1.4 Stutter

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"Nghh... Mhh.." Wrinkles appears at his forehead as the nightmare struck again. He's sweating from head to toe wetting the thick mattress, struggling to awake but everytime the dream appear, he will completely losing it.

".. Nnoo.. Please.. I'm.. Sorry.."

It was late in the midnight and his voice resonating the third floor that only resides by him and Jungkook.

"Ppleasee... Don't die.. Please.." he begs, crying out loud.

His eyes were still shut tight. He grap the furry blanket, burying himself into the mattress.

"H-Hyung..." Jungkook's voice suddenly appear in his dream. That's the first time.

He sees Jungkook standing at the end of the road, crying, looking at him with resentment.

"Jungkook.. I didn't mean it.. I'm sorry.. Please.. Forgive me.." he begs to the younger.

"No.. You are a murderer... You are.. A m-monster.." said the younger, taking a few step backwards.

"No, no.. No, don't go.. Don't leave me..!" he starts running to catch Jungkook but the distance grew bigger whenever he's reaching him. It's seems impossible to even lay his fingers on him.

Finally, he's growing tired. He stops, wiping the sweats with the back of his hand. That's the moment he realised, he was all covered with blood.

He's terrified, trying to clean the blood off of his body. But the more he did, the more blood staining his body.

A black car suddenly appear from his back. The light flashing right to his direction, blinding his sight.

Jungkook suddenly there again, standing in the middle of the road, right int the car's direction.

"... No, Jungkook.. Run!!!!"

Gasp! Seokjin awaken from his sleep, eyes wide open, covered in a cold sweat, shaking, heart pounding. He look around the room, quickly to realise it was a dream. He sat up shivering, rubbing his head and eyes and tries to fully awaken.

Stumbles in the bathroom, he looks into the mirror, cautiously, as if not sure of what he’ll see. The sun shines bright through the window, washing away the the bad memories, leaving him to let out a relieved sigh.

He sweep his face. He was paler than the paper a minutes ago.

Knock! Knock!

"-!" He jumped in shock when the room door's knocked from the outside.

"Damn it..!" it irks him to think of the trouble he received from just a mere nightmare.

Knock! Knock!

"Just get in!" he call out from inside the bathroom.

Pressing the tap, he fills the water in his palms and washing his face.

After a while, he gets out from the bathroom with a white towel hanging around his slim waist. Wet hair, he dry using a small towel.

"... Uhm.. H-Hyung.." a small figure is standing nervously next to the desk around the corner not far from where he's coming out from.

"Uh, Jungkook? What's up?" he asked, walking towards him, not being aware about the younger's situation.

Jungkook flinched, lowering his gaze, avoid to look at Seokjin. He bite his lips, fingers fidgeting altogether out of discomfort.

"Uhm.. I.. Grandpa a-asked me t-to call you. B-breakfast.." he's stutter, the kind of cute stuttering, which Seokjin think as his charms.

"Hey.." Seokjin leaning closer, placing his hand on the desk, trapping Jungkook between his body and the desk.

"Look at me, Jeonggukkie.." he said, whispering into Jungkook's ear, challenging the younger to open his eyes and look at him.

Slowly, Jungkook dare himself to open his eyes. The moment their eyes meet, he was startled to see Seokjin's face's right in front of him. The elder leaning closer that he can feel his hot breath on his skin.

".. H-Hyung.." His big doe eyes getting bigger when Seokjin is only inches far from him.

"Shh.." Seokjin raise his right hand, covering Jungkook's eyes. "I think, I like you, Jeonggukkie.." he confess, stealing the younger's first kiss.

Jungkook flinched. He was shocked when Seokjin's warm lips touching his. He lift his hand to push the elder but Seokjin catch up with his movements. He pull his hand and put them around his waist, while lips still locking with him.

Jungkook squirming under the possession of Seokjin, not really understands what is happening between them at the moment. He feels weird and wrong but he something deep inside him tells that wants to enjoy it at the same time.

And when Seokjin finally pulls back, that's when he feel devastated, that makes him unconsciously follows Seokjin's lips to have the taste of the heaven again.

Seokjin put his finger on his lips in effort to stop him from his greediness. He smiles looking at the young man. "Like it?"

"N-no!" he answer immediately, being anxious.

"What? No??"

"No! I mean, Yes!"

"Hahaha! Jeonggukkie, you really full of surprises.." he caressing his cheek. "Want to try it.. Again..?"

Jungkook didn't answer, but his sparkling eyes tells everything that is in his mind.

Seokjin pull his chin to lift his face to his height. A simple peck landed on the younger's lips.

"Before that.. Will you forgive me? For I may have hurt your feelings, calling you with bad names.. I am sorry.."

"Hm.." Jungkook's lips curls up in a smirk. "I forgive you, hyung.."

"Thank you.." Another peck landed on his lips. "But.. What if, I did something really bad.. To you, in the past..?"

"Haha.. H-Hyung, we just m-met a week a-ago.. R-right?"

"Hm.. Yea.."

"I-it's fine. It's a-all in t-the p-past, right? I f-forgive you.."

Seokjin stop asking and hugging the younger. Jungkook smiles as the new feelings enveloping his body and soul. He's happy, filled with beautiful butterflies, not aware the enormous sorrows that swarming the elder.

Stutter, 985.
Completed, 201120, 0141.

Do you have any secret that you never tell to anyone? Not even to your bestfriend? I have too many that I forget 90% of them.

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