Chapter 21

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" I chose to love you in silence,
Because in silence I find no rejection, and in silence no one owns you but me. "

* Harry POV *

I hear the front door open and close.
" Ember! " I call out but I get no answer I just hear someone rushing upstairs. I look back down at my laptop and look through the pictures of last night. The media sure knows how to make things up.
Who's Harry Styles mystery girl?
The title reads. I love how they cropped out the rest of my family, made it look like I was on a date. With her. I close my laptop and just stare at nothing when I hear some rummaging upstairs. I head upstairs and stop outside her bedroom door thinking about what Axel said to me. I take in a deep breath before knocking.

I stand there for a few seconds before I push the door open. I hear sniffling from her bathroom and wait a few seconds before opening the bathroom door.
" Ember... " I say as I peek my head inside. I look at her tear stained cheeks then her wrists. I see all the blood coming out her wrists. I look up to her face and she gives a small smile before collapsing to the floor.

" Ember ! " I shout and rush to her. I hold her limp body and my arms trying to figure out what to do. I put pressure on her cuts trying to stop the bleeding but it just keeps flowing. I reach for a towel and wrap it around her wrist tightly before I pick her up and carry her downstairs to my car. I lay her in the backseat before getting in the drivers side. I quickly make my way out of the driveway and to the nearest hospital. I wipe the tears from my eyes and drive faster. I stop at a red light and hit the steering wheel.
" Fuck. Why? December why? " I start to shout. I start driving faster before pulling into the hospitals parking lot not really caring where I parked. I open the back door and pull her into my arms and carry her inside the emergency room.
" Help someone please help! " I shout. A nurse rushes over to me with a hospital bed. I hesitate before I set her down on the bed not wanting to let go of her. The nurse rushes her into a room, a doctor following in suit. When I try to walk in she pushes me out.
" You can't go in there right now. " she says to me.
" Please I just have to know she's going to be okay. " I say trying to look into the room.
" We will tell you when you can go in for now go sit in the waiting room. " she says shooing me away. I hesitate before walking away. I look behind to to see another nurse rush in with a lot of medical supplies before I keep walking.

I sit in the waiting room, constantly shifting, not being able to be at ease. Why would she do that? Did the media do this? I just want to know she'll be okay. If she wasn't I don't know what I would do with out her. But I caused this. I was the reason for all her troubles. Just thinking that the last thing I said to her would be that I didn't love her even though I do. I love her so much it hurts. I stand up and pace back and forth running my hands through my hair. It's been an hour what is taking so long? I'm about to go up to the nurses station and demand what's going on when the nurse that pushed me out comes through the door.

" Sir we stopped the bleeding and stitched up the cuts. But we will need to discuss what has happened when she wakes up and will need her parents contact information. " she says quickly. I nod my head and tell her her fathers number that I have for "emergencies" as my mother put it. I never thought I would actually have to use it.
" Can I go in now? " I ask and she nods.
" To the right then fifth door to your left. " she says. I nod my head and make my way to the room.

I step inside the room and close the door turning to her seeing that she's asleep. I walk over to the side of the bed and take her hand in mine before sitting down. She looks so fragile. So weak and worn out. I put her hand up to my lips and kiss it gently and having it linger longer afraid that she'll wake up and push me away. I pull the chair closer to her bed and lean back intwining my fingers with her limp ones. I lay my head in the bed wishing things would be different. She stirs a little bit before settling back into the bed. A frown on her face.

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