Chapter 4

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Crimson orbs???
Lotus Pier,
"You should be careful on your way. I have informed Zewu jun about Mixuan so there's nothing to worry about it but be careful. " Jiang Fengmian said to the youths who were ready to start there journey to Gusu.
" Don't worry uncle Jiang, we are not weaklings. We will show them who yunmeng Jiang Sect disciples are. " Wuxian said with a smirk.
"Don't create any problems there for us, remember who you are." Madam yu warned Wuxian with a glare which was also directed towards Mixuan but he didn't ever cared about it. For him gusu was his home. He knew each and every corner of Gusu and about problems, he never created them they just followed him. Actually he didn't wanted to go to Gusu where nor his husband was there neither his kids. He felt bad returning there but he had to do it. For Lan Zhan he thought and started his journey.
   They took a boat to reach gusu. They had then travel a little to reach cloud recesses.
    "A-xian this time you go there don't create any problems for Lan er gonzi like you used to do", Yanli reminded her brother.
" I never created problems it's Lan Zhan who always so straight and following all that damn rules. I just want him to enjoy his life a little."Wuxian protested.
" He doesn't even like you. Infact he hates you most probably." Jiang Cheng said.
"Who said he hates me. Infact maybe he even thinks me as a friend just being all cold and strict he is he doesn't say it." Wuxian again protested and stuck out his tongue at his brother.
  Meanwhile Mixuan who was listening to this smiled, he wanted tell his young self that not only Lan Wangji likes you more than a friend but also he will be the only one who will stand with you when the whole world is against you. In the thoughts of his Lan er gege he was silently watching the river water. The three siblings were watching him.
Especially Yanli she was thinking
How can be a-xian like this. He isn't a person who is so calm and composed. Wei Wuxian is never able sit at one place for so long. This man in front of them looked like Wei Wuxian who was possessed by a Lan. His sitting position, sometimes even his speaking slang has some gusu features. He smiles but just a small up curve and that too in his own thoughts. This isn't Wei Wuxian his smile is as bright as a sun. She was now truly worried for her brother.
   Time passed in the discussion of siblings on various topics,in middle they even fought, laughed aloud but the person sitting on the other side didn't pay a bit of attention to them.So they decided to take rest for time being.On the other hand Mixuan was worried for his family in another time line. Almost a war between cultivators and ghosts was held there. His husband was in Heavenly Realm trying hard to supress those dark energies. He was badly injured when they last meet. His seven year old daughter who had just returned from the hands of witch was alone with her uncle's and brothers. Everyone was trying there level best to save the mortal realm.He wished he would know what was happening there. Are they all safe but he was helpless he had to complete his part, he had to save everyone he can't afford to lose them once more.
Hours passed and they reached a port but it wasn't the usual path they use to enter gusu instead a round path which required more time to reach there. Mixuan took a glance at Wei Wuxian and was about to ask the reason for choosing this path but he could say something Wuxian said, "There are water ghouls in the river so Zewu jun asked us to take another route but it's too long so we decided to take this." With a nod they started there way to cloud recesses. Mixuan could not take any risks right now his spiritual energy is too less his body is also weak and even Lan Zhan is not present here to control him and calm him down.
  But where there is Wei Wuxian trouble follows him there for sure and here it is.
  As they reached near cloud recesses Mixuan heard some sounds.
"Stop",he said suddenly which made a questioning look on the siblings face.
" Someone is following us"
They unsheathed their swords a stood in positions. And someone jumped before Wei Wuxian before they could who this was the person was lifted in air black clouds choking him.
"Nie-xiong" Wei Wuxian shouted.
"Xuan ge its Nie-xiong leave" Jiang Cheng shouted. Mixuan pulled back his powers and with a thud Huisang fell on the ground. They were shocked at the power of the person in front of them with a snap of finger he had lifted and choked a person in he air.
'Nie Huisang ah Nie Huisang, I would have killed you right now you idiot.' Mixuan thought.
  Huisang was shocked at the sudden strike. "Wei-xiong this, this is your brother."he asked pointing finger at Mixuan.
"Ah haa yes yes he is my older brother Wei Mixuan you can call him Xuan ge."Wei Ying answered scratching his head. And narrated him a story about Mixuan and his separation, abduction etc. They had almost reached when they again heard some noises.
" Ah that must be wen-xiong don't worry" Huisang said.
'Wen Ning he.. he will never try to scare anyone' Mixuan thought.
"Stop" he warned again.
"Ahh Xuan ge that's Wen Ning my friend he is harm-" before Wei Ying could continue a demon jumped in front of him and he froze on his place staring at the demons eyes.
"Dream demon" Mixuan muttered at enough pace for others to listen him.
* Dream demons uses the persons memories that haunt him for attack. He can also erase the good memories and make the worst memories to overpower it's prey.*
Wei Ying was most probably dreaming of his parents and dogs.
" Run ahead don't try to stop till you reach there. Don't look into its eyes. Wanyin protect Yanli and Huisang. I will return with him. Now go. Mixuan shouted to Jiang Cheng. There was no reason for them to stand there, they were causing more trouble for the demonic cultivator. After taking one last glance at Wei Wuxian and Mixuan he took his sister and Huisang who were horrified at the glance of the demons.
