Chapter 12

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This was the calm before the storm ~ unparadise ~
I wake up and the clock reads 10:00. I lay my head back down and look at the clock again.Holy shit I over slept which doesn't make sense I set my alarm. I hop out of the bed and run into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walk back into my room and look for my phone to tell Ricky that I'm going to be really late. When I can't find my phone I start to throw the covers off the bed the pillows fly behind me I get on the floor and look under my bed, it's not anywhere. I rummage through my purse and it's not there. I turn around to find a very shirtless Styles standing in my room with his sweatpants hanging very low.I shake my head running my hand through my hair."Have you seen my phone I can't find it and I was suppose to work today and I'm late and I was late yesterday and I don't want Ricky to fire me and I need to find my phone and we need to leave like now well we needed to leave like 2 hours ago." I say out of breath when I'm done I start to pace back and forth.He still standing there with my phone in his hand and my whole demeanor changes.I stalk towards him attempting to get my phone but he puts it up in the air and I can't reach it now. "Give it Styles." I say now pouting."Calm down okay I called in and told Ricky that you wouldn't be coming in today." He says so casually. "What why would you do that." I say crossing my arms."Because we had a long night last night and I thought I was doing you a favor."He says shrugging while walking over to sit on the edge of my bed. "You can't just make decisions like that for me it's not your place." I shout a little louder than I thought I did. I'm now standing in front of him. "Fuck I'm sorry Ember I was just trying to look out for you." He shouts louder than I did now standing in front of my face. "I don't need you looking out for me, just because we had a heart to heart doesn't mean you get to make decisions for me." I yell at him. "You are so fucking unbelievable." He says shaking his head."Im unbelievable seriously." I say half laughing half shouting. I walk toward the door and I feel him pull my wrist. "This conversation isn't over I was trying to be nice. But don't worry it won't happen again." He says gritting his teeth. I realize I was being a bitch and a little over dramatic. "Fuck I'm sorry just don't go. " I plead pulling his arm back. He stops walking and his back is still towards me. I slid my hand into his and step towards him."Im sorry for being overdramatic I'm just not use to people doing things for me and I'm sorry for being a bitch." I say with a shaky voice.He whips his body around and looks at me."Don't say that okay it's my fault I should have asked you first okay. I'll ask next time." Sadness takes over his voice.

He pulls me over to the bed and onto his lap.I nuzzle my head into his neck and I feel the tears starting to come. "Harry I'm scared." I say with a tremble in my voice. "Of what." He ask with worry in his voice. "I'm scared that I'll fuck up that I'll push you away that I'll hurt you and I don't want to do that because I need you more then you know and I'm scared that I'll ruin everything like I always do." I whisper. He pulls his head back and places his hands on my face." I don't care.I need you to know that I will always be here for you no matter what happens." He says kissing my forehead.We Stay like this for a while.Its nice we're quiet while I play with his fingers and he kisses my head every once in a while. "We are eventually going to have to move you know that right." He whispers into my neck which sets it on fire and I feel the goosebumps rise."Yeah but I don't want to." I say. He kisses my neck and he chuckles against it."I don't want to either but we have to." He says kissing my neck again.I run my hands through his hair and pull on the back of it.With one swift movement I'm on my back and he's now hovering over me.My mouth becomes dry and my body is rigid.I slid my hands up his muscular arms and up to his neck pulling him closer.He kisses my forehead and then my nose then my cheek. His lips hover over mine. He kiss me gently taking his time but the kiss soon turns into hunger and lust our lips moving in sync his body is now against mine and his hand is sliding down to my thigh. My nails dig into his back and he grunts allowing me to slid my tongue in. I can feel him bunching my T-shirt up he moves his lips to my jawline while I whimper at the loss of contact. He leaves kisses down my neck stoping right where my t shirt is. I bring his head back up to mine and I kiss him again and pretty soon we are both out of breath."We should probably... stop before..." He says breathlessly as he kisses me again. "Yeah." I say in between kisses. We eventually stop and he kisses my nose before getting off. "Hey I still don't want you to leave." I say sitting up."I don't either but I'm hungry so come with." he says smiling. "I'm not hungry." I say fiddling with my shirt. "You never are." He says walking towards the door.I roll my eyes and fall back into the bed.

What just happened we can't go around kissing each other like that and then act like it didn't happen.Oh fuck Axel I kissed him too. I cover my face with my hands a groan loudly why me I didn't ask for any of this."Are you coming to eat?" Harry ask standing in the doorway still shirtless I might add. I nod my head and follow him downstairs. "Where are your parents?" I ask just now noticing that they weren't here. "They went to Wales for a couple of days they'll be back on Tuesday." He says grabbing eggs from the fridge."Oh."I say still confused about what we are."Are you sure you don't want anything?" He says which I almost don't hear cause I start staring at his chest."Nope." I say popping the p.I walk into the living room and snuggle up in a blanket and turn the tv on.Harry comes in later and pulls me onto his lap, my head is on his chest and his chin rests on the top of my head. And this is how we spend our Sunday. Him playing with my hair and kissing my neck and me playing with his fingers and laughing at the corny jokes he makes. It's almost 10 when we get done watching the Harry Potter marathon. Instead by Styles not me I decide it time for bed because of that thing called school.

"Im going to take a shower and then I'm going to bed." I tell him walking away. "No goodnight kiss?" He asks with a pout on his face. "I'll be back down to get some water then maybe." I say rolling my eyes. "You better." He shouts as I walk up the stairs. I get in the shower and stand there for a little thinking about everything Axel, Styles ,my friends and I come up with nothing but a complete blank. I get out with the towel wrapped around my body, I grab the T shirt off the bed and my Nike shorts. When I put the T shirt on I realize it's to big and that its Styles. Oh well. I walk downstairs to get my water and he's still on the couch. He looks up and his jaw almost drops to the floor."Is something wrong?" I ask walking towards him. He shakes his head no.

"Are you sure cause you look like your thinking about something.You can tell me." I say sitting next to him on the couch draping my legs over his lap.

"I don't think you want me to tell you what I'm thinking."He says with a shaky voice not making eye contact with me.

I roll my eyes and get up and get a glass of water and head back to my room. "Hey where are you going?" He ask as I'm halfway up the stairs. "To bed." I yell as I continue walking I get to my room and set the water at my nightstand and turn the bathroom lights off. I come back to find him sitting on my bed."What part of I'm going to bed didn't you hear." I ask him crawling into the bed. "The you going to bed part." He says while laying down on his back. "Go away." I whine while pushing his shoulder but he doesn't budge. "Can I stay with you tonight?" He ask turning the mood into something more serious. I look at him and then out the window."Just turn the lamp off." I say laying down on my side facing him. He turns the lap off and lays down again. "Aren't you going to take your medicine?" He ask "No I don't need to." I say closing my eyes. "Why?" He asks poking my cheek like an annoying 5 year old. "Because." I say swatting at his finger. "No because now tell me." He demands. I open my eyes and can see his eyes pricing into mine. "Because you help me sleep better at night." I say whispering it. He leans over ad kisses my forehead. "Hey you still haven't given me my kiss goodnight yet." He says trying to lighten the mood. "Good night Styles." I say rolling over so I don't have to face him.

He pulls me back and is now hovering over me with his hands pinning my hands above my head. "I get a goodnight kiss considering that you are wearing my shirt and it's taking everything in me not to lose whatever control I have left." He whispers into my ear. My body feels like it's been set on fire. I kiss him once and trust me it took everything in me not to do more. "Now was that so hard." He asks mockingly laying back down and cuddling me into his chest.

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