Chapter 23

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We had our own secrets and stories .We had our own laughs and jokes. We had our own memories and sometimes we even had our own world. And nobody will understand what we had. ~unparadise

I wake up to the smell of coffee which means that my dad is up. I go downstairs to find him reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Morning kiddo." "Morning dad." I hug him and grab a cup for myself. "How did you sleep?" He asks. "Good actually." I say being honest. "You're in a good mood what's up with that." He tells me with a big smirk on his face. "What I can't be happy to see my dad and my best friend if not then I'll just go back to mopping around." I say rolling my eyes. "Hey don't roll your eyes at me." he says trying to be serious. "Look get dressed I want to take you and Avery somewhere." I say as I walk out of the kitchen. "No please." he says back." No now let's go."
I walk back upstairs and decide that today is going to be a good day. Fingers crossed.

We all walk out to his car I take my usual place in the passages seat and my dad and Avery sit in the back. "Where to first." Harry ask. "The bakery and then the coffee shop." I tell him. We drive off and he begins to tap his finger on the steering wheel. "Can you stop." I ask him as
quietly as possible. "You know I would but my other distraction isn't really appropriate at this time." He whispers with a smirk. "Very funny." I tell him. "What's so funny?" Avery asks looking up from her phone. "Oh see I was just telling December that I can't..... "
"Oh look we are here" I yell cutting him off. My dad try's to open the door."Why the hell is the child lock on?" I look over at Harry and he just smiles. I feel like disappearing. "Umm you know why don't you ask...."
"Just unlock the car Harry." I tell him through gritted teeth. "Fine no need to be grouchy." He says unlocking the car doors and we all get out and head towards the bakery."This is where you use to work yeah?" Avery asks rushing in. "Yep." Harry says as he gives the orders then we all take a seat with our pastries. Harry begins talking about what it was like working here and my dad tells him how it's good start working early and all that stuff I don't really pay much attention to. I can't help but think about everything over the past couple of months and how much my life has changed the good and the bad. "What do you think Ember?" Avery asks soon bringing me out of my thoughts.All eyes are on me."About what?" I ask fiddling with my food. "About me opening my own bakery one day?" Harry asks me while making eye contact with me. "Umm... It's a good idea." I say with a shrug. "Are you okay sweetheart?" My dad asks me. "Yeah I'm fine I'm okay." I tell him nodding. We finish up and head over to the coffee shop where I use to work.

