6.9 Cheater

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An hour earlier,

"Just go. I'm not feeling well.." Said Jungkook with groggy voices. He's tucking in the blanket, with the cold air from the aircond, too comfortable to get up.

"Are you sure?" Jimin has a worry looks written on his face. He try to touch Jungkook's forehead but the latter avoiding him.

"Yeah. I'm freaking sure."

True. He's totally sure. He didn't want to go because he already overheard the family's conversation before Jimin came into his room.

This morning, he woke up earlier than anyone else. That's when he heard them talking in the kitchen. They're planning to go to the orchard plucking vegetables and fruits, but without Seokjin.

That's when he planned to not going with them. He want to spend this little time with the husband, the apple of his eyes.

"Hm.. Then, I will leave the medicine on the table. Take them if you're feeling worse, okay?"

Jungkook nods, hiding his smiles under the blanket.

"Alright, please take care.. I'll be going now.."

"Yeah, yeah.. Go.. Have fun, Jimin.." he fake a cough.


Jungkook whistling to DNA, while cooking egg benedict with coffee for Seokjin. He want to serve him, having breakfast in bed. He want to treat him, better than Namjoon did, even he didn't really know how well the husband treating his Seokjin. He don't care, he just want to spoil him.

He taking off the apron, climbing the stairs to Seokjin's room with tray in his hand. A smile never leave his face, showing how happy to get to be alone with him.

Standing in front Seokjin's room, he take a deep breath. He peek inside from the door which he opened earlier after the family leaving. He sees Seokjin's still sleeping in the bed, hugging a pillow.

Carefully, he push the door, entering the room, put the tray on the side table.

He stares at Seokjin for a while.

"Seokjin.." he called him with his deep, husky voice.

Seokjin didn't move. He call again.

"Seokjin ah.."

The eyes under Seokjin's lids moving. Slowly, he open his eyes, "Joon.. I'm sorry.. I fell asleep.." he said with  blurry eyes.

Jungkook frowned. "I'm sorry, I'm not your Namjoon."

Seokjin's shocked. He open his eyes wide and sees Jungkook standing by the bed.

"Jungkook! What are you doing in my room? Where's Namjoon???" the questions left Seokjin's mouth like machine gun. The memories from last night suddenly flooded in his mind. His face eventually turning red of embarrassment.

"Again, I'm sorry. He left with his family. I heard they've gone to the orchard, or so. I'm not sure."

Seokjin sit, disappointed, hugging his knees. "He.. Left..?" he asked, disbelief with what Jungkook told him.


Hearing that making Seokjin want to cry. He bury his face in between his knees. How could Namjoon leaving him. He promised he want to go out with him. But now he was left alone at home, with a stranger that stole his kiss last night.

Jungkook take the tray, shoving it to him. "Hey.. Um, I've cooked.."

Seokjin didn't response. He's just too sad to entertain him.


"Please leave me alone.."

Jungkook looking around the room. He sees the slipper and the backpack on the couch.

"You want to go out?" he asked, trying to catch Seokjin's attention.


"It's a bit stuffing in here. Do you know a place to go around here? You know, maybe somewhere I can spend times reading books..?"

Seokjin raised his head at the mentioned of the books. He loves reading so much. And it seems Jungkook already knew that from their first met.

" There's.. A place.. We.. I mean, Namjoon and I.. We used to go there.. On our date when we first came here.."

"Oh, that must be a good place that you still remember. Uhm, mind showing me the place..?"

Seokjin blinks, thinking. Should he go with Jungkook, or should he stay, waiting for Namjoon to coming back home?

But then, his stomach growling.

"—!" he's blushing.

"Well, I actually have food here... If you want.."

"C-can I.. Have it..?"

Jungkook smiles. "Of course. This was specially made for you, Seokjin.." he passed the tray to Seokjin.

"Thank you.."


Seokjin tip toeing, walking down the stairs, eyes wandering searching for Jungkook. He was still hesitate either to go out or to stay. He grasped the bag straps firmly, being nervous.

"... Jungkook.." he called Jungkook with a very soft, reluctant voices.

"Oh, there you are. Ready to hit the streets??" Jungkook standing at the living room, looking like a perfect boyfriend's material in his black and white attire matches with Seokjin.

Seokjin was fascinated seeing how good looking is Jungkook at the moment. His heart beating faster.

"Uhm.. We won't be long, right..?"

"Yeah, of course.."

"Alright.. I've told Namjoon. He said he'll be late.. But we're supposed to arrive before him.."

Jungkook nods. "Anything for you, baby.."

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