Chapter 22

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  Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji reached Jinan. This wasn't one of the great sects but wasn't less though. The Zhao Sect of Jinan was started by an unknown monk who fell in love with a lady who only had few years left in her life. The monk did everything he could. But finally after two years and no results he understood that it can't be helped. So he decided to give his wife the most beautiful memories of her life before her death. He loved her like his life, cared for, protected her. He fulfilled her every wish even the wish of having a child with him. The lady gave birth to a beautiful son named Xiaohai. After the birth of the baby a few months later the lady died but she died with peace as she knew her husband wasn't alone after she leaves. The monk took care of the child along with some more orphan kids. As the little boy grew up he built a sect in the memory of his late parents in Jinan. The Zhao Sect. And years after year the sect grew almost as big as the fifth biggest sect the Nie Sect. They were powerful yet people with good hearts. The current Sect Leader Zhao Yunlan is not only one high ranking young master but also someone near to the Wangxian couple. As the reached the residence of the cultivators they saw the Sect Leader a young man dressed in complete green beside him was another young man in pitch black robes the madam of the sect - Shen Wei. Wuxian takes out his flute while Wangji takes out his guqin both flies to the two walls of the sects and starts playing. At the first struck of guqin Shen Wei looks at them and does something that surprises his whole sect. The Sect Madam gives a full wide smile at the two young men in black and white robes standing on the two walls. The guqin stops yet flute continues. Wangji lands in the middle of the group of fierce corpse gracefully with Bichen in the hand and then starts the fight. He chops off and slices each and every corpses with a quick speed. Shen Wei and Yunlan joins him. The fight ended quickly and Wei Ying landed beside his husband and gave the Yunwei couple a bright smile. Yunlan and Shen Wei bows to them.
"Your highn-" before they could complete Lan Wangji silence them and gives them a warning glare before removing the spell. Wei Ying laughs out loudly.
"Brother Zhao won't you invite us in" he asked playfully. Shen Wei shook his head.
"Please come in Hanguang jun and Wei gonzi." Shen Wei invited politely.
"Ahh so like Shen saozi" Wei Ying teased and poor Shen Wei turned red. He turned back with a pout then grinned an evil grin.
"Your welcome Madam Lan" he said and now it was Wei Ying's turn to blush. Yunlan laughed loudly at the two while Wangji just shook his head.
"Let's go in first." He said seriously.
The three nodded and the sect leader led the way to there private chambers. Wei Wuxian placed a locking and silence spell talisman on the door after closing it.
"Your highness is everything alright" Wei asked worried.
"Shen xiong you know that you don't need to adress us so formally and we are not in heavenly or celestial realms, it's mortal realm. And here we all are equal. So you call us with our names." Wei Ying said and Lan Zhan nodded in agreement.
"As your wish your- I mean Wuxian." Wei said with a smile.
"It's pleasure to meet you guys after so long. When mother god said that we have to be here we didn't guess that we all could be together." Yunlan said with excitement then stops.
"But the situation here doesn't seems to make sense. The fierce corpses are everywhere. A sight too much similar to the one we faced in our lives." He says as the smile slips from his lips.
"We can change it. We have a chance to do it." Lan Wangji said calmly.
Wei Wuxian nods,
"Yes Lan Zhan is right. We have a chance now so we have to make the maximum use of it. We have to avoid as much casualties as we can. We have already started with a plan. But.." he trails off.
"Wen Ruohan is too fast this time. He had already gathered an ocean of resentful energy. And Yauran is the one helping him." Shen completes his sentence after he opens his eyes.
"Yauran isn't he the one who wanted to make Wuxian his Queen." Yunlan says and Wuxian chokes on his tea while Wangji grits his teeth.
" A proposal without my knowledge??" He asks and places a hand over his husbands slowly calming him down.
"Yauran is a demonic creature or you can call him as a spirit. He was killed by you and Wangji in celestial realm. Remember the one that spread resentful energy everywhere there. Don't you remember him now??" Yunlan asks. Wuxian shakes his head.
"We visited and killed many spirits there." He defends himself.
"The one we killed before you got cursed." Wangji says and then it clicks and Wuxian remembers the time when he had dressed in complete red robe that revealed his legs. He also remembers how long the night was. Lan Zhan had fucked him till he fainted. It wasn't easy for a cultivator like them to faint yet he had fainted. He looks at his husband and notices the pink glowing ears that are hidden due to the long hairs. He squeezes Lan Wangji's hand quietly receiving one in return.
Shen Wei clears his throat.
