Chapter 11

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Golden orbs???
Xichen was watching his brother play a music which was unknown to him but the piece clearly had its effect on Wei Wuxian and suibian both seemed bit peaceful. He stopped playing and went towards now again trembling Wei Wuxian.
"Wangji what happened to young master Wei?"xichen asked as he saw his younger brother placing his hand on Wei Wuxians chest above his heart.
"Resentment energy attacked him."he replied shortly. Jiang Fengmian walked towards Wei Wuxian.
"His spiritual energy is low" he added.
"How low?" Fengmian inquired.
"It's just a bit."Xichen answered there curiosity as he checked Wuxians pulse.
"What is he doing?" Jiang Cheng asked feeling angered as he saw lan Wangji with his eyes closed and one hand in yin position while other on Wuxians chest.
Xichen closely observed his brother and as if realisation hit him his eyes wide open he looked at his brother who now had opened his eyes. "Passing spiritual power" Xichen answered others.
" Hanguang jun passing spiritual power if not matched may cause problems."Fengmian said worried as not everyone is able to pass spiritual power. It need to be mingled properly or else problems may arise.
"It's done" he replied ending the conversation. Zewu jun immediately checked again and this time shock was evident on his face. Indeed Wangji had passed spiritual power without even a single fault. It is impossible to pass without mixing yin energy but here only yang energy was passed.
"He is stable" the younger jade added as he walked towards his guqin. Wei Wuxians sword suibian was trembling again. Wangji started playing clarity after first stanza he stopped and looked at the trembling suibian and then at Jiang heir more like glared. Bichen unsheathed itself and attacked the black clouds near Jiang Cheng and came back to its owner. Shocked Jiang Cheng was about to say something when
"Stop feeding resentment energy with your negative thoughts it will hurt you all." Lan Wangji said placing bichen near suibian and played once again. Both swords trembled then stopped. Clarity was played again and again along with wangxian and some other music scores. No one could see other than him the sword spirits consoling each other.

"Madam yu please let's leave together", Wei Wuxian plead in a low voice. Everyone present were startled at the sudden sound. The sibilings grabbed there father's hand. Xichen looked at his brother who stared at Wei Wuxian with mixed emotions in his eyes. There was concern,pity and sadness in them.
"Madam yu I promise...his low voice rang again. I will protect them both especially Jiang Cheng even if I had to die....."he calmed down again. No moments eyes closed tightly. Only guqin sounded in the quiet room.
"A-xian? " Jiang Yanli called softly worried.

Jiang Fengmian was both worried and disappointed with his wife he sighed a sad sigh.

"What the hell is he speaking" Jiang Cheng roared. Lan Wangji just played another music to control resentment energy. There was no other change in him.

"I will... uncle Jiang I will look after him..." Wei Wuxian once again mumbled. This time his eyes relaxed back. The guqin changed again. Wangxian was played.

Jiang Fengmian unable to feel anything he too was selfish when it came to his own blood. How could he blame others.

"Lan-er-gonzi?" unexpectedly it was Yanli who called the younger jade who sat unbothered playing his guqin. He looked up.
"Do you know something about what's happening to a-xian?"she asked even after knowing it's improper for a maiden to question a young master and that too in front of her fiancee. "Is it something related to us.. We Yunmeng Jiang sect disciples?"she added. She need to know everything about that concerned her adopted brother.
The jade just looked at the lying body still concentrating on music.

"Wangji" Xichen called him strictly. His smiling face was no more. He can't stand others questioning his brother.

