dressed and packed some things to take with us. I took the money from my family safe. I joined Draco downstairs and went took off out the door. As we began to walk through the yard I heard a sound in the barn. I ran towards the barn and realized the sounds were coming from my horses. I was so happy to see them. My happiness was soon interrupted though as I heard Draco call to me.

"Rayne we got company!" he called out running in the barn. I took the horses from their stalls and mounted Renegade. Babylon bowed for Draco to mount, then we took off. I looked in the sky seeing masses of black smoke. They found us. We continued through the woods as they were blasting spells at us. I tried cloaking Draco and I but I knew it wouldn't hold for long because this magic was draining.

It wasn't long before there was a blast that took out Babylon. I screamed causing my enchantment to falter. I stopped Renegade and ran to Draco who was trying to ease the pain of my dying horse. I felt the tears spilling as I pet the animal before me. Draco looked at me and I knew what I had to do so they wouldn't hurt him. I put my hand to his cheek and kissed him before looking into his perfect grey eyes.

"I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me one day." I spoke as he looked at me with confusion as I used my wand to put a spell on Draco where he couldn't stop me. I then put Renegade by him before running towards the tree line. I began to put up a fight to fend them off of Draco. I couldn't bare them hurting him. Bellatrix blasted my wand from my hand and I knew I was finished. I looked back at Draco one last time with a smile on my face before Bellatrix blasted my to the ground. Everything went black.

*Draco's point of view*

I screamed out Rayne's name as I watched her fall. She sacrificed herself for me. I then saw Bellatrix take her body and disappear. After they were gone I felt Rayne's spell wear off and I let out another yell. 

I buried Babylon and mounted Renegade returning to Rayne's home. I couldn't go back home after what happened. Rayne was my home and without her I am all alone in this ugly world. I put the horse back in his stall before going to the room where Rayne and I made love only hours before. I never realized it would be the last time. I laid in the bed a just cried. My world is absolutely shattered.

It has been two months that I have searched everywhere for Rayne. I need to except that she is probably dead and will never come back. But I feel her out there. It might just be because I didn't want to accept that she is gone. It might be she is close but I can't keep living without her. My mother has tried to reach out to me but I refused to read or answer any of her letters. The people who she care have destroyed the only happiness I had left in this world. I couldn't explain all the times I have wanted to just kill myself but I promised Rayne I would live for her. I have to until my last dying breath. I will continue to fight for her love, her smile, her eyes, her life. I gave this girl a year and four months of my love and I wish I could've given her my forever.

I walked outside to Babylon's grave and just talked to it like the horse was there to listen. I never thought I would be talking to a dead animal about hope but there is no one else that I trust with my words. Potter, weasley, and Granger send me updates every now and then as they continue to look for Rayne as well. None of us have given up on her. I don't want to accept that she may be dead.

I cried myself to sleep every night because I know every dream or may I say nightmare I have is of Rayne being scared and alone. Every dream she is holding her stomach begging and crying for me to find her. I wish I knew where to find her or if she is even alive.

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