Chapter 24

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" What do you want me to do??" He asked.
"Leave your resent and anger behind. Be a cultivator with clear conscience and lead your life like a normal cultivator so you won't regret when you at death bed."
" You don't want me to work for you??" He was confused now. No one literally no one said that he should be good for his own benefit.
"Why would we?? You don't owe us anything. Just by not going on the wrong path you are helping us to save many life's." Wei Wuxian replied his smile still bright.
"You can just kill me." Xue Yang said. They can really easily kill him. He isn't as powerful as them. Wei Wuxian laughed aloud.
"You are an innocent still. And you deserve a chance. " Lan Wangji said. His voice didn't contain any berating or humiliation. This man was the one to kill him in future yet the same man wanted him to have another chance. Xue Yang looked at the couple and blinked thrice.
"I want to help you. Will you let me then??" He asked.
"Ofcourse we will let you. All you have to do is stop threatening people so often and be a strong cultivator live your life happily." Wuxian said smiling brightly. Xue Yang nodded
Lan Wangji pushed the dishes in front of him and he gladly took it and started eating.
"Lan Zhan what did you do with him?" Wuxian asked as he chugged another cup of wine.
"Captured. We need to clean."the jade replied calmly as of talking about a pheasant he had hunted for lunch.
"Did someone see you??" Wuxian raised his brow. Lan Wangji shook his head.
"He was alone. The guards were away." He replied.
Wei Ying nodded and thought for a while.
"Let's clean the remaining mess before anyone finds its us. We can't risk others life. There is archery competition next week and we don't know what he will do there." Wei Wuxian said and they got up.
"He didn't plan anything for the competition. It's just to show other cultivator that he is strongest. " Xue Yang said with his mouth full.
"Don't talk with full mouth." Lan Wangji scolded him. It came out as a reflective. He was used to it and somehow looking at the ten year old boy he thought of Yixuan. Xue Yang looked at him with wide eyes while Wuxian laughed clutching his stomach.
"It's not his fault a-yang. He is like that to everyone. You should be happy that he talked." Wei Ying said laughing aloud. Wangji glared at him and went to pay for everything.
"What do you mean??" Xue Yang ask curiously.
"Aiya he doesn't speak to someone he feels uncomfortable with and in you he might have seen me or another child. He isn't as cold as he looks. And you can take us both like older brothers. Right Lan Zhan?" He asked the jade who just came back. Lan Wangji nodded again.
"Brothers?? Me??" Xue Yang asked pointing at himself.
"Hmm. If you don't mind. You can call me Wei xiong, Wei ge or Xian ge and call Lan Zhan Wangji xiong or Ji ge." He declared. The jade looked at him.
"Ji ge??" He spoke.
"Ofcourse Lan Zhan Ji ge like Xian ge. Or Lan ge. So which name do you like er gege??" He asked teasing in his voice. Lan Wangji glared at him.
"Shameless" he said with red ears. Wei Wuxian laughed. Xue Yang watched the interaction amused.
Wei Ying turned to him.
"You stay here and have some rest and food. We will take care of those guards and Wen Xu by then and don't worry it's not my money you can spend as much as you want." He said grinning shamelessly. Lan Wangji shook his head at his partner then turned to Xue Yang and nodded. And just like that they both left leaving Xue Yang all alone.
Xue Yang thought for a while. First he thought he would spend the jade's complete money then again he wanted to see what they both were capable of so he slowly got up and went behind the duo.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji reached the inner skirts of the forest where Lan Wangji had captured Wen Xu. He was injured badly and was unconscious.
"I see you had a pretty good fight. Er gege. He already looks wasted. " Wuxian said looking at the unconscious man. Lan Wangji nodded.
"He had a metal and I have recovered it. The soldiers must be searching for him." He said.
Sigh" let's end it then. He is no longer needed after all." Wei Ying said and killed Wen Xu with single blow from Suibian. After that he raised his flute and started playing. The body of Wen Xu lifted in the air and slowly turned into ashes.
"My work is done. It's your turn. " He said simply to lan Wangji who nodded and started playing his zither. He played rest with something more scores and Wen Xu was removed from the mortal world to the after life. There was no longer a person named Wen Xu existing in the world not even his soul or ash could be found. Wei Wuxian leaned at Lan Wangji who held his waist.
" Wen Xu is gone. Now wen chao, Wen Ruohan and Wen Zuliao is all we need to end along with Yauran. Rest will be taken care by others." He said sighing.
