Chapter 15

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Whip scars??

"I didn't mean it" Jiang Cheng mumbled.
"It's alright Jiang gonzi. My didi is strong" Xichen said but anyone could see he too was hurted due to Jiang Chengs words. He cursed himself for his anger.

A hour had passed and Lan Wangji still hadn't returned. Wei Wuxian and Wen Jiayi were still unconscious. Almost everyone believed her to be Wangji's wife as he didn't like physical contact with anyone. The juniors were worried. Zuiruo, Rulan and Yixuan were searching for Wangji along with Xichen and Wanyin. The later was feeling guilty for what he said to Lan Wangji.

"Sizhui!!", Yixuan.
"Did you find him??" He asked worried. The others shook there head.
They had search everywhere but still didn't find the jade. Lan Xichen was also getting worried now. His baby brother had never behaved in such a way and he clearly knew how Wangji was when they lost there mother. The boy had went numb and lifeless for years.
"What happened where's Hanguang jun??" Jingyi asked worried. He wasn't informed about the earlier incident as they clearly knew his reaction.
"Nothing."sizhui said in short.
"Stay here with senior Wei and lady wen we will be back."he added.
"Jingyi listen to him. We will bring Hanguang jun back." Rulan said.
The boy nodded and along with Zichen went to tend Wuxian and Jiayi.
The juniors and the young masters got out of the room.
"We need to find Hanguang jun. We can't let him stay alone."
"Hmm. But where do we search him?"
"Cold pond??"
"Not there."
"Young master can you tell us if Wangji is alright?" Xichen asked as he could not take the worried look of juniors anymore.
"We don't know Sect Leader Lan. A-li was closest to Hanguang jun. He cherished her from the day she was born and now when she left he already might be broken." Zuiruo said.
They once again searched everywhere but to no avail.
"Genetian hall" sizhui said suddenly.
"Right it's the only place left to search." Yixuan.
"But Wangji never enters inside there." Xichen said.
Genetian hall was there mothers abode. After her death his baby brother always stood in front of the door but never entered.
"Our Hanguang jun does." The boys said and walked towards there. As they got near the room they could hear faint sobs. Xichen clutched his chest. He hated to see his baby brother sad and to see Wangji crying was the most heart breaking sight. Sizhui opened the door only to see the jade curled into a ball clutching his baby's forehead ribbon.
"Fuqin" he called softly.
Lan Wangji looked at him and stood up. His eyes swollen red from crying. Hairs wet. He was in his inner robes most probably had a bath in cold pond.
He raised his hand a bit.
"A-yuan" and Thudd
"Fuqin" the four boys called together. Xichen who stood out with others were shocked to here the four boys calling Lan Wangji father. Xichen ran in and saw his brother lying on the floor with the four boys crying bitterly calling him to wake up.
"Fuqin please wake up. It's a-yuan please." Sizhui called.
"Sizhui let's take fuqin to room maybe Wen ayi can help" zuiruo said. He was the eldest in the group. They carried Wangji to jingshi.
Xichen tried to wake his brother up but the later wasn't even responding. He was having a heavy breathing, trembling. The situation was similar to what Wei Wuxian had days ago.
Nothing could stop him. His face was turning pale.
"What happened to fuqin?" Jingyi and Zichen asked together.
Nie Huisang furrowed his brows. Earlier according to what Jiang Cheng had said Lan Wangji had three kids but here almost seven kids called him father.
Meanwhile zuiruo calmly explained what had happened earlier. Jingyi almost launched himself on Jiang sect heir if not held by Rulan.
"Why is it always you who runs his mouth without thinking once." He yelled at the man.
Jiang Cheng wanted to reply but couldn't find the right words. It was true he was guilty for what he did.
"A-yi calm down." Rulan
"Calm down" he chuckled" my father is lying here unconscious and you are asking me to calm down Jin Rulan." He shouted angered.
Jin ling and others knew there was no way to calm jingyi down.
"If something happens to them in this life, it would be me who will kill you along with your sect and no one will stop me." He threatened. Everyone looked at him shocked leaving the time travellers who sighed.
Jiang Cheng unsheathed his sword but before he could move he felt an ice near his sword.
"Enough Jingyi." Sizhui said in a calm yet strict voice same as his father's.
He stood in between Jingyi and Jiang Cheng. As Jingyi left he sheathed his sword and bowed.
"Apologise Jiang gonzi for my brothers behaviour." He said softly but then in ice cold voice, "but if you dare to touch my family I won't spare you." He said and went back to sit near his father as if nothing happened. Black clouds were gathering more and more. But no one could control them.
"B.. blood" Zichen said cracking his voice pointing at the blood covered bedsheet under Lan Wangji.
They turned the jade quickly and the whole room gasped at the amount of blood at the man's back.
"Whips" Xichen said shocked. It was one or two but more then dozens. His whole back was covered with whip scars.
"No...not again." Sizhui trembled remembering the same view he saw years ago.
""he mumbled continuously as the healers checked Wangji. Nothing could stop the blood. Everyone panicked.
Jingyi and Zichen started crying. Sizhui was still in shock. The rest three were also at the verge of tears. Xichen and Qiren were trying everything they could only to fail. Jiayi woke up listening to the commotion. She remembered the last thing she saw. Her baby fading away. Tears flowed through her eyes she turned and saw Jingyi crying. She almost jumped from the bed. Pushing away Xichen she saw her brothers blood covered back.
"Wh..what happened Xichen ge?" She asked. No one answered.
"Answer me Lan Xichen. what happened?"she almost yelled. Others looked at the angry women who looked as if she could kill someone.
"I..I don't know." Was all Xichen could say before the lady pushed the healer and others away from his brother and sat beside him. She checked his pulse then tore away the bloody cloth from his back. Turning towards juniors,
" Bring some towel and hot water."
And again started checking the wounds. Lan Wangji whimpered in pain.
"A-xian" a small vice could be heard. The lady teared up and turned only to see the still shocked Sizhui. Shaking the boy she called him,
"A-yuan... a-yuan"
"Will.. will he also leave me." The younger mumbled. He was still in the past when his only support and family was Lan Wangji.
"No never. It's's phantom pain. Don't worry."
" took him three months to wake up back then."
"Lan Sizhui wake up. Your father is alright. It's just the resentment energy which is causing him to live his memories again" she said loudly waking the younger from his daze. The only line he heard was Your father is alright. And that was enough for him he nodded and turned back into his calm mode.
Jiayi sighed.
She started going through the healers medical kit that he brought not minding anyone. Lan Qiren looked at her in shock. The lady was fierce. And he had heard that she is his nephews wife. He sighed. Jiayi collected some plants and started grinding them. The healers tried to talk only to be glared at. They gulped and left from there whispering.
Soon she applied the medicine after cleaning his back. Wangji groaned in pain. The black clouds were increasing every minute. Soon the clouds formed a screen.
Chilly wind flowed.
They all looked at the screen and saw two ghouls.
"Empathy. Without permission." Yixuan said. Others knitted there brows confused at the events taking place. Jiayi continued applying medicine. Sizhui was playing guqin while Jingyi Xiao. They were playing perfectly still it had no effect on the unconscious man.
"A-ling make a-xian sniff this and bring him here quick." She said giving Rulan some bottled potion. The boy nodded and went towards the unconscious Wei Wuxian.
The screen shined
They saw a garden covered with snow. The snow was still falling. A young at the age of 4 or 5 in gusu lan sect robes, forehead ribbon sitting in upright position looking at the door in front of him.

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