After a few minutes drive we finally reach the coffee shop. My dad and Avery get off but I stay in the car with Harry.
" Whats wrong? "He asks taking my hand.
" Nothing it's just... " I say trailing off looking into the coffee shop seeing Axel greet my dad and Avery.
" You don't want me to go in, do you? " he asks. I look at him and give him a shy smile. " Why? "
" You tend to get a bit moody around Axel " I say.
" Well I'm not that fond of him... "
" Harry "
" Okay okay I'll drive around pick you guys up in an hour or so? " he asks
" Yeah okay that's fine. " I say as I reach for the door handle.
" No kiss? " Harry says with a pout. I chuckle a little shaking my head before leaning in to kiss him. After a few seconds we pull away a smile on both of our lips.
" See you later babe ." He says as I get off. I give him a smile before closing the car door and going inside the coffee shop. The little bell goes off and the aroma of coffee beans fill my senses.
" There's my favorite worker. " I hear Rickey call out.
" Yeah sure act like I'm not here. " Axel says playfully frowning. Rickey throws a towel at him and Axel just catches it and places it on the counter. I shake my head at them before walking behind the counter and stand in front of my dad and Avery.
" So what would you guys like? " I ask them putting on my apron.
" Mocha frappachino " Avery says taking a seat at the counter.
" Black coffee. " my dad says to me. I nod my head and start to make their drinks.
" So this is where you worked? " My dad asks from behind me.
" Worked? As in past tense " Rickey asks before I can answer.
I hand the drinks to them before turning to Rickey as he gives me a confused look as so does Axel behind him.
" Yeah um Rickey this is my dad and my best friend Avery. " I say pointing to them " And I'm going home soon. " I finish.
" You're taking my best worker away from me? " Rickey says to my father.
" Again sure act like I'm not here. " Axel says and Rickey shoves him lightly.
" Well it is close to the end of her exchange program and I just thought I can bring her back home earlier. " my dad answers him.
" Well " Rickey responds nodding his head. They soon go off into a conversation I don't pay attention to so I turn to Avery and Axel.
" Pretty sure you guys already met but Avery this Axel and so forth " I say while I wipe the counter.
" Oh so you're the guy that took Ember from Harry " Avery says bluntly taking a sip of her drink.
" Avery! " I semi shout while I send her a small glare.
" What? It's not like it matters now because you and Harry are together. " she says shrugging her shoulders.
" Oh my god shut up " I say covering my face in embarrassment.
" Ember it's okay I mean it's clear she ships you with him. " Axel says with a chuckle. Avery smiles and just nods her head. The bell at the door jingles and I look up to see Crash walking in.
" Hey guys! " he says taking a seat next to Avery who gives him a weird look.
" Hey Crash " Axel and I say at the same time. He turns to Avery looking at her for a second.
" And you are? " he asks with a smirk on his lips.
" Out of your league. " Avery says turning to face me.
" Ouch " Axel says trying not to laugh and Crash just looks stunned.
" No girl has rejected me like that since I tried hitting on Ember. " Crash says facing us.
" You tried hitting on Ember " Axel says his face turning into a frown.
" Uh yeah before I knew who she actually was. " Crash says his cheeks turning a shade of pink. Axel throws his towel at Crash and it hits his face.
" Gross! " Crash says as he throws the towel off of him. We bust out laughing as Crash just frowns at us.
" That was not funny " He says glaring at us.
" You sounded like a girl " Avery says as she leans back in laughter. Both of them go into an argument about how Crash reacted.
" This feels weird" I say to Axel.
" What does? "
" Being happy " I say looking at my feet. I feel Axel wrap his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.
" Get used to it because you've deserved happiness " he says to me. I turn and hug him back.
" So do you " I say to him.
" Who says I'm not. " he answers with a chuckle. I let go of him and a hit his shoulder lightly while letting out my own chuckle. He grabs his shoulder and mocks pain.
" Shut up that didn't hurt " I say walking to wipe a table down.
" You don't know that " he says trying to suppress a smile. I roll my eyes at him and start to wipe the table.
" Are you seriously going home soon? " He asks. I stop wiping the table and let out a sigh and slowly nod my head.
" Damn " is all he says.
" I'll go and visit you one day. " I hear him say barely above a whisper. I look up at him and he's staring at me intently.
" Don't waste money on going all over to the states to visit me. You can make much more use with that money. " I say to him.
" Nah it's okay I want to. I'll just take a little money from the savings account. "
" You have a saving account? " I say to him with an amused grin on my face.
" Yeah for just in case purposes. " he says shrugging his shoulders.
" Well this is not a just in case purpose. " I say walking back to behind the counter
" It is for me "
" What is ? " we hear and turn around to find Crash and Avery looking at us.
" Axel wants to go visit me back home one day and I'm telling not to because it's a lot money. " I explain to them.
" Well he can get money from his savings account " Crash says.
" See told you it's nothing to worry about "
" Axel... "
" No I'm going to visit you when I get the chance. "
" We are " Crash interrupts.
" What? " Axel says.
" We are as in me you and Hunter will go and visit her when we get the chance. " Crash states.
" Why would you wanna go? " Axel asks.
" Because I would get to see Avery again. " Crash says shrugging his shoulders and Avery just blushes furiously.
" Ooo Avery someone's crushing on you. " I say with a chuckle.
" Hey and maybe I get to see you naked again. " Crash says with a wink. Which makes me stop chuckling and stare at him with wide eyes and blush.
" Crash! " Axel yells at him and hits upside the head.
" Kidding " Crash says rubbing the back of his head " Gish don't need to be violent. "
We start to laugh at him until someone walks in the door. I look up to see Harry walking in and I flash him a smile and he does the same.
" What can I get you mate ? " Axel asks.
" Nothing just here for December, her dad, and Avery " Harry says.
" Oh okay " I say as I signal for my dad that were leaving while taking off my apron then start to walk over the Harry.
" Ember " I hear Axel call. I turn around and he holds out his arms. I give him a smile before walking into them and hug him.
" Group hug! " I hear Crash yell as he hugs me and Axel. We burst into laughter and let go of each other. I turn to Harry who has a slight frown on his face but when I entwine my fingers with his he lets out a small smile before squeezing my hand tight. Yes, I'm defiantly happy.

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