2.1 Tenant 🔞

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[Skip to the next story if you are not comfortable with BTS smut or if you are under 18.

But TBH my kind of smut isn't too extreme. I tend to not tell the details bc I'd like you to imagine yourself.

(that's just an excuse. I am just lazy)



Jungkook, a contract killer, was evicted from his home for not paying monthly insurance to the bank due to lack of work as many died as a result of Covid-19.

For a year he was not contacted by anyone to be hire to kill.

He started looking for cheap rooms to rent as his savings were also decreasing.

One day, he overheard a conversation between two men while sitting in a cafe, flipping through a newspaper looking for a room to rent.

"He put a cheap price but who wants to rent and live with a crazy bitch like that? I heard yesterday that the new tenant ran away, without his deposit."

"For real? Again ?? I actually feel sorry for him. But what can we do? Since his parents died, he has changed to be like that."

"Yes. I'm sorry. But let it be. It's not our problem. As long as he gives us money, I don't care what happens to him."

"Hahaha. You're so evil."

"Well. You know me. Let's go. We have some debt to collect."

The two men left, but Jungkook follow the discreetly, not letting them know his existence. One of the men, with a blue hair taking his phone, dialling a number from his contact.

"Yo, Seokjin-ah, you have the money right? I'm going over to your place. Get ready."  he said to the person on the other side and ended the call after that.

"We should asked him to raise the rent. So the deposit will raise too." said the other male.

"Or take a three month's deposit."

"Oh yea. That's better. We will have three months money to spend!"

"Hahaha! So, where are we going after this??"

"Umm.. To my place.. Its been long after you came last time.."

"Tch. You want me to screw your ass, huh??"

"What? Fuckin no! You're disgusting!"

"Oh, really? Then, let's just go to the arcade. I wanna play some games."

"No way! My place!"

"Haha.. Alright.. Anything for you, Park Jimin.."


The two men arrived at the entrance of a luxury building. They both laughing, casually enter the building. Jungkook follow close, acting like he also living in the building.

They enter the elevator together.
"Which floor, buddy?" asked the blue hair guy.

"Huh?" Jungkook flinched. Acting like he didn't hear the question.

"I never see you before. Are you new?" asked the guy again.

"Oh. Ah. Yea. My first day." Jungkook grins.

The blue hair guy nods. "So, which floor?"

Jungkook didn't answer. He peeking at the button and he see they're going to level 39, the one below the highest floor.

"35.." he said, trying to sounds convincing to them.

"35? Are you sure??"


"Yea. Why??"

"I'll ask you one more. Are you sure, you are living at 35??"

'What the fuck is wrong with this guy??' Jungkook's monologue, racking his brain, thinking another trick.

"Yes. 35. Do you have any problem with that??"

"Hahahaha! Then we are neighbours!!" The blue hair guy, or called Tae burst in laughter.

"Oh, really? Great! We should hang together later!"

"Since when did you living here? You cannot even afford tha—" Jimin interrupted.

"Shut up bitch. I don't need you to correct me. So annoying!"

"What?? Fuck you!"

"You, are you fucking kidding me?? Why would we want to hang out with you, sissy??"

'Fucking bastard. Sissy, huh? You don't want to mess with me, bastard!'

"Right. Why would you.." Jungkook losing interest to talk to them, especially the blue hair guy. But he can feel the Jimin guy is staring at his body for quit some times now.

He smirks, unbutton the top three button of his shirt, revealing some skin to feast the Jimin guy eye's .

" Ah, so thirsty.." he said, touching his lips in a seducing ways.

The reaction from Jimin was expected. The guy swallowing at his gestures.

But then, Jimin jumped, when Tae suddenly slapping his butt cheek. Tae didn't seem to realised that his partner is checking out another man behind him.

"Tae-!" Jimin flushed in red, ashamed.

"Shall we do it at Jinnie's place? I can't wait to fuck you, baby.." said Tae out loud, proud.

"What are you saying!?? So shameless!" Jimin scolded Tae, acting like he was mad at him.

Jungkook put on a pair of earbud, not wanting to hear any of their bullshits, which making Jimin frowned peeking at him.

Jimin bite his lower lips, as if he want to say something to Jungkook. Jungkook raised his left eyebrow, taking off the earbud from his right ear. Jimin smile. Jungkook roll his eyes, keeping both of his earbuds back into the pocket.

The smile on Jimin's lips widen. He held Tae's hands close to his inner thighs and again, biting his lower lips. Its obvious the one he wants to seduce wasn't Tae, but the complete stranger, Jungkook.

Jungkook smirks. He had a hunch that it is okay to do this, as long as the bastard Tae didn't know. And so, what he did next really shocking Jimin, to the point he felt his private part twitching under the undie.

Jungkook is touching himself, showing how big of the size he owned.

"Hello? Yea man. Turn it off." he talked to the phone, faking it, just to let Jimin know that he wasn't hard yet.

Jimin gasped in surprised. He wonder, how big is it when he turned on.

"What the fuck babe??" asked Tae, being oblivious.

"Huh? Ah, no! Nothing!" his face flustered in sweats. He really want to have Jungkook's little brother to be inside him. But Tae is such a bothersome.


"Dude, 35. Get lost." said Tae, pulling Jimin into his embrace, making space for Jungkook to leave.

With back facing Jungkook, Jimin buried his face into Tae's chest.

"Alright." said Jungkook, sneakily brushing his fingers over Jimin's butt when walking out the elevator.

"Nnghh..." Jimin purposely let out a moan, biting his lips, acting like he was high when hugging by Tae.

He's indeed high, but the one that's making him high was Jungkook. He couldn't openly said that to Tae. It means death if his boyfriend knew he's flirting with other guy. And he don't want to die yet.

He still need to taste Jungkook. He want him to screw him. He want to know how it feel to be under him. He want to hear the sounds of their hips thrusting, skins slapping and the lewd sounds of the wet, filthy cock inside his ass.

But most importantly, he want to know if they're any different between Tae's white liquid and Jungkook's.


I'm at stakes of losing my sanity. My mind filled with JinKook smut 😣😣

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