Chapter 26

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"You mean they got married after Wei ge came back from dead thirteen years later??" Xue Yang asked the boys. They were all sitting in the Lotus pavallion enjoying the cool breeze and lotus seeds.
Sizhui nodded at the question.
"But how did he got approved by Lan clan? As much I had heard they are a bunch of orthodox old men lecturing on righteousness." He said tossing a pod into his mouth. Lan Xichen cleared his throat and smiled at the boy. Xue Yang smiled innocently shrugging. But the topic he spoke had gotten many interests. The elders looked at the boys.
"He wasn't. That's why they eloped and got married." Jingyi pointed out.
"Did they never came back and lan clan never approved there marriage??" Wen Qing asked curiously.
"They did come back. During that time the cultivation world was a mess. Everything that was thought as truth for more than a decade was a lie and trap. Zewu jun had gone into seclusion and grandmaster alone could no more manage the sect. So after a month of their marriage Hanguang jun and Senior Wei returned. At first no one approved there marriage. The elders scolded Hanguang jun and always compared him to his father." Jingyi said. Lan Xichen sighed and closed his eyes. Others saw his distressed face.
"What is it Xichen??" Jiang Fengmian asked as he knew about there father Qingheng jun. Lan Xichen sighed again sorrowful,
"The elders always did that. They knew Wangji didn't like to be compared to father. They always tried to hurt his emotions. They are also the reason why he always hides his emotions. He is scared to get hurt again." He said with glisten eyes. Jiang Yanli gave him a cup of Lotus tea and smiled at him. She could understand how it feels to see your younger brother hurt. She had seen a-xian hurt for so many years. Jin Zixuan's eyes twitched at that.
"I thought Wangji xiong was always like this. Ever since childhood he was strict with rules and never broke them nor allowed others to do it. I thought he never liked others company." Nie Huisang said. Lan Xichen shook his head.
"Wangji was an introvert since childhood but he wasn't like this so cold so far. He was cheerful and playful just like other kids. But being second young master of the sect and having cultivated a core at young age not many liked him. He changed after our mothers death no more like he forced himself to change. He loved our mothers company most. She was somewhat similar to Wei gonzi especially her smile and just like Wei gonzi she liked to tease Wangji." He said with a smile remembering how happy his brother was with there mother. Jiang Fengmian sighed. He too knew about the jades childhood but never thought it was this sad. Everyone was reminded of the lan Wangji's memory where a young Wangji was sitting in front of his mother's room in the snow.
"That day during memory we saw Hanguang jun sitting in snow??" Yanli inquired slowly not wanting to hurt the other. Lan Xichen nodded.
" We could only meet her once a month. And Wangji waited for that day. That year, it was the day to meet mother but Wangji had broken some rule unknowingly and was punished. He completed his punishment as quick as he could but by the time he finished mother was gone. The elders said to him that mother has gone so he would never meet her again. He was so young to understand what gone means. What is death. He thought mother is angry with him because he broke the rules. She left him because he broke his promise to never break any rules. But he was stubborn. He waited in front of mothers door like every month for her to open the door and smile at him. But that never happened. The first time he did he had fainted but he never stopped waiting for her. It continued for some more years and as these years passed by he became more cold more distant. Rules became everything for him. He never broke a single rule. He blocked his heart from everyone. " Xichen said wiping his tears. His younger brother was always his weakness. He always thought his brother never got the happiness he deserved. Xichen had spent twelve years with there mother and also he had met his father many times as he was the elder son and future sect leader but for Wangji it was different. There mother was his brothers happiness, but she died before his brother could enjoy her warmth a little. His brother seldom had seen there father. It won't be a surprise if Lan Wangji could not recognise his father now. Others didn't know how they should react. They never thought that behind the cold appearance of Lan Wangji there would be such a sad story. They clearly misjudged him.
"Then senior Wei came to his life like a tsunami. Breaking his every resolution, teasing him endlessly with a smile that warmed the coldness in Hanguang juns heart." Sizhui spoke with a beautiful smile. Lan Xichen nodded.
"I started seeing the difference in Wangji after Wei gonzi's arrival. He had his cold appearance yet his eyes held some softness to the untamed Yunmeng Jiang disciple." He said smiling relieved.
