Chapter 13

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The future??
Next day arrived. Other than Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian everyone had there breakfast in the main hall. Everyone was eager to know why the Yunmeng Jiang disciple was staying at the second jades personal quarter but no one dared to ask. After breakfast Yanli and Xichen were the first to arrive at jinshi. The site they saw shocked Yanli . Wei Wuxian was sitting in front of the mirror doing his hair and Wangji was not present. As he saw the two he got up and gave a dazzling smile and welcome them. Xichen eagerly looked at the younger boy who was welcoming him in his brothers quarter as if it belonged to Wei Wuxian. Wei Ying had made himself busy by placing the cushions, bringing tea, some snacks etc. The others had also arrived. Everyone was shock to see the reckless Wei Wuxian doing everything properly. Especially Jiang family, never in there life they saw Wei Wuxian doing something like this. He was always lazy. On the contrast Lan Qiren was pretty impressed. He never thought the reckless boy could be this good at arranging a meeting place. But unknown to them Wei Wuxian was an expert in this. He would often help and so arrangements in lan sect after marrying Lan Wangji.
"A-xian is everything alright" Fengmian asked worried. His kids had the same expression.
"Yes uncle please be seated" he said bowing with a bright smile.
"Wei gonzi where's Wangji?", Xichen asked. He hadn't seen his brother from past days.
"Oh da-Zewu jun Hanguang jun is in library" he replied.
Soon Wangji entered and saluted everyone. After everyone sat down. Wangji sat and Wei Ying sat beside him. Everyone was confused to see Wei Wuxian sitting beside lan Wangji with lans and not with Jiangs. What followed them shocked them more. Both Wangji and Wuxian offered tea at the same time as if they were doing it for years. Not even Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan had such co-ordination
Xichen was the first to break the silence.
"Wei gonzi how do you feel now"
"I feel better Zewu jun, thankyou" he smiled.
"A-xian yesterday that you" she wanted to ask but after seeing her brothers smile die she stopped. So Jiang Cheng asked,"Wei Wuxian what were you spouting yesterday about my parents."
"Ah Jiang Cheng" he looked beside him at his life. Hanguang jun was sitting in a perfect posture sipping his tea. He had already warned Wei Ying not to eat up stories while speaking. He too preferred to speak himself rather than the cold jade's outburst.
He took a deep breath, "Truth"he answered.
"Explain Wei Wuxian" lan qiren spoke. He was observing his younger nephew but found nothing special.
"It's true about Lotus Pier massacre."he said looking down his fingers tightly holding the jade's robes.
"When did it happen?" Xichen.
"A year and half from now" Wangji was the one to spoke. It clearly showed that the both young master were uncomfortable while speaking about it.
"After cloud recesses was burned" he added holding on the small cup gaze fixed on it. Many gasped at the new information.
"Cloud recesses was b.... burned?" Xichen asked to confirm and received a nod from his brother.
"When?" Qiren
"After disciples left." Wuxian answered.
"What was the casualty?" Fengmian
"Half of the cloud recesses was burned including library, xiong zhang went missing, uncle was heavily injured, many disciples were killed and" his breath stuttered
"Father died"he said as a tear dropped unseen by others.
"What about you?" Xichen asked knowing his brother won't say anything he looked at Wei Wuxian.
"They broke Hanguang juns leg because he dared to fight." Wuxian answered for him.
Silence. No one spoke. The former lan sect leader Qingheng jun wasn't a weak old man. He was a known cultivator. And his death...
"What about Lotus Pier?" Jiang Cheng asked.
"It happened after the disciples returned from classes held in Qishen."
"Classes in Qishen???" Jin Zixuan spoke.
"Hmm all the sects were forced to send there heirs and head disciples for classes held by Wen Chao"
Everyone was disgusted they knew about Wen Chao. They had seen him on the first day of class.
"How, wasn't our sect capable to protect itself"
"It was. But we never thought Wen Chao would send his mistress to start the fight when uncle was not in the sect."
"Many..many died. Whole Lotus Pier was burned."
"Casualty??"Yanli asked with a small hope which died after the jade answered.
Lan Wangji,"Only three were alive."
