Chapter 23

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Dear readers,
In this chapter I have explained about how Wei Wuxian can give birth. It has nothing to do with omegaverse or any other things. Its all this crazy authors creations. So have fun reading.
Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️✌️

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had rested for quite a while in Zhao Sect. They needed to leave now as they had restored there spiritual power for traveling. They walked past the pavallion together. Many eyes were on them. It was no big surprise. They both were staying at the special room that the Sect Leader had built themselves which meant that they were important to the sects. Both arrived at the dine hall.
"You came." Shen Wei called with a small smile.
They nodded
"We had taken good amount of rest thanks to master Shen. But now we need to leave." Wangji said politely.
"You can leave after dinner Wangji xiong. Please I insist. It's been so long we meet." Yunlan insists.
Both couples have there dinner peacefully.
"Wangji xiong I recieved this invitation for archery competition what do you think. Should we go??" Yunlan inquires as no one knows weather it's a trap or anything else.
"Yauran had only seen me and Lan Zhan in our immortal forms and as Shen ge said he thinks I am a women. So I don't think there will be any problem. And about the Archery we are going." Wei Ying answered. Wangji inclined his head in agreement.
After some more talk, the Yunwei couple had decided to start strengthening there disciples for future and also the ward. Wangxian took there leave by sword.
"Lan Zhan where do you think we should go first. Yiling or Qinghe??" Wei Ying asked.
"Qinghe. We will send kids to stay together." Lan Wangji answered and together they flew to Qinghe Nie sect. It was nearest to Jinan so they just took two hours to reach there. By the time they reached there it was already night. But the Nie sect was lighten as it wasn't there sleeping time.
They meet the patrolling disciples at the gates and soon the disciples informed the sect leader about the arrival of Hanguang jun and Wei gonzi. Zuiruo and Jingyi almost ran towards them at there arrival news. Wei Ying knew that the boys might have felt quite out being alone with Sect Leader Nie keeping a close eye on them. Wei Wuxian had seen the eager looks the disciples were giving his boys. He smiled brightly at the duo who bowed at them and just behind them was Nie Mingjue standing like a bull.
"Senior Wei, Hanguang jun it's good that you both are finally here to take us. The disciples here almost made me feel like a lamb brought for slaughtering and especially with him beside me who was showing off his saber skills trying to impress some maidens." Jingyi complained on and on as they walked inside. Wei Ying laughed loudly while Lan Wangji gave a fond smile at him. Zuiruo was flushed red.
" I didn't do anything like that Hanguang jun. He is just rambling things" he said with a red face. Wuxian laughed more at that.
"Wangji you are here. Wei Wuxian." Sect Leader Nie addressed them. They both bowed at the sect leader.
"You should have informed me before coming." He said fondly looking at the couple.
Wangji bowed.
"Apologise for that sect leader nie." He said and Wuxian also mimicked him. Nie Mingjue waved his hand.
"No need for that Wangji. You can visit as you wish and you can also bring your spouse with you." He said with a knowing look. Wuxian blushed hard while Wangji's ears turned red.
"Ahhhahah.. thankyou for your offer sect leader nie." Wuxian said with a awkward laugh. The boys behind them chuckled earning a glare from the jade.
"You both arrived so late. I guess there might be something important." Nie Mingjue spoke again. Wangji nodded politely.
"Indeed sect leader nie. Actually we arrived to fix the barrier for the sect. We had already activated Gusu barrier so we now came here for your permission." Wuxian said.
"What kind of barrier??" Nie Mingjue.
" The one same as we all sects have at there gates just the modified version."
Wei Wuxian explained. Nie Mingjue raised his brow.
"Our barriers can't stop the fierce corpse but the updated version can. It's for the safety of sect if Wen Ruohan again tries to test his corpses." Lan Wangji.
