Chapter 10

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" How can I sleep when I don't have dreams I just have nightmares " - The Neighbourhood

* Embers POV *

I look at Styles shock clearly written on my face. " Please." he says sounding like a little boy asking for a toy. I look away not being able to stare into his eyes that hold an emotion I can't describe. I try to hold back the tears that are gathering up in my eyes as I step away from his touch in order to think clearly. The door bell rings again and I snap my head towards it. "December please." Styles says and I almost melt as my name leaves his lips but I can't just leave Axel he understands me. " I have to go. " I say as I open the door and step out.

I quickly close the door and look up to see Axel there with wide eyes coughing before saying " You look really beautiful." with red cheeks.
" Thank you." I say as try to muster a smile.
"So let's get going ." he says as he puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me to his car. He opens the car door for me and waits till I'm in to close it then he gets in and starts to drive. We stay in silence the whole way there. Me mostly because if I talk I might start to cry. We pull into a small fancy restaurant called The Yellow Broom Restaurant and we get out and walk inside the restaurant.
" How may I help you? " the waiter asks but it looks like the question is directed to me since he won't stop looking at me.
" Reservation for Black ." Axel says bitterly and pulls me close to him. I let out a little squeak taken a bit by surprise by his sudden action.
" Oh yes sir right this way ." The waiter says as he looks away from me and to Axel with flushed cheeks. He leads us to a table and gives us our menus.
" What would you like to drink? "
" Coke." Axel says
" Water." I say. The waiter nods his head and walks off. We sit in silence and look through the menus. After a minute I set my menu down and look at Axel who keeps shifting uncomfortable in his chair while fidgeting with his tie.
" Axel. " I say trying to get his attention. He looks away from his menu to look at me.
" Do you think that my ideal date would be to come to a fancy restaurant? " I ask him.
" Um yeah well I mean isn't it the same for every girl? "
" Does it seem that I like things like every other girl. "
" No?" He says nervously.
" See to me an ideal date would be ordering pizza and watching Netflix."
"Really! Dammit I told Crash that but he said no it has to be at a fancy restaurant. I shouldn't have listened to him. " He says shaking his head. I let out a chuckle.
" Well what are we doing here " I ask him as I raise an eyebrow.
" You're right come on let's go watch Netflix and order pizza. " He says as he drops a few bills on the table. I smile as he grabs my hand to help me out the chair and as we start to walk he intwines his fingers with mine and we make our way out of the restaurant.

We arrive at a nice small one story house a few minutes later. " It's not extravagant like where you're staying at but its home ." He says with a smile as we walk in.
"No I like it it's nice and cozy ." I say to him truthfully.
" Here how about I get you some clothes to change into that way you don't have to be uncomfortable in that" he say motioning to my outfit.
" Yes please. " I say as I chuckle. He leads me down the hall and into a bedroom.
" Is this your room? " I ask just to make sure as I look around.
" Yup " he says as he digs through his drawers pulling out a pair of sweatpants and then goes to his closet to pull out a t-shirt.
" You could just give me my t-shirt and Styles pants." I say as he gives me his clothes.
" Well you see I would but I don't think they're washed yet." He says as he scratches the back of his head looking around his semi messy room. I chuckle at him and he leads me to the bathroom across the hall.
" I'll go order some pizza while you change. Pepperoni?" He asks.
" Yeah that's fine." I say through the bathroom door. I quickly change and fold my clothes neatly and walk out and go into the living room. I set my clothes by my clutch on the table and I sit on the couch. Axel comes back after a few minutes dressed in sweats and a t-shirt like me except they actually fit him. He plops himself on the same couch as me and grabs the control and turns on the tv and the Xbox. He opens Netflix and starts scrolling through it.
"Oh wait go back ." I say to him.
"American Horror Story. " I say as a smile grows on my face.
" Okay. " He says clicking on it and the first episode of murder house or season one starts.

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