Chapter 7

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I think it's time to leave this all behind.
Embers POV

I run up the stairs and slam my door shut.
I feel a tiny tear slide down my cheek and that's when I break down. I slide down against the door and pull my knees to my chest and begin to sob. This was suppose to be easy this was suppose to be a second chance, a fresh start.


"Dad why are you doing this to me?" I asked as I watch him pull the suitcase from the closet. He didn't answer he just walked upstairs to my room.
"Dad why are you doing this to me?" I ask him a again as I try to swallow back the urge to cry. Still no answer.
"Dad answer me." I yell as the tears begin to roll down my face.
"Damn it Ember because I don't know what to do with you nothing is working. We tried everything rehab, therapy, group therapy, medication. I don't know what to do I'm doing my best here, okay, I'm trying, you're all I have left and I can't lose you, I can't you're all I have. I don't wanna come home and find you dead on the bathroom floor okay I'm doing this because I love you and I can't stand to see you like this. I miss you, I miss my daughter . I need you back and if that means sending you away for that to happen, I'll do it." He yells at me. I can't help but cry I feel myself fall to the floor and I just cry. I've ruined my Dad and I had no idea that I did.
He runs over to me and gets beside me and pulls me into his lap.
"Baby girl it's going to be okay we'll get through this okay I'm doing this because I love you." He says as he kisses my head." I love you too daddy."

*end of flashback*

I hear a knock on my door. I get up and wipe my face. I open the door to see Styles standing there with sandwiches in his hand.
"What part of leave me alone didn't you understand." I ask him.
"The leave you alone part." He says with a smile on his face. Damn those dimples.
"What do you want?" I say as I walk to my bed.
"I just wanted to apologize for being an asshole. And I brought sandwiches." He says as he steps into my room.
"You have 2 minutes." I say as I cross my arms.
"Umm well look I'm sorry for being a dick and a piece of shit and an asshole and an ease dropper." He looks at me and can tell that I'm not buying any of it.
"Harry this was suppose to be a second chance for me a chance to start over and be happy again. Not to fight or to cry. Do you understand that cause I need you to if we're going to be living together." I say in a pleading voice.
He nods and steps closer to me.
" I understand so why don't we start over."
He said as a small grin began to form on his lips. I look at him a little confused.
"Hello love I'm Harry Styles and here's a sandwich." If voices could kill his would.
I laugh at him and take my sandwich.
"Hi I'm Ember Young and thank you for my sandwich." I say. He looks at me and says "I'm still going to call you December." I roll my eyes." Whatever Styles." I walk over to my bed and sit down on top of it and pat the spot next to me. He comes over and sits down next to me.
He takes a bite of the sandwich and gives me a thumbs up. I laugh and roll my eyes.
"You know I don't like your fuck buddy but he makes good sandwiches." He says stuffing more of the sandwich into his mouth."He's not my fuck buddy." I take the sandwich and start to peel the crust off."What in the world are you doing?" He ask a little confused."I'm peeling the crust off." I say as if I'm saying it to a little kid.
"Well duh but why?" He says watching me a little to intensely. "I don't know I've just never liked it." I shrug as I place the crust onto the napkin. "You're a weirdo you know that." He chuckles. "Yeah but weirdos are the best kind of people." I say as I look into his eyes. For some reason we stay like that for a few seconds until Styles looks away. He clears his throat before saying " I'll go get us some drinks " with a smile. I just nod my head and he gets up and goes downstairs. I'm just sitting on my bed eating my sandwich when I hear my phone go off. I reach over to where it's at and see that I have a text message from Avery.
A- Skype? Your dad wants to talk to you.
E- yeah let me just get my laptop.
I text her. I reach for my laptop and log into Skype. As soon as I do Avery is already calling me. I click the 'ACCEPT' button and I'm instantly connected.
" Ember! " Avery says as soon as she sees me.
" Hey Avery " I say with a chuckle. Then I see my dad come into the video chat.
"Hey dad " I say with a smile. " Hey baby girl, how's it going? " He asks and I see Avery nodding her head in agreement also wanting to know what's going on.
"Everything's good. I started my job today in the coffee shop which was pretty cool because my co-workers are pretty chill and I made a friend..." I say but I'm soon interrupted.
"Who are you telling about your fuck buddy? " Styles says as he walks in with to sodas and a playful grin on his face. " What did he just say!?! " My dad says shocked and with wide eyes which probably matches my expression before I turn to Styles and give him a quick glare before I turn back to my dad. "He's just kidding. " I say with a chuckle trying to calm my dad down. "He better be." My dad says with a cold stare which makes me squirm a little.
"Wait who's he?"Avery asks a little bit curious.

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