Chapter 2

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Caraphernelia Cah-Rah-Fer-Knee-Lee-A (n.) A broken-heart diease that occurs whenever someone leaves you, but leaves all of their things behind.


I exit the gate and walk out into the airport, looking around for my " exchange mother ". I roll my eyes, already hating this place. I finally spot a lady about 35 years old holding a sign that says " December". I roll my eyes hoping they see so they know i dont want to be here. Yes I mean they as in Anne is here with two other people. I walk over to them quickly so we can leave this airport.

As Anne sees me approaching them a smile grows on her face.

"December?" She asks. " Yeah thats me." I say trying to force a smile on my face. " Well im Anne and this is my husband Robin and my daughter..." " Hi im Gemma! " The daughter cuts her off as she embraces me to a hug and starts rambling about how excited she is for me to be here, but all I can think about is how this isnt home.

My thoughts get intrrupted when Annes husband grabs my bags. " You dont have to do that i can get them. " I say to him. " Its okay sweetheart I got it." he says to me with a smile. I smile politely as they lead me through the crowd of people and to the exit.

We approach a car and we pile in. All i can think about is home and my friends. " December? " Gemma calls pulling me out of my thoughts. I roll my eyes forgetting that they dont know how much i hate when people call me that. " I prefer Ember " I say to them. " Even cuter! " Gemma says before continuing what she was gonna say. " Anyways, youre going to love it here. Theres so much to do, maybe once you get settled in we can take a train to london and go shopping. You like shopping right? " She asks. I nod my head.

" OMG December that skirt looks so cute on you! " Katie gushes as i walk out of the fitting room. " I dont know Katie you know im not really a colorful person. " I whine to her. I go back into the fitting room and grab the black skirt from the pile of clothes waiting to be tried on. " Ill just get it in black" I say as i hold up the skirt. " No! We did not sit outside and tan for nothing. Yooure getting the blue skirt and thats final." She says as she yanks the black skirt out of my hands. " But " i say as i reach for the black skirt. " But nothing it makes your skin pop and itll look really cute with the top I have. " Shw says slapping my hand away. " Ow" i say rubbing my hand " Okay fine ill get but only because..." I start to say but only to get cut off by her, " You love me, i know" she says with a giggle.

" Ember we're here " Anne calls, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up tto see a big house. "Wow! " I say astonished. "I know right! I have the best brother ever! " Gemma says clapping her hands togrther. " He bought this for you guys?" I ask them shocked that he would buy this for them. " Yeah he did." she answers. Wow the house is huge and its so pretty. "Ill take your bags up to your room." Robin calls as we make our way to the house. " Um okay thanks" I say to him with a smile. " Gemma go show Ember around and her room while i start dinner. " Anne says to her as she makes her way that I guess is to the kitchen. Gemma begins to show me around and the house is so extravagant. They have family pictures everywhere, even if this cute little boy who has huge dimples. " Who's that? " I ask pointing to the picture in the wall. "Oh he's my younger brother Harry. You'll get to meet him when he gets home in a couple of days. " She answers me. I nod my head and follow her upstairs. "So my room is on the right and Harry's room is past the theater and this room on the left is yours. " She says opening the door to my room.

I walk in and the room is huge, it's way bigger than my room back home. "So you have your own bathroom, towels, and other things in here. If you need anything else my mom can take you to the store tomorrow. " She says to me. We stand there in awkward silence for a while until she speaks up, "You should get cleaned up, dinner is almost ready." She says with a smile. "Okay." I smile back and she leaves the room. I collapse onto the bed and it's really comfortable. After a few minutes I get up and unpack a little of my things. I grab my oversized sweater and leggings and head to the bathroom to take a shower. The water gets cold so I get out and dry my body off and slip into my clothes and head downstairs.

"Perfect I was just about to come and get you." said Anne
"Would you mind helping me set the table?"
"No not at all." I say smiling as I take the plates and silver wear to the table.
I set the table and Anne brings the food in and Gemma and Robin follow behind shortly after.
"So Ember what made you want to join the exchange program?" Robin ask while shoveling food into his mouth.
"Umm I don't really know.I like traveling and going to new places, and I've always wanted to come to England and so I thought why not." Lies.
"So Ember I can't wait for you to meet my roommates Cole and Blaze. I think you'll love them"
"I can't wait." I say trying to show as much excitement as I can.
"So Anne do you know when I'll be starting school?"
"Well love things are a little different here right now the kids are on a 3week break which just started a couple of days ago.So after the 3weeks you'll go to school which is perfect it gives you time to get settled in here."
I nod my head as small talk starts to happen around me.I nibble on my food here and there. Dinner gets interrupted by the house phone ringing.
"Oh I'll get it." Anne says as she excuses her self from the table. She goes to answer the phone and her voice is barely audible but I soon hear footsteps.
"De-" Anne starts to say before she corrects herself.
"Ember, sweetie, your dad is on the phone." She says to me. "Oh okay." I say as I get up from the table and walk to the phone.
"Hello." I say into the phone.
"Ember you had me worried sick." My Dad rushes.
"Because you wouldn't answer your phone and I thought something happened to you." he says frantically.
"My phone died on the way to their house and it's upstairs charging right now."
"Oh okay then..." He says trailing off. Were silent for a few seconds before I hear whispering on the other side.
"Ember Av-" My dad starts to say before he gets cut off and then I hear why.
"How dare you not tell me you were leaving!" My friend Avery whisper shouts at me into the phone
"Because I'm coming back in like 6 to 7 months" I say to her bluntly.
"But still you should have told me." she whines.Avery is my friend post Katie. She moved into town a few weeks after the accident and was the only person who didn't treat me differently after she found out what happened.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when avery yells into the phone.
"You're in Holmes Chapel!"
"Yeah so does it matter."
"Yes it does matter that's Harry Styles home town and their going on break in a couple of days and they are going home for a few months!" She frantically yells.
"Your obsession with one direction scares me." I say to her shaking my head.
"I know."She giggles into the phone.
"Anyways I have to go I have to finish eating and then I'm going to bed. Its been along day."
"Oh right the times are different over there.Okay then goodnight I'll talk to you later."I finish talking to my dad and then I go and finish my dinner.

I head upstairs and get ready for bed. I sit on the bed and look at my pill box. I sigh and take the pills hoping they stop the nightmares tonight.

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