"Not only corpses but anyone with bad intentions won't be able to enter unless they have the permission from sect leader. But as the one to modify is me and Lan Zhan so one of us will also can do that." Wuxian explained in detail. Nie Mingjue thought for a while. He had his trust on Wangji. He knew the jade since his childhood. He also knew lan Wangji won't do anything that isn't righteous or against there sect rules. So he gladly agreed. He showed them both to the sect wards and barriers. By the time he had understood that he can also trust Wei Wuxian. The young master had a loud mouth and open mind he never cared for rules and regulations quite opposite from the jade but what joined them was there will to stay in the right path and help the poor with a clear conscience. He was amazed with the skills of the couple at how they both within an hour had built an array and drew a new barrier and had taken there seats. Both on two opposite sides. Nie Mingjue had also taken one side from the four while his general had taken the last one. Lan Wangji with his zither and Wei Wuxian with his flute started playing the music. The boys avoided any interruptions from outside the barrier. Nie Mingjue and Nie Ruzan could clearly feel the flow of yin and yang energy by the two young cultivator. And a hour later the music stopped. Wuxian successfully drew a talisman and fixed the barrier while Wangji made sure that the gates are well protected by the barrier. Nie Mingjue was clearly impressed by the way they worked. From the look of his general he understood that the man was having the same thoughts. But the other thing that he noticed was the drawn out face of the young masters. They both looked quite pale and weak.
"Are they both alright??" He asked Zuiruo who nodded with a smile.
"They are. They have just spent there most of spiritual energy on that barrier. It would be best if they both took some rest." He answered. Mingjue nodded. He looked at his general who clearly understood what he wanted.
"It would our pleasure sect leader. They have helped us a lot today that too with good intentions." He said and went away to prepare room for the Wangxian couple.
"It would be better for them if they both just take rest for a while. They are clearly tired of running around. I am sure they would be directly coming from the Jinan sect after helping them and after they finished here I bet they both will plan to do there next task even if they haven't recovered there complete spiritual power. " Jingyi mumbled frowning. His parents had always been like this. Doing everything by themselves. They both try to take care of everyone but themselves. It's good that they at least take care of each other. Nie Mingjue looked at jingyi then thought at the words the younger had said. He concluded it was right. Indeed the couple was over working themselves. They both haven't even recovered from the incidents that had occurred some days ago and here they are building a barrier for his Sect.
After completing the barrier Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji and smiled.
"It's finally done Lan Zhan. Now we have to do three more barriers. But I am already tired. " He said leaning over the older. Lan Wangji held his waist. The older was also tired. They had spent a lot of spiritual energy today. They really needed rest. He thought. They both together walked to the sect leader and the two boys who were talking.
"It's done sect leader nie. It would be activated by tomorrow morning. It's the same as we built in Gusu. If you have any problem with it just inform Lan Zhan or me." He said seriously. The Sect Leader nodded.
"Thankyou for your help today. The boys were also quite helpful and now this barrier. You both look worn out so take rest and just ask anything you need. Inform the disciples they will help you." Nie Mingjue said. The couple nodded and bowed. It was already past eleven. The boys had retired to there rooms. The disciples showed them there room.
"Thankyou but one room is enough for us." Wei Wuxian informed. The disciple looked confused but agreed. He also asked about the food. Even though they had there dinner a while ago but they were bit hungry due to lack of spiritual power. So they agreed with a light meal and wine for Wei Ying and tea for Lan Zhan. They entered the room and sat down peacefully. They had completed some of there tasks but still there were much more to accomplish. Wei Ying was making a mind note at the list of things they had to do.
"Wei Ying do not overthink about it. We will do our best." Lan Wangji said. The younger smiled. His husband always knew what he wanted to hear to calm him. He stood up from his seat and walked towards the jade who was sitting by the table. He slouched on lan Zhans lap and snuggled closer. And soon they both started kissing. Rough, heated and passionate kiss but were interrupted by the disciple came with food and drink. Wei Ying huffed. Lan Wangji place him down and went to the door. He took the tray of food along with the drinks and thanked them. Wei Ying again made himself comfortable on his husband's lap and started eating more like Lan Wangji feeding him.
"Er gege don't you think that after all this we need to do family planning. And also this time I need you to marry me properly just like our last wedding." Wei Ying said looking intensely at the jade who hummed and nodded a bit. They had completed ther food but Wei Wuxian was still on the olders lap.
"So er gege how many kids do you wish this time?" He asked trailing his finger over Lan Wangji's pale skin.
"As many as Wei Ying wishes." Came a reply making Wuxian laugh aloud happily.
"Ha.. er gege you are really something. But have you thought of the chances that you could be a father soon. And I will be really happy to give birth to our many baobeis Lan Zhan. To be by your side always forever." He said with a soft smile. Lan Wangji dived in for a kiss.