"Xiong zhang you never behaved like this."saying this he got up and walked out of jinshi. Taking one last look at Wei Wuxian he turned towards Jiang Cheng,"Calm your negative thoughts." he said looking at the now gathering black clouds. He unsheathed both suibian and bichen and nodded at the swords and walked out with Wangji leaving others bewildered. Everytime black clouds formed in the room either of two swords attacked by themselves.
Time passed lan Wangji still hadn't returned his guqin sound was only heard. They all worriedly gazed at Wei Wuxian.
Xichen wanted to know when and how Lan Wangji learned to control swords at such high level. Even without him being here both the swords were following his command. Not only bichen but how can he control suibian was everyone thinking. A day had passed. Yanli and others returned to jinshi again next day. There was no sign of lan Wangji. Yanli started to wipe the sweats from her brothers forehead. She saw that his clothes were already changed. In the past days she had seen the second jade of Gusu caring for her brother.
' Hanguang jun' she thought.
Wei Wuxian started trembling again. He was shivering badly. Suibian fell down and started trembling while bichen attacking the smoke forming near Wei Wuxian. Jiang Fengmian tried to calm his adopted son but was pushed just like others, the poor boy was badly shivering.
"Jiang Cheng!" he caught his soul brothers hand, half eyelids open. He called in a hoarse voice.
"They.....They've even killed uncle Jiang and madam yu, if you go back you'll be dead!" he plead his voice weak tears forming in his eyes. Everyone present in the room was taken back. Jiang Yanli clutched her father tears spilling through her eyes. While others gasped.
"Jiang Cheng...uncle Jiang and madam yu asked me to take care of you. You must be well."he said once again breathing heavily.
No one moves a bit, more like no one is able to move. It was too much for them to process when again,
"Shijie..."he calls out. Yanli rushes to his side holding his hand. "A-xian" she cries out.
"Shijie! I will bring Jiang Cheng back. But n.. nothing can happen to you... Pro...promise me."he says as a lone tear rolls down as he shuts his eyes.
Silence no one dares to speak. Other than bichen everyone is struck at the place. Black clouds forming near suibian. Lan Xichen rushes to his side to check the trembling man's pulse but is abruptly pushed.
"Go...take shijie to jinlintai." He says his voice sharp yet gentle pleading.
"Lan Zhan~" a soft whisper leaves his lips that's when realisation hits to everyone present in the room. Where is Lan Wangji? He was the one to calm Wei Wuxian earlier. Bichen flies out of the room as soon as it's owners name is spilled through Wei Wuxians lips. Everyones gaze lands on the door looking for white silhouettes. A little while passes and no one moves everyones eyes fixed on the person lying on the bed trembling like leaf
"A-yuan...stay here. I....I will come back. I...I pro.. promise."he cries out tears spilling even though his voice is coaxing. 'A-yuan?' Who is a-yuan?is what they all are thinking.
A weak too weak voice again brings everyone's mind to Wei Wuxian.
"Died....because of me... ungrateful son.....biting the hands that feed... heartless."he whispers as more tears spills. He was now hyperventilating. His breathing too abnormal.
"Wei Ying" a calm and gentle yet shocked voice spoke.
Everyone gazes turns towards the man in white standing at the door his eyes widened. The only expression Xichen able to see in his brothers face is.... fear. The last time he saw this expression was when little Wangji was told that he isn't allowed to see his mother anymore.
"Died...died because of me.... shouldn't have adopted me..."he whispers with tears. Lan Wangji rushes to his side holding his wrist. Unlike others he wasn't pushed but recognised.
"Lan Zhan"
"Wei Ying"saying this second jade pulls the younger into lotus position without looking at others he locks his points like an extremely experienced. He sits behind him(wwx), his hands in yin yang position and closes his eyes. Xichen and Fengmian stands close to them. Lan Wangji opens his eyes making to two leaders stumbled back in horror. 'Golden orbs with blue shade'. He closes his eyes and starts passing spiritual power. Everyone calms down and Xichen asks them to sit.
"I never thought Wei Wuxian and lan Wangji can mingle together" Jin Zixuan speaks breaking the silence.
"Brother Wei is a very friendly person so he might have mingled with Hanguang jun."nie Huisang speaks up taking Wei Wuxians side at which both sect leaders and Yanli smile while Jiang Cheng snorts.
"Heartless villian...deserve to die... deserve to die...I deserve to die." Wei Wuxians pitiful voice startles them. Even lan Wangji has his eyebrows furrowed forming a knit. They are shocked to hear such statement from the cheerful guy. The looks at him with wide shock filled eyes.
"Lan Zhan" once again. Why is he always calling lan Wangji instead of his own family?
"Lan Zhan....let me go. I deserve to die."as soon as this statement leaves his lips lan Wangji opens his eyes. Golden eyes.
"Wei Wuxian, wake up now"  he commanded hitting the younger with his palm. His stern voice along with those pair of golden orbs sends shiver to spines of everyone present in the room even his own brother Lan Xichen. His voice wasn't like usual calm and steady. It was furious, angered, commanding. Wuxian coughed blood and looked back at the now changed honey brown orbs that are glaring at him.
Lan Xichen walked to his brother.
Wei Wuxian," Lan Zhan"
Wangji leaned on his brother eyes closed as Xichen send him a small line of spiritual energy. He had already sensed that his baby brother had used his maximum spiritual energy for Wei Wuxian. The man was looking at him with tears. No one spoke Wei Wuxian didn't even blink once as he stared at the leaning body of second jade. Even when Yanli wiped the blood from his lips he didn't falter. Soon lan Wangji opened his eyes he looked at his brother first " I am fine xiong zhang" he said as he stood up.
"Lan zhan" Wuxian called out his voice like a guilty kid as his eyes dropped again.
"You should rest Wei Ying"he said as he walked towards suibian and transferred some energy to calm down the shivering sword. Yanli helped dozing off Wuxian on the bed again.
"What happened now?" Lan Wangji asked as he sat infront of guqin after one look at Wuxian. He was met with silence. No one replied. More like no one dared to repeat what Wei Wuxian spoke while he was unconscious. Silence continued. He looked at his brother who was staring back at him. Mind filled with lots of questions."Xiong zhang?"he called out looking for a reply.

"Xiong zhang?"he called out looking for a reply

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