"Where were you then?" Jiang Cheng asked Wuxian full of sarcasm in his voice. Wei Wuxians eyes glisten. Wangji glared at Jiang Cheng.
"I..I was incapable then." Wuxian spoke looking down ashamed. He received a mocking sound from Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan while others looked at him concerned.
"Speak the truth Wei Ying" Wangji said calmly pulling others attention.
"It's the truth lan zhan" he said not looking at the other. Would he say out loud about the humiliation, the pain he faced that day. How he became useless that day due to the whips. How the whips still haunt him. No he wouldn't.
"It isn't. The truth is you were punished to the end that you become incapable." Wangji said looking directly into the youngers gray orbs.
"Lan zhan" a tear dropped.
From the word punish many minds went towards yesterday's cold spring incident.
"Punish what punishment a-xian?" Yanli spoke.
"Ah it''s nothing Shijie just a small punishment."he said with a smile to assure his sister and glared at the jade who glared at him in return. Wei Wuxian gulped. He knew his husband very well.
"Was it zidian Wei-xiong like you have" Huisang asked with worry.
Where as Wei Wuxian looked terrified. No he didn't want to speak about this. There is no need.
" do you know?"stuttering he questioned.
"They followed us to cold spring" Wangji answered.
"Young master Nie, young master Jiang, grand master lan and sect leader Jiang." He said calmly.
"You knew??"Fengmian asked bit embarrassed.
"Hmm I saw you all following."
Lan Xichen and Yanli almost laughed at there elders face while the jade accused them of peeping into someones bath with a straight emotionless face.
"Ahem.. Wei Wuxian say how you got those marks" Qiren said clearing his throat. He too was embarrassed at his nephews blunt reply but was also proud that he was capable to detect them.
"A-xian we know it's from zidian. It's more than a dozen how did you got it. Did..did my lady recently" Fengmian said stopping stuttering Wuxian.
"No, uncle Jiang it wasn't recently madam yu" came an immediate response.
Jiang Fengmian smiled.
"It was earlier. I got it earlier. Not this time." He spoke confusing others.
"It's phantom pain."Wangji replied.
"We are not from this time. We.. we are from future." Wuxian spoke shocking others again.
"So the marks are from his previous life's punishment." Xichen asked and received a nod from both time travellers. While others were just blinking trying to consume what they just heard.
"Wei Wuxian why are you the one always punished." Zixuan asked mocking.
"Because he tried to protect young master Jin and me" Wangji deadpanned.
"Lan Wangji why do you care so much about my brother? He has his family to take care of him." Jiang Cheng spoke full of venom.
Wuxian gulped as he heard his husband's dark chukle. All stayed silent waiting for the jade's reply.
"The last time I left him in your care he was either punished, injured or worst killed by the hand of his own soul brother in front of his-"
"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying cried shaking his head asking him to calm down.
"Wei Ying last I heard that madam Jiang was just waiting for the right time to punish you. It should be-" he was cut by Jiang Cheng shouting waking from his shocked state.
"Which idiot said that?"
Lan Wangji looked at him with an Are you serious look while Wuxian chuckled lightly.
"You. You said it yourself to me and brother" he said turning the Jiang sect heir red in embarrassment while others giggled.
Suddenly lan Wangji clutched his chest. A strong pain in his chest made him groan slightly.
"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying called worried.
"Hanguang jun"
Came from others.
"A-xian " he mumbled. Only Wei Ying heard at looked at him. Wangji abruptly got up pulling away from Wei Wuxian he walked out of the room. All eyes were on Wei Wuxian. They had seen Wangji caring for Wei Wuxian but now - Wuxian ran after the jade. Followed by others. Only lan Qiren and Jiang Fengmian stayed talking about the things they just heard.
Wangji walked towards the gate of cloud recesses ignoring everyone. He just wanted to meet his baby now. As he reached he touched his chest. He had felt his baby from what he saw on Wei Yings face the younger had also felt it. His eyes teared up. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't need to look he knew who it was. His life. Wei Wuxian first felt it was his hallucination that he felt his baby was here but he knew how much it mattered to Wangji. The man loved his daughter more than anyone in the world. For Wei Ying it was the same.
He too wished to see his baby for once to hear her voice, her smile.

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