Chapter 31

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Sometimes we can't help what we feel it's just that our feelings and emotions take over so much we become a mess and do things that just aren't us. ~unparadise~


Embers POV

We sit in the kitchen eating Chinese food that we ordered after the movie. Me sitting on top of the kitchen island while he just stands against it.
" Okay okay so let me get this straight when you were six you streaked one of your moms fashion shows. " I say letting out a laugh.
" Well she pissed me off so I decided to piss her off. " he says with a little shrug.
" Ace you were six how could you possibly be pissed at your mom? " I ask as I take a bite from my food. He murmurs something that I don't quite catch.
" What did you say? " I ask leaning in closer to him facing my ear towards his face.
" I said because she didn't buy me the toy car I wanted. " he says loudly into my ear and I flinch a little but can't help burst into laughter again.
" Young your phone is ringing. " he says as he tosses me my phone. I set my food down as I answer.
" Hello " I say with a chuckle hanging my legs over the edge of the island.
" What are you doing babe? " I hear Styles ask nervously.
" Nothing much just hanging out with a friend " I say as Ace comes and stands next to me leaning against the counter digging into his food. I try to grab a piece of steak from his bowl but he swats my hand away. I frown at him as he gives me a small smirk.
" Babe come back to bed. " he says a bit loudly.
" Shut the fuck up. " I tell him as I hit him upside the head. My eyes go wide as I remember I still have Styles on the phone.
" Styles- " I start but he hangs up on me. " Fucking shit. " I hop of the counter and start pacing back and forth dialing his number over and over again but he doesn't answer.
" I'm sorry I didn't think- " Ace starts but I cut him off.
" Exactly you didn't think that possibly it could be my boyfriend on the other end of the line! And now he won't answer me! Dammit Ace! " I yell at him as my phone call goes to voicemail again.
" I'm leaving. " I say as I grab my stuff and start to head out.
" Your cars at school I'm going to have to drive you. " Ace says walking out of the kitchen recovering from my outburst.
" I'll walk. " I state as I start to open the front door.
" Emb- " Ace starts but is cut off by the front door opening and a woman walking in.
" Ace I'm home! " she practically screams into my face and I flinch a little at the pitch.
" Are you one of Aces friends ? " she asks as she drops her bag by the door and gives me a warm smile.
" was " I say as I step out the door and start to make my way towards the street.
" Ember come on let me just drive you to your car. " I here Ace say from behind me.
" Like I said I'll walk. "
" Can't really use your car without your keys. " he says as I hear the jingling of keys. I turn around to see him holding my keys. Dammit I forgot he took them at school. I let out a huff as I follow him into his car and get in slamming the door shut.

We pull into the school and he parks his car next to mine the ride spent in silence. He hands me my keys and I try to get out but he has the doors locked.
" Ace let me the fuck out " I say turning to him anger clearly written in my face.
" December I'm sorry. " he says but it makes me only more angry.
" Don't you dare fucking call me that only my boyfriend gets to call me that, okay. You call me Ember or Young but not December. " I say bitterly.
" I'm sorry. " he says looking down.
" You should be because the person I fucking love is probably eating himself alive thinking that I cheated on him when it was just you joking around ! " I yell at him and he flinches a little at the loudness of my voice. " Now let me the fuck out. " I say and he unlocks the doors and I quickly get out and get into my car. I sit in my car as he drives away trying to clear my thoughts. I look into the review mirror catching a glimpse of the necklace Styles gave me and start to cry. Why me ?

* few days later *

My call goes straight to voicemail just like every other call I've made to him. I let out a sigh as I run my hand through my hair.
" You look awful " I hear Avery say as she takes a seat beside me on the couch.
" Thanks. " I say sarcastically.
" Still not answering? " she asks as she opens her chip bag. I shake my head no and she gives me a sympathetic smile.
" I think you should forgive Ace. " she says nervously as she stuffs a chip in her mouth.
" And why would I do that he got me into this mess. " I say sending her a questioningly look. She just shrugs her shoulders and looks away.
" Avery you know something. " I say to her and she tenses a little.
" No I don't. " she says quickly. I stare at her knowing that she knows something.
" Avery you wouldn't lie to me would you? " I say to her.
" It's not lying if I don't really tell you... " she starts but I interrupt her.
" Avery! " I practically scream getting a bit angry that she's not telling me what she knows.
" Okay okay. " she says as she pulls out her phone and opens her Twitter app. She scrolls down until she reaches what she was looking for and hands it to me. My eyes widen at what I'm seeing. Styles kissing Alice just outside a bar. I read the headline that says ' Harry Styles has a drunken night with his girl. '
I close my eyes trying to think clearly.
" Ember... "
" I want to be alone. "
"Ember ..."
" I want to be alone! " I shout at Avery.
" I'm not leaving you alone like this! " she shouts right back.
" I'm not going to do anything stupid I just... I just want to be alone. " I say a bit more quietly. Avery stares at me for a bit before embracing me into a hug. We stay like that for a while me with a few tears falling as she just holds me. Her phone starts to go off and she reaches over answering it.
" hello? ... right now?... but... okay okay I'll go over. " she says into the phone before hanging up.
" I have to go babysit it's right next door if you want to come. " she says a worried look on her face. I shake my head no and give her a small smile that she returns. She gathers her things together and walks out. I sit on the couch thinking. Which is probably the worst thing I can do right now.
Before I know it I'm standing in my bathroom staring at my self in the mirror. So many thoughts telling me to do it so many other thoughts telling me not to. I stare at my reflection thinking no. I walk out and grab my keys and get into my car driving. Not really knowing where I'm going until I pull into a drive way and before I know it I'm knocking on the front door.
" Oh hello! Ember right ? " the lady says as she gives me a small smile.
" Yes. Is um Ace home? " I ask her and she nods her head and tells me to come in.
" He's in his room " she says pointing to the stairs. I give her a small thank you before making my way up and knocking hard in Aces bedroom door. He opens it looking confused.
" Ember what are y- "
" You. I hate you so much! You're the reason my boyfriend isn't answering my calls and kissing random girls at bars because he's getting drunk! " I say out of breath and he stares and that confused look still in his face.
" What are you talking about? " he asks and I get a surge of anger go through me.
" You dammit! My boyfriend isn't talking to me because of you! " I shout hitting his chest trying to get some of my anger out. Before I know I'm collapsing into his arms crying and he just holds me kissing my forehead and whispering " I'm sorry " into my hair.
I don't know how long I cried into his arms, just feeling tired afterwards like my life is slowly draining out.


After what seemed like hours of her crying I carried her over to my bed. I pull the covers over her body and sit in the chair across from my bed. Who is this girl and why does she seem so broken and fragile. This girl is a mystery. I sit there for awhile realizing that I fucked it up for her and her boyfriend. A part of me wanted to fix it and another part of me was happy. I get up and leave the room starting to feel suffocated by my thoughts.

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