Lan Wangji caressed his cheeks with his hands, a fond look over his face. Wei Ying leaned in the warmth of the hand.
"Don't worry to much Wei Ying." He said in deep soothing voice. The younger closed his eyes with a beautiful smile on his lips. Lan Wangji leaned and captured it. There moment was disturbed by the sound of some Wen soldiers.
Wei Wuxian sighed.
"We can't leave any witnesses." Wei Ying said and they both walked out. The soldiers immediately frowned as they saw the duo. One even tried to run but before they could all the soldiers were surrounded by a thick wall of resentment. Lan Wangji unsheathed Bichen and with no time he sliced of everyone. His face so looked so calm that no one could guess he was killing someone. Wei Wuxian raised his flute and played a music. The thick resentment covered the body of every soldier and turned it into ashes. Then Lan Wangji took out his zither and started playing. The music was so pleasant and calm that it helped one to clear his mind. He played some more scores and the ashes and soul of the corpses disappeared from the mortal world.
They both nodded at each other.
"I can't believe that just those soldiers held so much resentment." Wei Wuxian said leaning over the jade's chest. Lan Wangji hugged him almost immediately and rubbed his back. He didn't say anything. The words weren't needed between the two. They broke the hug and started walking back.
"You don't need to run a-yang. We know you are there." Wei Wuxian said with a joyful smile. Xue Yang didn't came out. He was using an invisible talisman so there was no way for anyone to find him. But before he could think more he was lifted off the ground by his collar. He looked back and saw Lan Wangji glaring at his as if he is a child who did a mistake. He looked at the other side to see Wei Wuxian laughing like a maniac. He pulled off the talisman over him and lan Wangji dropped him safely back on the ground.
"How did you do that??" Xue Yang whined.
"Aiya, you kid. Anyone with good cultivation could find you due to the change in spiritual energy in the surrounding." Wei Ying said calmly.
"But how did he lift me. " He asked pointing at the jade. Wei Wuxian laughed more at that.
"Aiya Lan Zhan has experience. I always use that to tease him or others and he would always catch me." He explained. Xue Yang pouted. He thought no one would be able to find him. He had even tried it on Wen Ruohan and even he was unable to detect but here these two not only found him but lifted him off ground. Then he frowned.
"You earlier how?? You are a demonic cultivator??" He asked.
Wei Wuxian nodded.
"Yes I am and I know you are too." He said. Xue Yang looked away from Lan Wangji. He was ready to hear a scoff or some berating then again if Wei Wuxian was a demonic cultivator and Lan Wangji was his lover. How is this even possible? Isn't he know as most orthodox cultivator.
"I don't approve demonic cultivation as a right way to cultivate as it harms one's mind and body but I don't disagree with it as long as you won't harm others and yourself with your capabilities." Lan Wangji said as if he could read his mind.
"And no Lan Zhan could not read your mind but yes he can read some of your expressions." Wei Wuxian said. Xue Yang looked away again.
"Where are you both going next??" He asked.
"Want to accompany us??" Wei Wuxian. Xue Yang nodded a little. He heard a chuckle and looked up. Wei Wuxian ruffled his hair.
"We had bought a land for dafan Wens whom Wen Ruohan is trying to capture. They are our friends family. So we are going there. Lan Zhan promised me to show the land today." He said smiling fondly.
"You are saving Wens??" Xue Yang asked bewildered. They both nodded again.
"You see they are innocent and never got involved in what Wen Ruohan did. Just like others they are also victims. So they need a chance to survive." Wei Wuxian replied calmly. Xue Yang somewhat felt admiration towards the couple. They were different from the cultivators he ever saw. They were truly righteous not only in words but also in action.
"Can...can I come with you?" He asked.
Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan then nods.
"You can but I don't think so we can go like this. There are Wen soldiers everywhere and I don't want them to know that you are with us." He said. Lan Wangji involuntarily took out three blank talismans and gave it to him. Wei Ying smiled and wrote something. Xue Yang looked at them curiously. Wei Ying placed a talisman over each of them.
"It's a disguise talisman and only cultivator with high cultivation can find us." He explained and the trio started there trip to Yiling. There were many Wen soldiers on the way, most were trying to find the 'lost' Wen Xu. They had already neared Yiling when Lan Wangji suddenly pulled the two behind a tree.
