1.1 Stutter

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To be able to breath is a pleasure for most of the people living in earth. But for Jungkook, he detest breathing. Because it was not the only proof of him living, but because he's breathing, he also have to face the consequences of that.

At 8 years old, he lost his mother ; the only one who care and love him in a car accident. After she died, he was sent to stay with his uncle and auntie, whom taking him in because of his late's mother's wills.

She left him with a lots of money, enough to raise him to be a good and successful human but the uncle and auntie didn't even bother to send him to school. They forced him to work for days to nights, giving him only two slices of bread to fill his empty stomach and treated him like a dog, abusing him to their heart extend.

His father? A drunkard man, who loves to gambling and never appears in his life until he was 13.

He came 'claiming' him after knowing more of insurance money entitled under the son's name are withdrawn by the uncle. The lawyer that handling the cases got his part from the uncle and so he close his eyes, neglecting the care of the child.

The father acted like a Saint, promised to not let the matters go without a fight, vowed to seek justice for the poor son. He open the cases for a trial and finally win the right to take care of his own son.

The uncle and auntie were punished to pay back all the money including 25% penalty for abusing their power as the caretaker.

At that time, Jungkook thought that his misery is finally ends, but what he wished for will never be granted. God has another plan for him. His father, still a drunkard man, did worse than what his uncle and auntie did to him.

He hit him every night after coming back home, drunk. He use the money for his own happiness, women, gambling and alcohol. What's worst, he force Jungkook to illegally using drug.

The teenager never want to live his life like this, but what can he do to fight the man, with his small body? His father are twice bigger in size compare to him. He once fight with him, and the next morning he unable to get up from the bed.

Later, when he was 15, an old man, wearing all white, using an expensive cane to walk, riding a luxury car came looking for him, telling him that he is his long lost grandson from a rich family.

How can he believe that when all his life he was stumbling on the rocky road until now? But the kindness that shown by the old man touched his heart. He left the father to find his happiness.

Ofcourse, the father did not agree to let him go, but after the old man offered him some money, he gladly letting Jungkook go.

This time, God show him some mercy. He's happy living with his rich grandfather, until one day, a month before his 18 birthday, he receive a  phone call..

"Grandpa, I've graduated! I will coming back home this weekend!"

"... Uh.. Uhm.. S-sorry.. G-grandpa.. Not.. H-home.."

"Huh? Who's this?? Where's my grandpa??"

"He.. He's o-out. I d-don't know w-where he g-go.."

"Hey, can't you speak properly? Who are you? Why my grandpa's phone's with you??"

"I-I'm J-Jungkook.. I.. I'm h-his grand.. Son.."

"What?? Hey are you kidding me?? This is not funny! My grandpa only have one grandson and that person is me, Kim Seokjin! Tell me, who are you and stop stuttering like an idiot! Speak properly like a human! You better tell the truth or I'll kill you, fucking retarded!"

"..." Jungkook silence as he was offended by the harsh words said by Seokjin.

He starts wondering, will his happiness ends here, after Seokjin coming back home?

Will his lovely grandfather chase him out and let him life in misery like back then?

Where can he go?

To whom will he share his happiness again?

Will anybody accept him?

What about his school?

Did he have to quit? But he loves studying. He love being at school. He has two good friends at school and he wants to meet them again.

Tears running down his cheek thinking that he might have to leave. He don't want to, but if grandpa don't need him, what can he do? He has no power to stop it.. He has no power to prevent Seokjin to take everything from him. After all, what he has today wasn't belongs to him. It was all Seokjin's. He only borrow them.

"Jeonggukkie..?" grandpa's calming voice gets into his hearing. The phone's slipped from his hand, fall on the floor.

"-! I-I'm sorry!" he quickly kneeling, taking the phone and begging the old man to forgive him.

"Get up, my child.. Its fine.." the grandpa helping him to get up. "But, why are you crying, Jeonggukkie..?"

"I- S-seokjin.. C-coming home.." he said, sobbing with tears, body shaking out of fear losing the love of the grandfather.

"Huh? My Seokjin is coming home? Is that him you were talking to the phone just now?"

Jungkook nods. The old man pulling him into his embrace. "Thank goodness. Finally.. I've been waiting for this for 10 years..!"

Jungkook close his eyes tight. He cries. He don't know his feelings right now. He's happy to see the old man happy, but in the same times, he's sad. He's afraid what might happen to him after Seokjin coming back.


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