"Forever" he said parting his lips a small smile on his lips.
"Forever." Wuxian agreed.
"Wei Wuxian is a recessive??? And you never informed me??" Madam Yu yelled making everyone flinch other than Jiayi who looked very annoyed. She hated the way the women addressed Wei Wuxian.
"My lady, I myself came to know today. How could I have said." Jiang Fengmian asked with a frown. Wei Wuxian was always free spirited and strong untamed, who would have thought of him to be a recessive male. Being recessive male was not something bad infact it was a great news. Recessive males were rare and most were cultivators. And the one like Wei Wuxian are rarest. They are like gems.
"Sect Leader Jiang haven't Wei gonzi ever taken for test??" Lan Xichen asked worried. Every child would be taken to the healer after they form a golden core to carry out such test. These tests weren't important for health but still it was important as helps to take care of the child. There are three types and non of them decides the capability or position of the cultivators. The only thing it helps is with there cultivation partner or soulmates. Neither Sect Leader Jiang nor Madam yu said anything. Madam yu just scoffed while Jiang Fengmian looked down.
"He didn't Sect Leader Lan." Zuiruo answered after seeing that no one was gonna say anything.
"Senior Wei himself didn't knew anything about it. He only knew when he got pregnant with A-li." Sizhui said with a fond smile. He still remembered the shocked yet happy face of his parents. The way his fufu cried and fuqin smiled. The other boys also had the same pleasant smile remembering the time. No one could forget that period. Senior Weis weird cravings, Hanguang jun trying to get them, the emotional mess, the birth of a-li everything felt so pleasant so happy. Yanli, Huisang and Xichen smiled at them.
"What is this test??" Jiang Cheng asked as he had no knowledge about it.
"Jiang xiong, it's a normal test that every child from cultivation family do for there future family plan. It has no role in determining the power or position of the child. It only helps to determine our future family. There are three types. First dominant, second normal and third recessive ones. The dominant ones can never get pregnant and they are hell of possessive for there soulmates or partners. They are rare just like recessive ones. The male that can get pregnant are called recessive males. They are the rarest and normal are comman men who may have a soulmate or not. They are common. Most of the cultivators are normal ones. And about women I don't know anything. By the way I am normal male." Nie Huisang explained happily.
"What about me??" Jiang Cheng asked his family.
"A-cheng you had done that test and you are a normal male." Yanli smiled.
"Ohh. So you say Wei Wuxian can give birth to kids like women can??" Jiang Cheng asked with a soft smile. The image of his little nephews or nieces feels so cute. Xichen nodded.
"Zewu jun does this mean a-xian and Hanguang jun are soulmates??" Yanli asked curious as she had never seen many soul mates.
"But I never saw a soulmate mark on there wrists" Jin Zixuan interjects.
"Then they aren't. It's not like it's anything important. He is after all a son of servant. I will decide whom he should marry and whom not" Madam yu said. Everyone looks at her in disbelief. Jiayi was almost about to yell when her nephew held her hand. Yanli notices the boys and Jiayis dark expression. She couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed.
"You can't Madam yu." Sizhui says calmly. Everyone looks at him. He don't have his usual calm smile making him too similar to Lan Wangji especially those honey brown eyes with a dark look as he looks straight into Madam yu's eyes.
"What do mean boy??" Madam yu challenges him but Sizhui didn't budge. His expression just grew darker as his stare changes into a glare.
"You can never seperate them." He says simply. He then looks at the other and slowly stands up and bows.
"I will take my leave then." He says and he is gone soon the other boys also follow them. Jiayi looks at Madam yu with a smirk as she saw the lady gritting her teeth.
"Madam Jiang" she called knowing very well the older lady doesn't like to to addressed so. She smiles satisfied at the annoyed angry glare she received from Yi Ziyuan.
"Let me give you a small advice. Lan Wangji is not Wei Wuxian. And Lan Wangji is a true dominant and a Lan on top." She says and stands up and walks away without glancing back at the women. Yanli also leaves along with her. That clearly was a big warning. Jiang Fengmian looks at Lan Xichen who is not at all happy with the way Madam yu spoke. He found no wonder why his brother was resolved to pamper Wei Wuxian. It was clear that the boy never received any mutual love in his sect. And when Jiayi said those words he smiled softly. His brother was a dominant. Possessiveness was in his nature. And he knew that his brother will go to any ends for his love after all he is a Lan and lan loves once. He smiled and nodded. Huisang and Zixuan looked at him with wide eyes.