"Lan Zhan??" Wei Ying called. Lan Wangji pressed a finger over others lips while motioned Xue Yang to stay quite. He nodded. Wei Wuxian peeped a little and immediately came back.
"Wen Zuliao and Wen Chao." He said anger visible in his eyes. Lan Wangji touched his hand softly. Wei Ying nodded at him. Xue Yang looked at the interaction confused.
After the Wens had passed,
"How can we go now?? They know me and Wen Zuliao is clearly a cultivator with strong core." He said and the couple nodded.
"How about you go to Yunmeng first. There my boys will take care of you and you will know what had happened till now?" Wei Wuxian suggested.
"And they will take me in just like that? Me an assassin and demonic cultivator." Xue Yang said with full sarcasm in his voice.
"Oh come on you have just threatened people and might had hurt one or two. Assassin and demonic cultivator." Wei Wuxian scoffs back. Xue Yang was ready to fight back when Lan Wangji glared at both of them. Wei Wuxian took out a jade pendent from his waist along with a bell and handed it to Xue Yang.
"Just show this bell if you see any Jiang and if they won't allow you in then just show this jade to any Lan present there. They will allow you in. And don't you dare lose them both." Wei Wuxian glares a bit.
"Return them back once we meet again" lan Wangji says calmly yet there's a lingering threat don't you dare lose that in his voice. Xue Yang nods rolling his eyes. He slowly gets up to leave when Wei Wuxian holds his wrist.
"Be careful." He says. Lan Wangji handed him a pouch and he gave it to Xue Yang.
"The journey is long. You might need to stop somewhere to rest and have food." He said. Xue Yang again looks at the couple with furrowed brows and nods running away.
He starts walking towards Yunmeng. He was used to it. He had grown up on the street and no one needed to teach him how to act. He was expert in hiding since his childhood from soldiers, from cultivator, sometimes from shopkeepers. He was having a weird feeling this time as he walked to Yunmeng about the couple. First of all it felt weird to look at them as a couple. One with a cold look while other with a warm smile. They were totally opposite. Then again there are some things they have in common. Like there will to help others, the way they were indifferent to everyone, the way they looked at each other and many more. He slowly opened the pouch they gave him. It had some silvers sufficient to have good meals for three days, some remaining candies from before, the bell and the jade. He took out the bell. It was the Yunmeng Jiang bell. It looked normal yet he knew that the bell contained spells. It had lotus carvings with purple tassel. It was common for the head disciple of Yunmeng to have the bell but the jade. He slowly took out the jade. It was made beautiful with amazing carvings. He turned the jade and his eyes widened. ' Wei Wuxian, Wei Ying' name was carved on it with lotus and cloud design. It had red tassel completely different from Gusu fashion. He shrugged and kept the things back in the pouch.
The boys had all came together and Jingyi had noticed the foul mood of his elder brother. He has been with Sizhui since he was a child so he could always see through his brothers mask. It was similar to how Lan Xichen was able to see his younger brothers expression. But Jingyi didn't ask anything. They were staying in an inn. It never happened like this during there time. Even if Senior Wei and Sect Leader Jiang had some problem or had a fight there needs  were properly taken care of. So this itself said something had happened when they weren't here. He slowly pulled Jin Rulan aside and asked. The younger didn't want to answer yet Lan Jingyi was the son of Wei Wuxian and he clearly gets what he wants. He started giving puppy eyes and pouts which gradually made the Jin heir weak and he spilled everything. They knew this would happen but never thought Madam yu hated senior Wei so much. They didn't say anything about it. The time passed yet somehow Lan Sizhui wasn't able to control his rage, his anger. He had seen the sufferings of his both parents, he had seen them both at there weakest points and it still horrors him what would happen if the incident repeats itself. He had full trust on his father and knew the jade in no way will let Wei Wuxian away from him. Not after everything they both had gone through together. Still he was feeling angry and wanted to spill it. He took his sword and started practicing. No one stopped him, this was something he learnt from his father again, instead of letting his emotions run it was better to spend his tim in sword practicing. He didn't knew that hours had passed by. Every memory of his both parents when they were away from each other played in his mind. He didn't even knew that he was being watched by many.
Lan Xichen along with the young masters were walking through the streets as Jiang Cheng showed them Yunmeng. That was when he saw a familiar silhouette. At first he almost sure it was his brother then when he looked carefully he understood it was his nephew Lan Yuan. The boy looked enraged. They hadn't returned yesterday after the incident.
