6.4 Cheater

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Jimin shed his tears. Somehow he can understand what Namjoon been through in his life. They only met twice, and a short times in both of the meet up. But he can see, Namjoon isn't happy with his life.

Namjoon's sufferings one sided loves. Just like he did. They're in the same situation, that is why he can feel what Namjoon's felt.

Him and Jungkook, they're indeed a couple. An arranged married is awaits them. But he knew, Jungkook didn't love him. He also knew, Jungkook being good to him because he didn't find his soulmate yet. He wonder, will he leave him when he found his soulmate later.

"Why are you crying?" Jungkook whispered into Jimin's ear, surprising him.

"Huh? Me? No way... Why would I? Silly!" he flicks on Jungkook's forehead.

"Oww! That's hurts!" Jungkook whining, rubbing his now red forehead.

"That's for assuming."

"What's wrong if I am asking?"

"Nope. That's not asking. That's directly assuming."

"Kay fine. Whatever. But you still have to answer me. Why are you crying?"

"Hey dimwit. Didn't I tell you, it's not true. I'm not crying."

"Boo! Liar. Tell me, Jimin."

"There's dust.. That's it.."

"Hm. Okay fine if you don't want to tell. But bring your own bag. I'm not going to be your servant today."

"What? But it's freaking heavy!"

"Whatever. Let's go. We don't wanna miss the train."


Jungkook ignoring him, walking towards the departure hall for the checking out.

Jimin grimace, catching up with his boyfriend's.

"Wait for me, I'm going to the washroom!" he said, hitting the back of Jungkook's head, running towards the washroom.

Jungkook grins, rubbing his head.


Seokjin glance at his watch. It's been 10 minutes but Namjoon still didn't appear anywhere. He rummaging in his pants pocket looking for his cell phone. But then he remember the phone's is in the pouch too.

"Fuck—! Kim Namjoon!" he cursed again. It seems he was too used to cursing at his husband until it become his habit.

He sit on the trolley, leaning on his luggage, waiting for Namjoon. That's when he sees a man walking towards his direction while reading a book.

His eyes wide open. Unconsciously, he approached the guy.

"Excuse me.." he greeted him, standing in front of him.

"Hm?" Jungkook raised his head, taking out the earbud from his right ear.

He's a bit surprised when a very attractive man suddenly talking to him.

"Ah, sorry.. But, may I see the book..?"

"Oh, this? Sure." Jungkook gave him the book.

The book passed on to Seokjin. He stares the cover before flipping to the page. His eyes getting teary when he sees the words written on the blank, white first page.

'To Yoongi, with love,

-Seokjin, 2010.'

The tears fell down to his cheek.

"Uhm..." Jungkook was surprised. He take out a small handkerchief from his jeans pocket and pass it to Seokjin.

"Ah, I'm sorry.. But, thanks.." Seokjin politely refused.

"Oh, it's okay.." said Jungkook, keep the handkerchief back into the pocket. "Um.. I may seems busybody, but.. May I know.. Why are you crying..?" he asked.

"Huh? Ah, nothing.. Just, dust.."

"Haha!" Jungkook laugh. "Been hearing that excuses to many times today.."

"Really? You must be unlucky to be lie repeatedly."

"Yes, I agree with that.."

Seokjin reading the handwritten again, before returning the book back to Jungkook.

"Where did you get this book?"

"Oh, this? A man gave it to me. I met him at Incheon."

"Is he.. Is he well..?" his eyes was full of hopes.

"I'm not sure.. But maybe yeah. He is. He gave me this book and left just like that.."

"Yea.. As expected of him.." Seokjin smiles.

Jungkook swallow. He was stunned by how radiance the smiles look in his eyes. Seokjin may looked tired when he first saw him. But the more they speaking to each other, the more he find Seokjin attractiveness.

Suddenly, he held his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." he introduce himself.

Seokjin's hesitate, but unknowingly taking his hand into his, handshaking.

"Kim Seokjin, married." he reply to Jungkook, with the addition of his status.

Jungkook's face turns grims. "Oh.." he was clearly disappointed.

"Why, you seems disappointed?" Seokjin decided to teasing the stranger.

"Oh, do I..?"

"It's obvious.."

"Haha.. But wait, are you for real..?"

"Yes. I even bring his baby inside here." he said, tapping his stomach.

"Oh fuck.." Jungkook mumble.

Seokjin laugh. "Oh, Mr. Jeon. Please hold yourself. Don't make it too obvious.."

"But how? I was attracted to your smile. It's your fault."

Seokjin hissing, looking away with an arrogant face. "You don't wanna flirt with me, Mr. Jeon. Don't forget I have a baby in here.."

Jungkook take a step forward. His shyness are all fly away with the Korean Air.

"I'm neither single. I came here with my boyfriend.." he whisper, licking his lower lip.

Seokjin looking up at him. Their eyes meet with an intense stares.

"Are you telling me it's fine for us to cheating on our partner..?"

Jungkook smirks. He didn't answer, making Seokjin embarrassing of his own assumptions. But then, he take out a piece of paper; his name card, sliding it into the back pocket of Seokjin's pants and tapping his back.

"Call me." he said, brushing lips with Seokjin's ear.


Well, well.. Now you know who's going to cheat.

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