"Why are you both so surprised??" Jiang Cheng asks confused at there expression. Madam yu just huffs nad leaves from there. Sect Leader Jiang just sighs. He should talk about this to her. He looks at lan Xichen who gave him a soft nod. He smiles and also takes his leave.
"Childe Jiang, dominant are rare types of male and women. In women dominant women could impregnate another women but her chances of getting pregnant are rare. And in male they can never get pregnant and can only impregnate. They are very possessive over there mates. They won't take any insult or anything bad for there mates and are truly devoted to there one and only love even if they are soulmates or not. And Wangji is one." Xichen explains to the young masters.
"There's no surprise then that Wangji xiong is so overprotective over Wei xiong." Nie Huisang commented.
"What about Wei Wuxian??" Jiang Cheng asks. He don't know anything about this. He remember going for a test but this information is new for him.
"I have never met any recessive males before and I never knew Wei gonzi is one. And from what I have read. They are the rarest. They can both get pregnant by a male mate and can also impregnate a female mate. They are known as blessings. But it's weird. Wei gonzi is different from the ones I have read. Mostly recessive males are easily angered or hurt but he never gets riled up or anything. I have always seen him smiling." Lan Xichen says.
"But that doesn't mean that he doesn't feel them Xichen ge. It's just he had learned to hide them properly. If we look carefully everytime Wei xiong is with Hanguang jun he shows his true emotions, his smiles looks more genuine that it feels that the smiles he earlier used to show are all just a mask." Huisang says softly. Jiang Cheng thinks properly about it. He never thought particularly about his brothers feelings. He never liked Lan Wangji for some reasons like his mother sometimes compared him to the jade during his classes in Gusu and others too. He didn't like the way Wei Wuxian always tried to get the jade's attention. He knew his brother had some feelings but he was sure that those were just mere admiration. He never thought his brother will marry Lan Wangji which meant he will leave Yunmeng. But then again was Wei Wuxian really happy here???
The next day Wei Wuxian woke up with a sore back. He turned around to see his husband sitting at the table reading something in upright position. He stood up. He shouldn't have teased Lan Zhan. He thought and walked near him and sat on his lap.
"Er gege you were really hard last night. It hurts." He said pouting. Lan Zhan kissed that pout and gave him a small smile.
"You asked for it." He said and picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. There he washed his wife clean, then dressed him up. Wei Ying tied Lan Zhan his forehead ribbon and kissed it. It was a reminder that he was the only one to touch this ribbon. The special one.
The disciple informed them about the breakfast. The couple walked to the dine hall together. Nie Mingjue, Jingyi and Zuiruo waiting for them. Together they all had there breakfast. The Wangxian couple discussed some of the important things with them.
"There's no need to spare the Wens." Nie Mingjue snarled. The boys flinched yet the couple remained calm.
"They need to be killed, totally removed from the society." He had said.
"We understand your emotions Sect Leader Nie, but for the sake of revenge for your father, will you kill Children?" Wei Wuxian dared to ask.The general and some disciples present were shocked with his audacity to question the most dangerous Sect Leader. Nie Mingjue gritted his teeth and shook his head.
"The elders, women and kids who never took part in this just because they are unlucky to be born with a surname Wen." He asked again.
"No" Nie Mingjue replied. He could never do that. It was not his way to kill the innocents.
"That's all Sect Leader Nie. We aren't stopping you from killing soldiers and corpses just innocent poor people who have no choice." Wei Wuxian said and Lan Wangji nodded.
"We hope you would help us to not only eradicate the evil but also protect the innocent." Lan Wangji said, his voice deep calm and steady. Nie Mingjue nodded. It was perfectly right thing to do. They all discussed some more about the various ways and also about Yauran. Nie Mingjue felt that the young cultivator were truly working very hard for a good future for everyone.
"As long as you both don't do something wrong. You can always ask me for help. Me and my sect will always be with you and stand by your side." He said with a smile that bloomed on his face. The couple bowed.
"Thankyou Sect Leader Nie." The said together.