"What in the world is he doing?? He looks like he would kill anyone who comes near him." Jin Zixuan spoke with wide eyes.
They watched as the young man practiced his sword in a neat way. The method was impressive no one would say against yet the expression he have made them feel shiver through there spines. Jinyi and other boys tried to stop him by calling but to no avail.
"Lan Yuan stop your madness right now." Jingyi finally yelled and it was enough for to bring the older male back. Sizhui looked at his surrounding with somewhat guilty look. Xichen could easily read his nephew. The boy was too similar to Wangji. Yanli and Jiayi had also arrived there. Sizhui ducked his head.
"I am sorry to make you all worried." He apologized. Jinyi walked in front and hugged him.
"Ge" he called softly. That was it. Sizhui broke down he hugged his brother back and stayed silent. After a while he broke the hug and was back to his calm self.
"I am alright." He said calmly.
"Alright?? You are not at all alright Lan Sizhui. Have you even looked looked at your self. You have been practicing for hours now and you say you are alright. Who do you think you are. Do you even know how worried we were looking at you being Hanguang jun. We almost thought you would kill someone today or kill yourself. You piece of shit." Jin Rulan said at once. He was too much like Jiang Cheng. The elders looked at the boy amused.
"You Jin Rulan, young mistress how dare you call my brother like that?" Jingyi fought back.
Jin Ling smirked and pulled him by his waist,
"Should I -" but before he could complete sizhui pulled them apart.
"Both of you stop fighting and Rulan we are in public." He scolded a little.
The boys smiled and hugged sizhui who sighed and hugged back. They then looked Lan Xichen and others and greeted them. They went to a nearby lotus lake. The boys smiled as they reached it. Jiayi had the same expression. Yanli looked at her.
"Everytime we visit Yunmeng we would spend our time here." Jiayi answered. Lan Xichen was looking at Sizhui only.
"Zewu jun is everything alright?? You have been staring at Sizhui for a while??" Yixuan asked and everyone looked at the older jade.
"You are too similar to Wangji." He said . Jingyi laughed aloud.
"Zewu jun that's what everyone says.  They both are so similar that once sect leader jiang asked senior Wei if he had sizhui out of wedlock." Jingyi said laughing. Sizhuis ear turned a bright shade of red.
"Jingyi!!" He glared. Others laughed.
"I had spent most of my time with Hanguang jun, maybe that's why we are this similar." He added calmly. Though he was shy yet he felt proud to be similar to his fuqin.
"And you are similar to Wei Wuxian." Jiang Cheng said pointing at Jingyi.
The boys and Jiayi again laughed.
"Everyone says that too. He is the most unlan Lan. Isn't it Jingyi?" Jiayi teased making the boy pout.
"Ahh Jiayi ayi how can you say like that. So heartless." He pouted making him further look like Wei Wuxian.
"Are you sure they aren't Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxians kids??" Jin Zixuan asked looking at the two lans.
"They aren't blood children but they are Hanguang jun and senior Weis first adopteds." Zuiruo answered.
"You said you would share your stories." Nie Huisang said suddenly. The boys gave them a calm smile and nodded.
"Mine and Sizhuis stories are joined so it would be best of we will be the last to say ours." Jingyi said.
"Okay let's start with mine as it's the smallest." Zuiruo said and everyone nodded.
"I am a Nie by birth. I don't have much memories of my childhood. After my parents death current Sect Leader Nie took me under his wing at the age of 4. I grew up with other similar to me learning saber to protect Young master Nie. But after sect leader Nie's death things changed. Young master Nie became the sect leader and we held the sect well together for years. He took me as his heir. I started attending meetings with him. During a night hunt I saw Hanguang jun. He looked so admirable in the dark night in complete white uniform under moon light. He had helped us to fight a monster. We were all covered with dirt and blood yet his robes and sword remained clean. He didn't ask us about our sect or took credit for helping us. He stayed with us until we were out of the forest then he just said  four words,
"Be careful. Good job"
Yet somehow we all felt happy just with that. I started admiring him. Our sect leader also had good opinion about him.
Then after many years we meet senior Wei. The well known Yiling Patriarch. The nightmare of every cultivator. The stories of how ruthless he was were well known yet the person I saw that day was so different." He smiled " Clinging on Hanguang jun for his dear life and teasing everyone endlessly was his main hobby. He was kind and so good hearted exactly opposite of what we knew about him. Sect Leader had said once that senior Wei isn't what others say he is.