"We can just kill him again" Wei Wuxian says casually. Shen Wei shook his head,
"That time you were in celestial realm and you both were already immortals but this time it's different. Your cultivation maybe high but he his more powerful than you both. I can sense it." He says. Shen Wei here in the mortal realm for others is a normal cultivator with high cultivation but in truth he is the black cloaked man of demon realm. Due to which he can easily sense demonic creatures and spirits along with resentful energy. 
They heaves a sigh. Yunlan closes his eyes. Zhao Yunlan the Sect Leader of Zhao sect here but in truth he was the right hand man of heavenly emperor. He is a pure heavenly being with high energy due to which he can use his power to determine the energy needed to destroy something.
"A-wei is correct. He is more powerful. We will need quite some amount of spiritual and demonic energy. You both alone it's risky. But the least you both need to cultivate for a while atleast a complete month most suitable in seclusion to manage your flow of energy. I can sense they aren't stable yet. Wangji you should always remember about your injury. And also your power that is still keeping Hu feng locked in dungeon." Yunlan says. The Wangxian couple nods. They both were so in keeping everyone safe that they forgot about themselves. Wei Ying was using demonic cultivation quite for a while and he can clearly sense the disturbance in his core. The same was for Lan Wangji. He frowns as he thinks.
"We need to form a force and stop Wen Ruohan for a while till we get stable." He says. The three men nodded.
"You just have to order. We will always help you" Yunlan says. Wangji bows a little while Wuxian smiles brightly.
"That we know brother Zhao" he says.
"But we two aren't enough to delay Wen Ruohan for a month" Wei lays the facts.
"We can make the same force we once had. Our family. Infact we can also have some more as they all are alive and well." Wei Wuxian says.
"Sect Leader Jiang, Lan and Nie??" Yunlan. Wuxian nods.
"But there's more Dabozi, a-cheng, a-jie, peacock, Nie Mingjue, uncle Jiang, madam Yu, uncle Qiren, Wen Ning, Wen Ning. We can also find Xiao Xingchen and Song Zichen. And maybe also Xue Yang." He says and at the final name the cultivators in front of him snaps there head and looks at him as if checking if he has gone crazy or something.
"Xue Yang and Meng Yao haven't committed any crime yet." Wangji tells them. They nods. That's right and if thought clearly if they are getting a second chance to keep there family alive so others should also get a chance and if one thinks properly both Xue Yang and Meng Yao weren't bad at first it was the people who made them commit crimes. So they both nods.
"If I can remember correctly Xue Yang is around 10 years old now." Wei says.
"What about the remnants of destroyed sects especially Wens??" Yunlan.
"Lan Zhan had found a place for the dafan Wens in Yiling. The rest we have to figure out. We can't save the soldiers probably even if they aren't-"
"They are." Shen Wei interrupts Wei Ying.
Wangxian looks at him. Even if Shen Wei is a demonic cultivator yet he is soft hearted. Like Lan Wangji one can see deep emotions in his brown orbs.
"The soldiers there had already killed many too many. They have collected ponds of resentment from spirits, his sons rivers especially that Wen Zuliao he should be killed quickly. " Wei says calmly and Yunlan slowly pulls him to his arms.
"We will start building barrier for bigger sects and for smaller, there are too many so we will form group just as we had once. We can protect them." Wuxian.
"What are you both going to do for the rest of the day?" Yunlan.
"The barrier of cloud recesses might be activated by now. We have four more to go."
"Yes Jin, Jiang, Nie and Shen." He says casually.
"Building barriers need quite some amount of energy and probably we can't build Shen, Jiang and Jin barriers today. Nie sect entrance is just one and also bit smaller then yours. So maybe we will do it today. " He says thinking everything they had to do.
"We need to find Xiao Xingchen, Song Zichen, Xue Yang and Meng Yao." Wangji adds and Wuxian nods.
"And Lan Zhan told me he will bring me to the place he had selected for Wens." Wuxian says happily.
"The other sects would probably try to kill every human with a surname wen. There will be huge number of refugees from many sects. What will we do then??" Yunlan. He can't alone take them to his sects. His father and many more were killed by Wens, his sect resent them greatly and also he can't risk the life of the people depend on him. The Zhao Sect has apparently less cultivator from other sects. It mostly has common people mostly women, elderly and kids. He can't risk there life.
"If it happens as we fear then we have to do our roles for which we are sent on this earth. We have to find a bigger place for them." Wuxian says his face too calm.
"Burial mounds" Wangji says whats in his husband's mind.
"Are you out of your mind. Yauran had created a damn resentment barrier. Not a single cultivator can enter. Not even you Wangji" Yunlan screaches.
"We will not think of it now. First we have to take care of the one that we already have in our hand. What happens later we will think." Wuxian
"There will be a meeting conducted to discuss." Wangji.
"Okay then. I don't think you will use teleportation talisman again. So You guys should rest for a while." Wei. The Wangxian couple nods.