"No need for that. I wish my brother would also be some help." He sighed.
Wei Wuxian smiled.
"Don't worry about that Sect Leader Nie. Huisang is much more then you think, just believe in him a bit." He said smiling brightly. Lan Wangji nodded.
"He might be weak in saber but is good at literature." Wangji added. Nie Mingjue looked at him doubtfully. But then waved it off. He loved his brother in any way he was. He would always be his baby brother. He smiled softly and nodded.
"You both can call me dage just like Huisang you know." Nie Mingjue said hopefully. Wei Wuxians smile brighten, he looked at his husband. Lan Wangji had never addressed anyone ge other then his brother and after there mother's death he stopped it and started addressing formally xiong zhang. He still remember the way his brother flinched when he first addressed him as xiong zhang. He never wanted it but his elders always encouraged him to be more formal. Wei Ying held his hand.
'Its alright Lan Zhan. It doesn't matter how you address Xichen ge all that matters is he is your ge the one you believe, trust, loves and cares for. Just like you do for me and it's better to have more allies don't you think so my love. Our path won't be easy ahead.' he mind linked. Lan Wangji nodded at him. He turned to the sect leader who was looking at them curiously and nodded.
"As you wish dage." Wei Ying chirped happily. Nie Mingjue knew about Lan Wangji so he smiled at him.
"You can take your time Wangji and no one can ever take Xichens place." He said fondly knowing the youngers delema.
Lan Wangji nodded again.
"Mn" he replied.
After a while the couple took off for there next destination while Zuiruo and Jingyi left for Yunmeng.
"Lan Zhan what about Wen Ning and Wen Qing??" Wei Ying asked.
"I sent the letter you asked me this morning with my jade pendent. Brother is there so he will recognise it and will protect them." The jade replied. Last night they had discussed about Wen sibilings. It was best if they stayed and knew other young heirs and also the kids knew Wen Ning and adored him a lot so they will always take care of there Wen jiujiu or senior Wen.
"So what's our next destination?? Lan Zhan I really wanted to see that land." Wei Ying whined. Lan Wangji nodded.
Together they both traveled to Yiling. They hadn't recovered there complete spiritual energy so they both had decided to walk. The couple walked through the streets of lanling watching the crowd and enjoying the busy street. Occasionally Lan Wangji would buy some street food like tangulu or candied straws for Wei Wuxian and they both would walk down the street enjoying various food. They both had almost reached when they saw a familiar face.
"Xue Yang!!" Wei Wuxian whispered as he looked at a ten year old Xue Yang using a knife to threaten the shop holder for something. He had a his sword with. The couple silently followed him. They soon reached a silent allay. Xue Yang who knew that someone was following him turned around and threw a talisman. The couple doghed it efficiently. Xue Yang looked at Lan Wangji, smirked he started running but before he could go more he felt a string over his wrist and pull and soon he was on the ground. He felt another string on his another wrist. He gritted his teeth and looked at the cultivators then at his wrists. He saw a blue thread on both his wrists. The first one was connected to Lan Wangji's wrist who was looking at him with a blank face and another to Wei Wuxians, he knew both the cultivators and also that they were stronger then him. He heard a sound from nearby. He knew it was Wen Xu. The eldest son of Wen Ruohan. They were here to collect the yin metal that Wen Ruohan had asked them to collect. He smirked and was about the yell when the stoic jade silenced him, he glared at Lan Wangji who just remained same with no change. Wei Wuxian beside him chuckled and shook his head. He came near Xue Yang and helped him up. Lan Wangji looked at him and nodded. A string over Xue Yangs wrist vanished.
"Be careful." He said and walked to where Wen Xu was.
Wei Wuxian looked at him.
"I am not going to harm you. Just want to have a small talk. Let's go." He said and pulled Xue Yang along with him who followed the man having no other option.
They reached a small inn. Wei Wuxian order some food and wine for them. Xue Yang glared at him.
"Do you really think you can bribe me with this Wei Wuxian. I thought you could do more." He said chuckling darkly. Wei Wuxian smiled brightly.
"I am not here to bribe you Xue Yang. As I said earlier just a talk. You haven't got too much blood on your hands so you still have time to change." He said calmly. Xue Yang tsked.
