6.6 Cheater

987 78 15

Later that night, Kim household receive a guest, or two.

"Auntie, uncle!" Jimin open his arms wide, hugging both Namjoon's parents.

"Why didn't tell us that you're coming??" asked the old lady.

"Uncle Jimin!" the girl from earlier, running into Jimin's arms.

"Oh, you're so big now! But hey, stop calling me uncle. I'm not that old. We're different by 5 years only!"

"Haha.. But you're still my uncle, lol."

"Geez. Such a brat!" he ruffles her braids, making her pouts in anger.

"You've ruined my hair!"

Jimin stick his tongue out.

"Ah, Jiminie. You're still the same. Never changed.." the old man voicing out his opinion.

"Hm? And why would I change?" Jimin raised his eyebrow.

"Well our son.. Joon.. Refus-"

"Uncle, that's all in the past. After all, we didn't know each other at that time. So, I think it's normal if he has his own choice.. Oh, talking about that, I want to introduce you to someone..." Jimin grins.

"Someone? Who? Your boyfriend??" asked the girl.

Jimin shakes his head. He looking back towards the gate. "Kookie, you might want to come in!" he called for Jungkook.

Like a man walking down the aisle, Jungkook entering the gate. All eyes on him as he gracefully walking approaching them.

"Hi.." Jungkook clasping his hands together, greeting the old couple.

"Oh my... You're so good looking..." the girl came forward, scanning Jungkook from head to toes. Her eyes sparkling seeing the male God in front of him.

"Haha. Stop it, YN. He's mine." Jimin swallowed his own words.

"Tch! You're so overprotective." she steps backward, standing with her parents.

"Uncle, auntie. This is Jungkook. My fiancé."

"Oh? Fiance??" the old women cover her mouth with her hands.

"Yes. It's.. Our parent's.."

"Jimin, you're such a good son. If only Joon listen to us like you did to your parents, he'll be happy now with you.." the mother wipe her unexist tears.

"Eh, where's that brat? He didn't come to greet our guests!"

"Haha.. Its fine, uncle.. After all, we won't be long here. We have to find for the hotel.."

"Hotel? For what? You can stay here with us. We have a few more room for you.."

"Ah, really? Then, I'll gladly accept that. How do you think, Kookie??"

Jungkook nods. He don't have much saying in this. He don't really care.

"Alright. That's settled. I will ask that Seokjin to prepare a room for you two."

"Ah, auntie.. Actually.. Can you prepare two rooms...?"


"Aigh, just do it! These young men still so shy with us." the husband nudging his wife, grinning to his ears.

Jimin scratching his head, forcing a laughter.

"Haha! Alright, I'll go get Seokjin. You guy can have a chat while we prepare the rooms."

"Thanks, auntie.. Uncle.."


Jungkook was wandering inside the house, getting misdirection when searching for the bathroom. He stops in front of a door, staring inside the room.

His heart thumping loud as his eyes landed on the man inside the room. It's Seokjin. He didn't think they'll meet again.

At first, when the old man mentioned the name, he thought it was only a coincidence, but who would've known it is really the Kim Seokjin that he met at the airport.

"Seokjin...?" he called him, in a low tones, not wanting to be hear by the others.

Seokjin flinched. The voice's so unfamiliar to him. He stand straight, slowly turning back.

"It's really you!" Jungkook rushed to him.

"What are you doing here-" Seokjin's voice was a bit louder that Jungkook have to stop him, covering his mouth with his palm.

"I came with my boyfriend. Is this your family's house??"

Seokjin shakes. He step backward, releasing Jungkook's palm from him. He's a bit uncomfortable with the lad staring at him like he is a full course meals at a Michelin three stars restaurant.

"My parents in law's.."

"Oh..." Jungkook nods. "So, your husband, Joon, right?"


Jungkook rubbing his chin. He stares at Seokjin and noticed the bags under his eyes. He reach to him and touch under his eyes. "You're crying..?"

Seokjin flinched, taking another step backward. "Please.. Don't touch me.. I am someone's husband.." he looks away, feeling guilty towards Namjoon.

"But you're not happy.. Right?"

"I am happy."

"Alright. I'll accept your lies. But, why didn't you call me? I gave you my card.."

"Why would I? I am a-"

"Married man. I know, I know.. So tell me, is it your 'happy marriage' that's making you shed your tears?"

"Don't make your own assumptions about other's life, Mr. Jeon."

"Im just stating a fact. Your parents in law doesn't seem to like you as their son in law. They want my boyfriend's. But your husband choose you. I guess the parents hates you for taking their son from them.. Am I correct?"

Seokjin bite his lips. He want to say yes to that but he hated it that a stranger knowing better about his sad marriage life's.

"Be honest with me, Jin.. Tell me that I am wrong if I am really wrong."


Jungkook steps forward, closing their distance. "Back then, I was attracted to your smiles, but now, seeing your sad face, I want to own you.." he said, pinching Seokjin's chin, force to make the husband to look at him.

"I belongs to Namjoo-"

Jungkook's lips pressed on Seokjin's.


I planned for no update today cz I'm super busy. 🥵

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