My life changed the more I meet these two cultivators and these five here. After coming to cloud recesses for classes it became impossible to neglect the force I felt from them. At that time every one here had already started calling them fuqin and fufu. I felt weird I was already old enough. I thought and didn't need parents yet I too wanted to have someone like senior Wei who will take care of you like his own children, love you and tease you like a mother and Hanguang jun who will protect you and scold you, glare at you yet forgive you like a father.
One night at Lotus recesses after getting drunk I said my wish about calling them fufu and fuqin. The next day I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look at them or confront them. Then senior Wei came to my room and teased me made me understand that there was nothing wrong in having a desire to call them as my parents. I nodded and went to class. The soft gaze that Hanguang jun gave me was enough to know I was now an official member of Wangxian family." He said as tears filled his eyes. Zichen passed him a cup of tea and smiled at him. The rest boys too had the same assuring happy smile. The elders didn't knew what to say about it.
After a while everyone had calmed down there thoughts. Sizhui and Yanli together had peeled a bunch of Lotus seed and gave others to eat. They all felt good with the boys.
Suddenly Jiayi looked at a direction and teared up. Her face had brighten yet tears flowed through her eyes.
"A-ning" she murmured standing up. The boys looked in the direction and smiled.
"Senior Wen/ Ning jiujiu." They called. Jiayi sprinted her way out to the young master. It was same for the boys. The rest followed them. It was a timid looking young master along with a stern looking lady. Jiayi stopped at a distance scared to go further.
The boys stopped behind her.
"Aunt" sizhui called softly. There were chances for Wen Ning to not know who Jiayi was and they knew that there aunt would be heart broken by it. Wen Ning smiled at them brightly and that was it Xiao Jiayi ran into the man's arms shocking Wen Qing to her core.
The boys tried to call them but the pair was too immersed in there own world.
"Ohh Hanguang jun." Jingyi called loudly and at once Wen Ning and Jiayi got seperated. Wen Ning looked around searching for Lan Wangji with a scared look.
"Ning jiujiu. Jingyi was teasing you" sizhui said. Jiayi glared at Jingyi who smirked happily. Sizhui and rest boys hugged Wen Ning one by one. Wen Qing on the other hand stood dumbfounded. Sizhui explained who the two were yet the elders were reluctant to take Wens under them. Wen Qing took out the jade pendent and handed it to Lan Xichen.
"Hanguang jun had asked us to give it to you." She said. Lan Xichen took the pendent. It was his brothers and that was enough for them to know that these two were harmless and important. Wangji had talked about rooms for some more disciples in there earlier meeting. So Xichen nodded at the maiden and young master. The rest already knew the sibilings as they had attended the classes earlier. Jiayi wasn't happy to leave Wen Nings side but she did somehow. Yanli had taken up to herself to tell everything to Wen Qing and Jiayi went with them. The two ladies explained everything to Wen Qing. At first she wasn't convinced but then again with her brothers changed behaviour she agreed. They told her the incidents that had happened until now. Wen Qing also explained about the dafan Wens. Jiang Fengmian had joined them earlier. He asked everyone to come back to Lotus Pier. The boys weren't happy at first yet again the name of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian worked.
"Lotus Pier welcomes you. Give us a chance and a-xian won't be happy to know that you stayed in an inn." Yanli said slowly.
"I don't know how Wangji will react to it." Xichen added. And this instantly worked. The boys agreed to come back to Lotus Pier and they also asked to keep what Madam yu had said a secret from wangxian couple. The elders happily agreed to it.
"Where was Wei Wuxian all those years then??" Wen Qing asked as she listened to Zuiruos story by Yanli. The time travellers stilled especially Wen Ning. There was guilt in his eyes.
"He..he died." He said slowly. Many gasped.
"How did a-xian come back then??" Yanli asked with a dreaded expression.
"He was summoned back by soul summoning ceremony to fulfill a persons revenge." Zichen said in low voice.
Everyone had horrified expression over there face.
"Don't worry he didn't killed them and they weren't nice too. One of them was the reason to the death of him any many near to him." Zuiruo said his voice calm and steady.
"Lan Wangji said I was the one to kill him" Jiang Cheng spoke.
Sigh"You were a part of it. We can't tell you more about that. It's there story." Yixuan .

" Yixuan

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