    Mixuan took his flute and started playing soon the melody had overpower the corpes following them and they turned into powder. He had to stop the demon or else it would control Wei Ying saw he stood himself in front of Wei Ying staring into the youngers eyes, he s eyes had changed grey orbs to red terrifying orbs. He played the melody once again which brought Wei Ying out of his dream he stumbled back when he saw the older himself with those red orbs. Mixuan caught him in time and pulled him away from the demon and played the music again. Wei Ying was staring at his older self he was both enthusiased and terrified at the same moment.
  As Mixuan was about to control to control the demon a arrow was shot towards the demon bringing him out of Mixuan's control. He glanced towards the path from where the arrow was shooted. 'Jin Zixuan'.
  Fear crossed his spine when he saw Mixuan with those red orbs. Before he could do anything the demon had charged towards him. In order to save him Mixuan rushed towards him and took the hit. He stood up like nothing had happened but now he was in the demons control memories rushed towards him. Lan Zhan taking the hit in place of him. There last night hunt, disappearance of Lan Zhan. A blood covered a-li rescued from jiali's captivate. Soon the scene changed into the destruction of Lotus Pier, burning cloud recesses, death of Jiang Fengmian and yu Ziyuan. Again scene changed into his own shidi taking his life before it could change again he heard a sound a very familiar sound. His Lan Zhan's sound
"Wei Ying, Wei Ying" it was calling him out. "A-Ying concentrate, come back" this was all he needed to come out of his dream Wei Wuxian was shaking him and trying to bring him out of the daze he was injured so were both the guys in front of him. He glanced at the blue and white tassel hanging at the end of chenqing, a smile creped on his face and turning towards demon and played the tune soon a familiar tune joined him. It was liebing Zewu juns flute. They had came to help after getting the news from Wanyin about the demon. It was already too weak due to Mixuan so they captured it in qiankun pouch.
  Both had  stopped playing the instruments. Soon others bowed towards Xichen " Zewu jun thank you for your help." Mixuan had long stopped bowing towards his dabozi/ brother in law they were good friends or like brothers in his time line but not here. So he too bowed and saluted him. " Wei Mixuan"
Returning the salute, "Lan Xichen, Gusu Lan Clan, sorry for the in convin- " before he could continue blood started dripping from Mixuan's nose and he fell down. Everyone was shocked but they quickly took him towards cloud recesses.
    As soon as they reached he was taken to one of the guest room and the healer was called immediately.
   "This young master had received many injuries. He spiritual power is too weak. His head injuries and dream demons attack may cause him to lose some of his memories. And also his golden core-" the healer stopped at glanced at Wei Ying who was standing there feeling all guilty.
"What about it elder " Yanli asked the healer. "It is also very weak and it's formation is as if it's a shared core." the healer replied.
" Shared core? " Jiang Cheng asked. The healer glanced at Xichen who nodded in return.
" Shared core is a type of dual cultivation in which the cultivation partners can share a core but this is only possible if the other person core is that powerful." The healer explained. "How come I never heard of this method" Wei Wuxian questioned the healer. " Because it is Gusu Lan Clans secret method of core cultivation" it was Wangji who answered. Wei Ying nodded understanding.
"You mean Xuan ge has a shared core?" Jiang Cheng asked the healer.
" It's not possible maybe just this young masters core is too weak."
Everyone nodded at the healers statement. It was true who was willing to share a core with someone else and also at the amount of Demonic energy Mixuan uses his core would long be tarnished by black energy but his core contained pure white energy unknown to others.
   Two hours later Mixuan woke up and threw a tantrums in cloud recesses. The guy was crying and saying he didn't want to come back and was planning to die somewhere.
Mixuan had lost the memories of his rebirth and his purpose to travel back in time. He only had the bitter memories of his first life where he caused death of his loved ones and at the end killed by his own brother. He wanted to die and never come back. According to the Jiang siblings he had come back in time and is living with them and here his name is Wei Mixuan. When he saw his younger self he wanted to tell him to run away from here. Your life is going to change. He was feeling pity for the you cheerful guy who was soon to be hated by the whole world.
No one believed him not even Lan Zhan, a tear made its way down his eyes.
   This Mixuan was much more paler than yesterday's Mixuan. There was no light in his eyes as if it's dead. He didn't say a single word the whole time they explained him. He just kept quiet. The room was soon filled by silence, the Jiang siblings tried everything to change the mood but none worked. The small smile they saw sometimes the day before was also faded now.
   Soon the silence was broken by a knock on the door.
"What is it?" Jiang Cheng asked.
" Zewu jun had asked whether Wei gonzi and Jiang gonzi wants to join them tomorrow for aqua demons case." The disciple informed.
" Tell him we will attend" Wuxian said happily. "Yes young master." The disciple said and left.
"Xuan ge will you also join us?" Wuxian asked him. "Brat he is injured he needs to rest" Jiang Cheng said.
"I will go" Mixuan did calmly.
"A-xian don't go to the back forest of Gusu. Young master Jin's dog is there."
Yanli reminded her brother. At the mention of dog both young and old Wei Wuxian had been terrified.
" I won't go there. Can't that peacock not bring that animal with him everywhere." With a sigh he said.
" It's late we all should rest now" Yanli said and they all left the room.
  Mixuan had decided to die at the back forest but due to that damn peacocks dog he had to postpone his idea for another day. He still wasn't able to believe that everyone was alive. Yanli, Zixuan, uncle Jiang, madam yu every one was alive and fine. He took a deep breath and let the sleep carry him away.

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