8.7 Gun's N Rose's 🔞

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"No.." Jungkook shakes his head.

The man standing in front of him did have the same facial features with his Seokjin. But he refused to believe it. Seokjin is not a bloody killer. He's the gentlest, the nicest person he ever known. He will never kill someone, not even an ant!

And what makes him confident with his ideas is the guy's voice. Seokjin's voice is mild and lovely. But this man has a very hoarse and husky voices.

" You're not Seokjin!"he yelled.

The guy smirks. "Sadly, I am SEOKJIN." he said, claiming his identity.

"No. Take that shirts off."

Seokjin startled. "What? You want to fuck me here, Jungkook sshi? What are you? A teenager with overwhelming hormones??" he laughed.

"I wouldn't mind to shot you if you speaks more. Take that fucking shirts off. Now."

Seokjin smirks, rolling his eyes. He bend to reach to the hem of his shirt, but the moment he did, suddenly a clicking sounds coming from the front door.

Both turns to the direction and Seokjin immediately run away from the room, disappeared behind the door.


Jungkook has no other choices, making his way out from the room, through the windows when he hears voices of people talking and bright room from the lighting.


Jungkook sitting on the couch drinking, with the pistol in his right hand. The barrel of the pistol is pressed against the bottom of his jaw.

He's messed up, realising how the failure has affected his life. He's now becoming the target for a bounty worth $100,000. It is too little for an elite like him, but still, when you make a mistake, your worth will drop down as if you were just a trash.

But he didn't really mind that, since what he's been thinking the whole day was only about Seokjin.

He need an answer. He need to know, who is the real identity of the masked man. His face is way too similar to Seokjin. Is it possible if he is his twin brother? Why did he want to kill him when there's not even a bounty on him? What is his purpose for messing with him??

He gets up, grab the car key but then fall back on the couch when a bullet hit him right at his left shoulder. The shooter are playing with his prey. He would've been dead if the shooter isn't playing with him.

The bullet are not a stray one, but purposely aimed to his shoulder, to lessen the impact. But still, it's hurts him like hell.

He hide behind the couch, pressing the wounds. Blood comes out, coloured his white shirt under the black leather jacket he wore.

From his angle, he can't seem to locate the killer. It was night, and the outside are black jet dark. He sees nothing. He crawl to the switches, turning off the lamp. His house are now surrounded by darkness, just like the outside.


Another bullet shots towards his direction, hits the wall behind him. Only centimetres away from his head. If he moves just now, it will probably buried in his brain instead.

He then realised, the strategy is useless. The killer is using the night vision gun.

His heart thumping louds. Its not that he never been in this situation, but his mind is muddle with Seokjin and how to survive. He can't get Seokjin's out from his mind and this worsen his situation.

"Fuck!" he hit the floor, gritted teeth in anger.

He reach for a cloth on the floor, tear it up and wrapped around his bleeding shoulder.

After that, he slowly crawl to the window, hiding behind the wall, peeking outside trying to find the location of the killer. His gun is on the table and it's impossible for him to grab it since it is in an open place.

Just then, he catch a glints of lights from the building opposite to his apartment. The killer is in the room facing his house.

He need to think fast. His life is in danger and he still need to meet Seokjin for an explanation before he die, which he didn't want to die. Yes, he always has the thought of suicidal but not in someone else's hands.

After thinking through, he decided to jump for the gun. He quickly roll on the floor, grabbing the gun in his way to the other side of the window.

But luck isn't his. The killer manage to put the bullet through his stomach, pierced into his flesh, buried into the couch. A painful screams broke from his mouth.

He immediately retreat, leaning on the wall, trying his best to withstand the pain. He saw the bottles of wine on the shelf next to the kitchen and reach for it. The wounds somehow need to be clean so that he can bandage it to stop the bleeding.

Having no time to waste, he pour the wine on the wounds.


Just when he was busy bandaging the wound, he hears the door knob clicking. He can't see but he knew someone has entered his house. He grit his teeth as not to make any sounds.

He hears the footsteps approaching. In the reflection of the window, he sees a guy bigger in size than him sneaking with a knife in his hand. He quietly aim the barrel at the man.


One shot, the big guy fell on the floor, bleeding from his head, died instantly. Now he only left one guy to finish. The shooter in the next building.

He scan his kitchen and that's when he see the garbage drainage system, where he dispose all the garbage from his house straight into the dumpster under the building. Never cross his mind that this day will come where he will be using the garbage system  to escape from his own house.


Jungkook rush to his car parked under the building. He observed the surrounding before sprint to his car, starting the engine and leave the building.

His shoulder and stomach are still bleeding, not showing any sign that it will stop anytime soon. He feel a bit dizzy from the blood loss. He take his phone, pressing number #1, speed dialling Seokjin.

"Pick up the phone, Seokjin. Please!" he prayed for God to hear him one last time, hoping for Seokjin to answer his call.

"Jungkook..?" Seokjin's voice resonance from the ending line.

Thank God.

"Where are you? We need to talk." he said in a calm tones, hiding his pain from the doctor.

"I'm at Gwacheon.. I'm sorry, I can't go.. Meet you.."

"Please Jin! I'm begging you!"



"I'm sorry, Jungkook.. Please don't call me anymore.. Let's just end it here.."

"Fuck! Just listen to me this one last time!!" he his the steering, hard, pressuring his wounded shoulder.

He hears Seokjin let out a heavy sigh. It take a while for the doctor to reply.

"One last time. I will wait at EatJin. An old diner in town."

His heart sank, wondering why Seokjin changed in a blink of eyes, becoming so cold to him.

".. Thank you..." tears suddenly puddle in his eyes.

"... It's fine.. I gotta go.." Seokjin adamant on ending the call.


"What is it, Jungkook..?"

"I'm.. Sorry.. For being late.."



By now you can expect a sad ending. One more chapter before we end this.

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