"And why should I?? I was never treated fairly then why should I treat others nicely. You cultivator from high class will never understand that." He said and looked away. Wei Wuxian laughed humourless.
"Cultivator from high class?? Me??" He laughed like a maniac. Xue Yang frowned. He didn't know the man well. He had heard Wei Wuxian was the head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang Sect and he can clearly sense the strong cultivation in the other. He looked at Wei Wuxian.
"You are the first person in my life to call me that instead of son of a servant." He said with no tint of sadness. Xue Yang again looked at him. He could not believe that the man could so easily admit that he was a son of a servant. Wei Wuxian sighed.
"Xue Yang I know might not believe me now but trust me I know you more then you think. I know why you are like this. The reason for your hatred towards others." He said looking at the little finger.
"How??" He asked. He had never said his reason to anyone then how could Wei Wuxian know that. Then Wei Wuxian explained him shortly about how he knew the future and that they came back and many more things. Xue Yang could not help but laugh at that. The man had really lost his mind he thought. The frowned when Wei Wuxian laughed along with him
" I knew you won't believe me even if I say it. But please don't stray more towards that path. In the end you will regret it badly. I know you had face injustice. I know how it feels I can assure you that I understand because I was also a street rat once. I know how it feels to be pitied or hated by others but believe me you will also find someone who will look above your faults and see and understand your value. " He said softly. His voice somewhat soothed the younger. For the first time he didn't felt pitied or humiliated.
"You found someone like that??" He asked. He don't believe there will ever be someone who will look him above his status. Everyone is greedy, selfish power hungry. Wei Wuxian smiled, the smile was brighter, more geniune. But before he could say Lan Wangji entered the inn. A hour or so had passed the jade had went away. Xue Yang thought he would never come back but here he was same as he saw him an hour ago. He then looked at Wei Wuxian who was smiling at the jade like an idiot. No way. He thought. He looked between the two. Lan Wangji gracefully sat beside Wei Wuxian who served him a tea. Lan Wangji gave him a small smile almost subtle. He looked at Xue Yang and nodded. Xue Yang blinked again and again. Wei Wuxian chuckled and held Lan Wangji's arm.
"You both.." He started but trailed off. From whatever he knew about Wei Wuxian till now he could conclude that Wei Wuxian was completely opposite of what Lan Wangji was. This is impossible. He thought. He had heard a lot about Lan Wangji. Many cultivators said he was cold, arrogant, righteous, rude and many more and the civilians said that he was Hanguang jun- the light bearer, he helped anyone who needed his help without looking at the status. He respected everyone. Many feared and respected the man even at his young age. Xue Yang could not help but feel the strong core of Lan Wangji even from a distance. Wei Wuxian smiled at him. He hooked his hands with the jade.
"The one I found" he said and Xue Yang looked away. He didn't knew why. But he knew no one will ever care for him weather he die or stay alive.
"Why do you want me to stop what I am doing now??" He asked.
"We got a chance to protect the one near to us, so we want to give you the chance to change because if you continue this path then your future will be same as it was it our timeline. You had pressurized the only person who ever showed you care to suicide. You regretted it but you were too late Xue Yang." Wei Wuxian said.
"You are young and can cultivate quite well for your age. You were treated badly so try that no other child will have to go through what you did." Lan Wangji said and place a handful candy on the table. He took few and gave it to Wei Wuxian who smiled and immediately started eating. Xue Yang looked at candy then at the two men infront of him. Wei Wuxian chugging his wine while Lan Wangji drinking his tea. He slowly went for a candy. They always were his weakness. He unwrapped it and ate it. The sweetness filled his senses. Wei Wuxian smiled at him.
"What had happened to me at the end?" He asked it was the final questions he wanted to ask. He thought picking up a cup of wine.
"You died." Wei Wuxian said and Xue Yang chocked.
"What?? How?? Who killed me?" He asked the last question in low voice.
"I did." Lan Wangji said his voice still same calm and steady with no regret.
"You had already lost yourself in resentment. Not only you had a river of blood in your hands but also you killed the one who genuinely cared for you even though you hurted him before. He didn't knew it was you though. But you did. He helped you when you were at the verge of death." Wei Wuxian spoke. Xue Yang looked down. After all he was still a child now. He hadn't done many wrong things.
" What do you want me to do??" He asked.

 " What do you want me to do??" He asked

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