"We will send for you before lunch and a-wei will led you to your rooms." Yunlan adds. They all stands up and bows respectfully to each other. Yunlan leaves for his Sect duty while Wei takes them both to there chambers.
"You really got a room ready for us??" Wuxian asked after looking at the light coloured curtains and also the garden with lotus flowers.
"Ofcourse we can't let our brothers stay in guest room. The first a-yun did after returning was to ask his people to build a room for you both. They don't know yet who it belongs to. "Wei explained.
"You both got here before us??" Wei Ying asks and Wei nods.
"The heavenly Father helped us with two year. The time when my parents were killed and a-yun lost his father. He set the sect to rebuild and included this room here away from the bustle and left to search for me. From god's grace he found me in a month and next month we got married." Wei said the last line shyly.
" My Congratulations to you Shen Wei." Wangji says with a very subtle smile on his face as he congratulates and Wei Ying does the same. Shen Wei just smiles at them. The relation between him and the two men are very much then one could imagine especially the one in white Lan Wangji. To Shen Wei he is like an older brother who had saved him once and to Wei Wuxian he owes the life of his soulmate.  He leaves the couple to rest in the room and goes to find his own husband. The love of his life.
In Gusu,
After the fight with fierce corpses they all return back to cloud recesses. The disciples all were very much attracted to the young master who were not only very handsome but also very talented. After dismissing the disciples Lan Qiren, Jiang Fengmian, Lan Xichen, Nie Huisang, Sizhui and Zichen sits down together for tea. The elders notices the qiankun pouch sizhui was holding but didn't asks anything about it. Then there eye caught at the sudden appearance of a paper bird that was flying near Sizhui. The boy raised his hand and the bird sat on it. He then sent some spiritual power to it and opened it. The bird unfolded into a letter. Sizhui saw the curious gaze,
"It's another invention of Senior Wei. Letter talisman. It's similar to our butterfly but in this we can sent much more message." He explained.
"Wei gonzi is really talented. This looks very useful and beautiful" Xichen praises. Qiren also nods stroking his beard.
"It's nothing Zewu jun you should see the bunny." Zichen says quickly.
"Zichen you never read that letters." Sizhui says.
"How could I?? Hanguang jun would skin me alive if I ever touched them." Zichen says acting very scared. Sizhui shakes his head.
"Bunny??" Nie Huisang asks curiously.
"Oh it's Hanguang jun and Senior Wei's personal letter. No one knows where Hanguang jun stores them not even senior Wei." Zichen says.
"Is it because Wangji likes bunnies??" Xichen asks and Sizhui nods politely.
"The letter is very similar to butterfly talisman but instead of butterfly it's a bunny that hops until Hanguang jun reads it. They are also letters." Sizhui explains calmly.
"I can't take that just because Wangji xiong likes bunnies Wei xiong created a letter bunny talisman." Huisang says chuckling.
"You don't know Sect Leader Nie. If Senior Wei could he would even change the cloud recesses symbol from cloud to bunny" Zichen says and everyone shares a small laugh as Sizhui calmly reads the letter with a small smile.
"Hanguang jun had asked us to depart to Yunmeng. They will arrive there in few days." He informed.
"What about Gusu??" Xichen asks.
"It's safe. They say that the barrier will protect here." Sizhui
"Barrier??" Qiren knits his brow.
"They had updated the barrier outside so no one with bad intentions can get through until they have direct permission from grandmaster, Sect Leader or Hanguang jun."
Lan Qiren frowns. His nephew should have informed him before activation.
"Oh there's a note for grandmaster it's from senior Wei." Sizhui adds.
"Read it."Qiren says. Sizhui hesitate for a while. It has always been hard for him to read his fufu's letters aloud.
Zichen helps him. He takes the letter and reads it's and huffs a laughter.
"Read it" Lan Qiren says again and Zichen nods still controlling his laughter.
" Dear old man Lan (uncle)
I know after my a-yuan informs you about the barrier you will start getting angry all heated up and thinking that my precious nephew should have told me before. But before you even think of any stupid punishment for my man listen carefully lan Zhan hasn't break any rules. As a sect heir he has the right to update the barrier and he would have informed you earlier if you were not overwhelmed with the amazing news having a nephew in law like me and the news of having so many grand kids. The activation happened after we left the sect. So as an emergency Lan Zhan didn't break any rule so stop stroking that beard and thinking of a punishment for me. Because I won't and dear old man I am eloping with your well nourished cabbage. Thankyou for taking care of Lan Zhan and don't worry uncle I will take care of myself and definitely not trouble my Lan Zhan. Love you. Take care old man and don't miss me to much.
Your loving,
Nephew in law

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