Chapter 18

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As many times whiskey and I meet again and again I still feel her burning down all that's left of my insides ~E.V~

* Harrys POV *

I hand my money to the cashier paying for yet another bottle of whiskey. Or should I say bottles. The cashier hands me my change and I grab the bag and head out.

These past few weeks have been painful. To say it hurt that she didn't say I love you back would be understatement. I've been hanging out with Alice more often trying to get December out of my mind. I hate to use Alice but I hope that sooner or later the feelings I'm faking towards her will soon become real and the ones towards December soon die out. What am I telling myself? It kills me to ignore her each time when we're in the same room together, like we're strangers. But not as much as when I see her with him. I hate that he's taken her from me or that he's actually... actually touched her... so intimately. All I wanted to do to him when I found out was kill him. Beat him to a pulp. But I ended up pushing her further away from me and when she said she didn't love me it felt like... like if someone had ripped my heart out and stepped on it.

I pull into the driveway and notice there's someone here. I take a closer look at the car trying to recognize it. Axel.
I grip the steering wheel hard that my knuckles turn white. I quickly grab the bag with the bottles in it and make my way inside. I hear voices from the living room and then laughter. Her laugh, but it sounds different and can't quite put my finger on it. It takes all my will power not to go to her. I feel so weak when it comes to her.

I make my way over to the kitchen to grab a cup but when I'm walking in I bump into somebody.
" Oh sorry man didn't see you there. " Axel says taking a step back. I don't acknowledge him I just go to the cupboard.
" Ember please you need to eat something I know you're hungry. " he says to her.
" I'm not hungry I promise. " She says to him.
" You haven't eaten all day. " he says insisting.
" I said I'm not hungry. " December says with a bit of anger in her voice. I try not to turn around and also insist that she eat. I open the cupboard when I hear " Babe come on eat for me. " Anger courses through me and I slam the cupboard shut. Forget about the glass I don't need it. I turn around and see that they're staring at my sudden actions. I grab one of the bottles and instantly regret it when I see the look on her face. I know what drinking means to her but I put on a façade showing no emotion and make my way upstairs.

I close the door to my room shut and start to open the bottle. The look on her face comes through my mind and I let out a sigh, putting the bottle down on the night stand and sit down on the bed. I hear my phone go off and I reach over and see I have a text.
Nialler: Come over to Louis'! We haven't seen you in forever!
I sit there for a few minutes before I reply back.
H: On my way!
I get up and grab my keys and head downstairs and out the front door not saying a word to anybody. I turn on my car and head out of the driveway when Fallingforyou by the 1975 comes on the stereo. I think about when I first heard it with December in the car. Instantly I knew the lyrics described what I felt for her. I quickly turn of the stereo not wanting to hear the song.

I pull into Louis' driveway and quickly get out and make my way up to the front door. I knock on the door and it quickly opens with a smiling Louis.
" Harry! " he shouts and I let out a little chuckle.
" Ley Lou " I say with a small smile.
" Come on in! " he says opening the door wider. I step in and I'm instantly engulfed into a group hug.
" I can't breathe guys " I struggle to say with all the guys hugging me. They let go and step back.
" Well we haven't seen you in ages! " Liam says exaggerating a bit.
" Yeah we just see you in magazines with that one girl what's her name again? " Niall says. My mind instantly thinks about December and the day the paps surrounded us.
" Alice " Zayn says answering Nialls question.
" Yeah Alice " Niall says nodding his head. I let out a little sigh of relief but my mind stays on December.
" Harry you okay? " Louis asks, concern across his face.
" Yeah I'm fine " I say trying to muster a smile.
" No you're not. Don't lie. " Zayn says with a serious look. I let out a sigh, shaking my head while putting it into my hands.
" Is it a girl ? " Liam asks. I nod my head yes.
" Alice? " Niall suggests and I shake my head no.
" Ember? " Louis asks. I look up when I hear her name and see all their eyes on me. I slowly nod my head yes looking up at the ceiling blinking away the tears that are threading to spill.
" What about Ember? " Louis asks. I don't answer right away but they wait for me to answer them. Their eyes on me the whole time.
" I ... I told her... that I love her. " I say quietly looking down at my hands.
" What? " they gasp in unison.
" And she said she didn't love me. " I say lastly the words tasting bitter on my tongue. I look up at the boys and they are staring at me with wide eyes.
" What about Alice ? " Liam asks.
" It was before Alice " I say to him.
" So you're just using Alice to forget about Ember? " Louis asks. I don't answer I just stare at them with a grimace on my face. It sounds so bad when Louis says it. They just shake they're heads at me and it make me kinda angry.
" What I'm supposed to do sit around and wait for the girl that I love who doesn't even love me, love me back!? Just sit and watch her screw other guys! Because that's what she did! She went a screwed with Axel! Came home with hickeys all around her neck! " I yell standing up from the chair and pacing around, tugging the ends of my hair. Liam stands up trying to calm me down but I don't hear anything he says because my mind is focused on images of her and Axel... together.
" Harry! " Liam says placing a hand on my shoulder. I shove it off and face him my nostrils flaring. He backs away putting his hands up in surrender.
" Harry we go on tour in January just sit it out another month. " Louis says. I turn to him calmer than I was before and I nod my head.
" Harry the way she looks at you- " Zayn starts but I cut him off.
" Don't. " I say making my way towards the front door.
" Where are you going? " Niall asks.
" Nearest liquor store " I say not waiting for their response I just walk out and get into my car and drive away.

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