" In our time it was worst than this. Senior Wei did everything he could to get Hanguang juns attention. He played pranks, he teased, he even made Hanguang jun break the rule. At first he wanted to see if Hanguang jun was really as righteous as everyone said for some reason, then he started loving the small reactions he got from Hanguang jun so he continued teasing him. He did so much that every elder in cloud recesses especially grandmaster disliked him for his reckless behaviour. They became close, everyone thought Hanguang jun hated him whereas in real it was exact opposite." Jingyi said shaking his head.
"How do you know?? You all weren't even born then??" Jiang Cheng asked.
"Senior Wei always told us the stories of how he made Hanguang jun fall for him." Jingyi said laughing. Everyone had a bewildered look.
"Senior Wei liked telling stories mostly the stories of him, Hanguang jun and Sect Leader Jiang." Zichen said smiling.
"Father??" Cheng asked. Zichen shook his head.
"It's not current Sect Leader. It's Sect Leader Jiang Cheng. That's you. He would also tell the stories of how kind and beautiful his Shijie was while how." Before Zichen could finish Sizhui silenced him and glared at him. Zichen immediately knew his mistake. He was about to tell how undeserving Jin Zixuan was. He smiled sheepishly shrugging his shoulder. The rest boys who knew what he was about to blurt shook there head.
"So what did Hanguang jun do to get the approval??" Nie Huisang asked.
" After Hanguang jun and Senior Wei returned to cloud recesses. They had to attend the Sect banquet and all the elders and grandmaster kept a close eye of Senior Wei to scold him or ask him to get out. But they didn't expect senior Wei to behave so well and every time he stuck Hanguang jun would help him without anyones notice. They started living in jingshi. Zewu jun had already accepted them but he was in seclusion. Many elders started making fuss about Yiling Patriarch staying in gusu. That was when Lan Huron made fun of Senior Wei saying he isn't a lan as he wasn't accepted by grandmaster. And Hanguang jun noticed that Senior Wei was actually hurt by that..." Sizhui said and looked at the audience. Everyone was listening carefully wanting to know what happened further. He now understood why his fufu loves story telling.
"What happened then? What did he do??" Xue Yang asked impatiently.
"So Hanguang jun kneeled in front of grandmasters quarters for three continuous days without food, water and spiritual energy. He had blocked it. It wasn't just about getting Senior Wei and his marriage register but also giving Senior Wei his every right as Hanguang juns spouse." He continued.
"Where was Wei Wuxian then??" Jin Zixuan asked.
"Senior Wei was in jinshi. Hanguang jun had made him promise that he won't stop him. He had made me and Jingyi take care of Senior Wei while he was doing that. During that time Senior Wei wasn't allowed to many places in cloud recesses and as he didn't want to anger elders anymore than he already did, he stayed in the room crying."
"Did Lan-er-gonzi succeed??" Yanli asked worried.
"Ofcourse he did. Hanguang jun can be the most stubborn cultivator when he wants to be." Jingyi said proudly. Others chuckled. Xichen smiled widely. His didi can truly be quiet stubborn sometimes. He shook his head.
"Hanguang jun did succeed after three days had passed but he had grown weak. And grandmaster could no longer see him like that. So he agreed. But it wasn't easy. The elders didn't agree at first then they wanted to make conditions. They thought as Hanguang jun wanted Senior Wei so badly and lacked spiritual energy. He would agree but he didn't. He never took risks when it came to Senior Wei."
"What conditions??" Jiang Cheng cut him. Sizhui sighed.
"They wanted Senior Wei to stay in Genetian hall just like former Madam lan and spend his life the same way. Senior Wei had agreed to it even after knowing what it would be like.."
"What???" Xichen raised his voice shocked. His eyes widened.
"Why such huge reaction Zewu ju??" Xue Yang asked. The heirs also wanted to know the same. Xichen had tears in his eyes. No one no one deserve the life there mother had gone through. No one. And he knew in no way his brother would allow it. They had seen the sadness in there mother's eyes. There mother was a bird who was caged in cloud recesses. She had been deprived of every happiness, every right. Her kids were kept away from her. Even after her death they weren't allowed to talk about her.
"It's a life no one deserves." Was all Xichen said. No one asked further anything as they knew it wasn't there place to question.
They looked at the younger. Sizhui closed his eyes. He still remembered the day clearly. He along with his fufu was summoned to meeting hall after three days.

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