Chapter Sixteen

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*Draco's point of view*

My mom has agreed to help me protect Esmeray from the dark lord and so has my dad but there is only so much they can do when Voldemort has an army behind him who is ready to kill my child if he asks for it. I only hope Rayne gets to us soon.  I sat at the table with my family as we ate dinner but the peace was soon disturbed by the sound of Voldemort's voice. It scared Esmeray as she began to cry. I pulled her close as the doors to the dining room burst open and in strode Voldemort flinging Hermione and Ron to the ground. Shock covered my face as I began to worry about Rayne. Soon I noticed Esmeray looking up and smiling. I followed her look and saw Rayne floating above us. She placed her finger over her lips. I turned my head back to Hermione and Ron. Voldemort then laid eyes on my daughter and I felt every fiber of my being go alert to protect her. 

"Well well. what do we have here?" he said as he stepped closer. I just turned to where he couldn't touch a hair on her head. "Don't even think about it." I threatened. He just laughed and folded his hands together. "Fatherhood has changed you young Malfoy." he spoke quietly. I watched passed him subtly as I watched Rayne float down from behind him. I watched as his smile grew. I knew we were caught. "Oh dear Rayne. Your father clearly hasn't taught you much about sneaking around." He said as he turned to look at her. She just smiled herself and shook her head. She then raised her hand and moved me off to the side out of the way. I knew whatever was about to happen was going to be bad so I used my wand to put to open a portal. I ushered over to Hermione and Ron pushing them out. My family staid according to our plan.


I made my mom promise me that if anything were to happen to protect the family she must continue to act like she follows the dark lord. I couldn't risk my family dying no matter what they put me through. They are the only people besides Snape to look out for my daughter. My dad agreed because he wouldn't let my mother go without a fight. His love for her is what I counted on.

*Flashback ends*

I handed hermione the baby and went to Rayne's side.  "Rayne I need you to blast him. Come on baby." I said. I could feel her energy growing out of control but she was fighting to stay in control. Just as i was about to grab her I was shoved towards the portal by an unknown energy. I looked at Rayne with hurt in my eyes. What she was doing was not part of our plan. "Draco go. Be with Esmeray and get out of here." she yelled. I tried to push passed her energy but I couldn't. "No Rayne. You promised you wouldn't leave us! You promised me you wouldn't leave me again." I yelled. She looked at me with a smile and tears filling her eyes. "Draco it's going to be ok. Please if you love me then go be a dad to our daughter and let me be the mother I have to be. I love you." she said before shoving be through and blasting Voldemort with all her aura. I screamed before the portal closed. She can't be gone.

*Rayne's point of view*

The initial blast blew me and Voldemort apart. Harry caught me before I was injured just as he and I had planned. He kept a tight grip on me as he ran down the peddle driveway. Once we were safe Harry put me down and I fell to my knees crying. Harry just held me and petted my hair. 

"It's ok Rayne. You will see them again. You didn't and will never leave them forever. He will forgive you." He whispered. I nodded my head but continued to cry as I can still hear Draco's painful cries. We both soon began to make a run for it again when we heard Voldemort's angry yells. Draco I promise I will return to you. I won't ever leave you.  Harry and I continued to run for it. I knew we both weren't going to get away so I shielded him and stopped running. He stopped and looked at me like I was dumb but He couldn't get passed my shield to stop me. Bellatrix and Voldemort caught up to us. They both smiled as if they were victorious. Not if I have anything to say about it. I began yelling out spells and continuing my attack. I felt my energy draining. I knew I would die if I kept it up but Harry needed to get out of here. I began to use my life force to fuel my power as I pushed my aura further into the two villains. They flew back clearly injured. Bellatrix retrieving Voldemort and leaving. I fell to my knees once more and felt weak. Harry rushed to my side and caught me before I fell completely. Before everything went black all I could hear was Harry scream out.

*Harry's point of view*

Rayne blacked out in my arms and she was barely breathing. I opened a portal and brought her to the tarot lake. Maybe it could save her like it saved Aurora. I rushed her to the waters and laid her in the cool waters. Her hair became blacker with the wetness and her clothes stuck to her. The water then began to glow around her and encased her. I just watched and felt the energy surrounding her. Aurora was here. Now I only hope she save her.

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