Chapter 44

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" I hope one day you
Find where you belong
And I hope you don't regret it. "
R. M. Drake

* 4 weeks later *

I lay against the bathtub, taking deep breaths trying to see if it'll help but I just end up vomiting into the toilet again.
" Ember are you okay? " Ace asks through the bathroom door.
" I- I think I have the- the stomach flu or something " I struggle to say my voice hoarse from vomiting.
" Do you want me to take you to the doctor ? " he asks as I weakly standup from the floor flushing the toilet.
" No I just need to rest. " I answer opening the bathroom door. Ace looks at me the concern on his face growing more.
" I'm cancelling everything today. " he says as he follows me into my bedroom.
" No don't I'm fine seriously. " I tell him laying down on the bed. He contemplates if to argue with me but both him and I know he has important things to do.
" Do you need anything before I leave? " he asks.
" Water. " I say with a weak smile. He nods his head walking out and coming back in a few minutes later with a glass of water.
" Here you go. " he says placing it on my nightstand.
" Thank you. " I say as he leans down to give me a kiss on the forehead. I give him a smile before he walks out to go do what he needs to do.
I turn on my tv for a bit of background noise as my thoughts wander. Another wave of nausea goes through me and I'm rushing back to the bathroom falling to my knees and throwing up into the toilet again. When I'm done I flush the toilet and sit back running a hand through my hair.
Oh my god.
I quickly get up and rush out of the bathroom and go the front door grabbing my car keys and walking out.
I quickly drive to the closest pharmacy and make my way inside. I wrap my sweater around me tightly and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I make my way down the aisles. I stop in the middle one looking at all the boxes infornt of me. I grab three different boxes of the brands I believe are better as I make my way to the cash registers. I set them on the counter and the cashier gives me a weird look which I send to her a subtle middle finger acting like I'm rubbing my eye but she got the message. She quickly rings me up and I pay before rushing back home.

I step inside throwing my keys onto the table beside the door before rushing to the bathroom and locking the door behind me. Taking out each box, I read every instruction and do as they say. I take a seat on the edge of the bathtub waiting for the timer to go off. I start to bite my nails as time passes my heart pounding against my chest. I'm about to start pacing around the bathroom when the timer goes off and I rush over to the sink counter.
Looking at each one, the color in my face starts to drain, as I read them. I slowly clean up my mess before I slide down the bathroom wall with tears in my eyes. Placing my head between my knees I try to calm my breathing.
I don't know how long I was sitting there for until I hear the front door open and close.
" Ember? " I hear Ace call out but I don't answer him I just stay on the bathroom floor. He walks past the bathroom and to what I believe to be my room.
" Ember! " I hear him shout in a bit of panic.
" In here. " I choke out and I hear the door knob jiggle.
" Ember? Are you okay? " he asks through the door giving up on trying to open it.
" They're all positive " I whisper.
" What? I can't quite hear you. " Ace says and I crawl over to the door leaning against.
" They're all positive. " I say louder this time.
" What's positive? " he asks and I hear him slide down the door.
" The tests. The pregnancy tests! They all came out positive! " I say quickly.
" Hold on, what? What do you mean? "
" I'm pregnant. " I say for the first time. Realization hitting me hard.
" You're what? How ? " he asks trying to open the door again. I squeeze my eyes shut trying not to cry.
" I slept with Harry " I say without thinking.
" What? When? " he says stopping the jiggling of the doorknob.
" The night of the event. " I say.
" You said you were out walking around. " he states.
" I wasn't I was with him and then he got mad because you called me and we got into this fight so I left hoping he would follow me but he didn't and now I'm pregnant. " I say now in full blown tears.
" Ember open the door. Please? " he asks and I stand up quickly opening the door and going to my bedroom, Ace right behind me.
I turn to face him and he stops abruptly before he runs into me.
" I'm only 18 and I'm pregnant with Harry's baby and I'm conflicted if to tell him or not or to be overjoyed that I'm having a baby or be scared out of my wits. I don't know what to do! " I say practically sobbing.
" Shhh, it's okay " he says embracing me into a hug and rubbing small circles on my back.
" No it's not. " I sob into his shoulder.
" Don't say that okay you'll figure something out. " he says holding me at arms length.
" I don't want to figure something out. " I say turning and taking a seat on my bed.
" Then we will together. " he says taking a seat next to me. He takes my hand rubbing small circles with his thumb.
" Marry me. " he says suddenly and I snap my head towards him.
" What? " I ask unsure if I heard him right.
" You heard me. I can take care of you and the baby, I don't care if it's his I will love that baby like its mine and... and I love you I have for awhile and it won't be like much will change we already live together and people already think we're dating it's just taking a leap. " he says kneeling in front of me taking both of my hands. I stare down at him shock clear in my face.
" So what do you say? Will you marry me? " he asks staring right at me waiting for my answer.

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