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*Rayne's point of view*

Today is the day mine and Draco's son, Ares, home. Our precious Esmeray is now ten years old and excited to have a baby brother. We had another daughter shortly after getting married. Her name being Failynn. Having three kids is a challenge but Draco and I wouldn't have it any other way. Once Draco and I reached home Failynn and Esmeray came running to us. Esmeray looks like her father but Ares and Failynn take after me.

                                                                                     ESMERAY ~10

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                                                                                     ESMERAY ~10

                                                                                      FAILYNN~ 8

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                                                                                      FAILYNN~ 8

                                                                                      FAILYNN~ 8

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                                                                          ARES~ NEWBORN

My girls were so happy. Draco looked at all his children with pride and it made me happy. Our moment was short lived though when a wolf started running towards us. I shielded Ares and Failynn. Draco did the same but Esmeray came in front and blasted the wolf with a energy field. The field formed around us. Then I remembered what Aurora told me nine years prior. Esmeray would have the power of love and light. But just how powerful will she be? The attack scared off the wolf and it ran away. Draco quickly grabbed Esmeray and began fussing. He wasn't angry, he was scared. Esmeray began to cry and I grabbed Draco's shoulder.

"Down papa bear. She just saved us and the kids. Ease up on her." I spoke gently. He sighed before pulling his first born into a tight hug.

Later that night as Draco and I put Ares to bed we began to talk about what happened. "Rayne I knew she was going to be strong but I didn't think she would be like Aurora. She is only a child. I mean you were to but you didn't tap into your full abilities until you had Esmeray. I am just afraid for her. Voldemort said someone would come for her." He panicked. I just looked at him.

"Draco, baby, I know you wanted to protect her from this for as long as possible but she was going to find pout sooner or later. It might as well be now." I spoke. He nodded and went to retrieve Esmeray. Soon he came back with her in tow and we sat her down. "Am I in trouble momma?" she asked with a nervous tone. I smiled and shook my head no. "No baby. Your father and I just need to talk yo you about something." I replied. She nodded her head. She was still nervous so Draco pulled her into his lap hugging her. "Baby, you remember that story mommy told you at bed time about a witch named Aurora?" he asked her. Way to be subtle Draco?  Esmeray nodded her head looking confused. I sighed. "Hun, that story I told you was true. I told you those stories because I had hoped one day they could give you answers to questions your father and I can't answer." I spoke. She nodded her head. She has always been wiser than her years. "Sweety you hold powers that only you and your mom have right now. It is going to be scary but we are going to be here to help you." Draco spoke softly. She looked him in the eyes with such innocence.

"Daddy I promise that I will be responsible. I know I will be needed one day like mommy." she quietly spoke. Draco and I both hugged her looked at each other. She is going to have a hard like ahead of her but she isn't going to do it alone.

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