10.2 18th Century

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"Who is that man?" the Duke Prince's deep voices tingling into the depth of the thin man's hearing when he questioned the Baron about him.

"T-that.. He.. He's the father's concubine.. Father asked me to bury him.. Together with him.. So.. He'll be bury alive.. Today.."

The Duke Prince pondering while keeping his eyes on the fainted body. "A concubine, you said?" he asked.

"Y-Yes.. My lord.."

"Interesting.. The 'dead' having a twisted taste. Did the Baroness knew?"

".. No.. Father turns to this after she died.." Yes, they're talking about the Baron's taste in men, or more precisely about him being bisexual at his old age.

"Is he that bored?"


'Crap! Now I think about it, the Duke is popular with his taste on men too..! Don't tell me.. He actually want this man to be his...!' the Baron cannot not thinking about the Duke Prince's wild taste in men.

"Bring him to me." the absolute order making the Baron convinced with his guessing. The Duke wanted the man for him!

"Move it!" he tell his maid to bring the man forward so that the Duke Prince can have a look at him.

Without delay, the two maids that holding the man hostage's immediately do as ordered. They take the veil off of him, exposing his face to the Lord.

'Gorgeous!' the words unconsciously slips through his mind the moment he landed his eyes on the man's pale face.

"I want him."

"B-but.. My lord.."

"I'll take him. For an exchange of the dead's debt. I'll take him for the full amount. Or do you still want to give me money? Do you have it? You don't, right? The dead has probably paid me if you have the money. He wouldn't dare to make me come here."

"What?? Full amount? Then, the debt will be zero?!?"


"..!" The Baron gritting his teeth. He's at loss. He was stuck between the will of his father and the debt that'll make his life in difficulty.

"How was it? Will you accept my offer, Baron Kim? I will be taking the dead's companion. Shouldn't it be too much? He didn't really worth 5 billion. Accept my offer while I am still at it."

The Baron swallow his saliva. It taste like sand when he's at this kind of situation. 'It's an offer that I shouldn't refuse.. But father's will.. I'm sorry, my dear father. You have to be alone in there.' he changed his mind faster than a girl changing her clothes.

'Should I delay the answer? If I quickly agree to the offer, my reputation will..'

"It's hard for you to make the decision since it is against your father's will. I see. Then, just forget it-"

"No! Your highness! Please, take him with me. I, I'm just pity him.. To be bury alive.. It's a pity.. So please, take him.. With you.. Your highness.."


"Quickly! Wake him up! And release him!" the Baron didn't waste the time any longer. He's desperate. And this is the right thing to do. About the will, he can ask forgiveness through the priest later.

"Y-Yes, my lord!" the maid shaking the thin man's body in effort to waking him up. After a few trial, the man finally open his eyes.

"He's awake, my lord.." said the maid, relieved.

The Duke Prince step forward to have a better look of the concubine he just acquired. He unsheathe his sword once again, placing it under the man's chin to lift his face up.

"Nice to meet you, my concubine." he greeted in the lowest tones, making the man shivers.


Later that night, five maids rushing to get the thin man ready for the Duke. They bath him in roses water and get him dress the best so that he could pleased the excellency and make that man happy.

"He's your saviour, you must serve him well if you wish to live." one of the maid whisper into his ear, making him shudder in fear.

"If it's me, I'd rather being buried alive. I can't even look him in the eyes. He's so scary..!"

"Yea. Me too. Just think that I have to spend the night with him, I'd die.."

"Isn't he the rumours Duke, the one that cut his brother's head and threw it to the emperor's feet?"

"Yes! It's him!"

"You know, I heard he previously have seven concubines but after one of them pregnant with his servants, he immediately killed them all!"

"Ah, you are basically jumped out of the tiger's den and fell into the dragon's mouth."

"Behave well, so he won't kill you."


"Oh poor soul, you're too stiff. You can't even speak. What a pitiful.."

"Yea, I'm afraid the Duke will behead you when he see your sour face like this. Smile, little one.."


"Did you call me, Your Highness?" asked a knight to the Duke, closing the door behind him.

The Duke is resting on a red couch, sipping a cup of tea prepared by the maid of the Baron House. The Baron was nice to invite him to stay at their house before parting tomorrow morning.

"Find out everything about that man." said the Duke, placing the cup back on the table.

"He's a commoner. A widow. He was known married to his husband because of love. But the husband died. Rumours said the Baron poisoned the husband because he refused to divorce him. The Baron set his eyes on him since the first time he saw him."

".. You already did the background check.."

"Of course. I can't simply sent someone to your bedroom without knowing who they are. You are my lord and you life is precious to me."

"Haa.. Continue.."

"Two months ago the late Baron held him captives and forcefully making him his concubine. Based on what the maids said, he lost his ability to talk after coming here. He was abused mentally and physically until he became mute. The Baron.. He.."

"He what..?"

The Knight's face turning red as he restraining himself from mentioning the details.

"I'm sorry, your highness.. The Baron, he raped him.. In front of the other maids as a warning for going against his desires."

".. That old bastard..!"

The Knight flinched when the Duke suddenly rise up from his seat.

"What about the wills?"

"Oh.. That.. Before the Baron die, he write a will, to bury the concubine with him, alive.. So he can accompany him.. to the afterlife.."

"That's a pretty messed up. Good thing he died. Or else, I will have to kill him before he did more damages to that man."

"M-my.. Your highness, may I ask.. Why.. Do you care.. About him..?"

"Hm? Why do you asked? He's gorgeous. Isn't it enough for me to care about him?"

'... he's still chasing the beauty...'

"Get him here."

"Yes, my lord.."

14.2 18th Century part.2 of 5

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