Chapter 39

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I saw you and my whole world stopped. -unparadise

I finish my makeup and go to my closet to find something to wear. After a few minutes of throwing clothes around I pull out a light pink dress to put on that reaches mid thigh and I put on some sandals. I walk to the mirror and the thought " You're trying to hard. " immediately pops into my head. I'm staring at my outfit in the mirror when the doorbell rings, which means Avery is here. " To late to change outfits now " I whisper to myself as I start to head downstairs. Grabbing my purse I had previously filled with the things I needed, I open the front door to find Avery standing there in a dress similar to mine but hers is black and has a peter pan collar.
" Wow you look great. " We say at the same time and let out a small laugh.
" Let's go " I say walking out onto the porch and closing the door. We get into her car and she starts to drive to the stadium.

" I really wish Zayn would be performing but no he had to leave the band. " Avery says with a huff.
" What Zayn left the band? When? " I ask confused by this new information.
" Remember that week I started crying during class and was later on angry at the world? " she asks turning into the stadium and I nod my head. " That's when he left. " she says with a small chuckle. We get out of the car and go to stand in line and wait for the doors to open.
" So glad my mom got us seats " Avery says a smile growing her face.
" I don't understand you've met them why are you so excited for the concert where you can't even talk to them? " I ask debating whether to sit on the ground or not.
" Because... I don't know, I'm just excited. " she says shrugging her shoulders. I roll my eyes and take out my phone to pass time when a girl approaches me.
" You're that model that's dating Ace Kingston right? " she asks nervously.
" Um were just friends. " I kindly correct her.
" Are you sure? " she asks and I nod my head getting a bit irritated that she thinks that I don't about my own dating status. " Oh well I was just wondering if I could get a picture with you? " she asks and I smile and nod a bit shocked to speak that someone wants to take a picture with me. She hands her phone to Avery who snaps a few pictures of the girl and me. " Thanks " she says a huge smile on her face.
" No problem. " I say with a smile and with that we say goodbye and she goes back to her friend further down the line.
" Finally. " I hear Avery say as the line starts to move and we are let into the stadium.
" Come on. " Avery says grabbing my hand as she starts to weave through the people.
" I think our seats are over here. " she says going down a corridor and then some stairs. I start to get nervous when I notice how close we are to the stage and then start to freak out when Avery finds our seats in the fucking front row.
" Avery what the fuck I thought we would be like up there not here! " I shout as I point up to the upper region of the stadium.
" Did I not mention these were front row seats? " she asks innocently and I give her an angry glare and she just smiles nervously.
" I'm leaving. " I say starting to turn around when she grabs my arm.
" Don't please. " she says and I look at her and she gives me her puppy dog eyes.
" Fine I'll stay. " I say letting out a sigh and she lets out a squeal jumping up and down. A guy walks by selling glow sticks and Avery buys two and hands one to me. I break it and shake it so it can glow and I can distract myself for a while.

I take a seat while Avery starts talking to some girls next to us. The lights go dim and the intro starts to play. Avery keeps nudging me to stand up and I finally do they all run out on stage and the first song starts playing and all I can do is stare hopelessly at him. All of the boys walk past me and look at me like I'm some kinda of zoo animal. I shrug my shoulders and point to Avery who is a mess right now. They each of them start talking and making jokes. Goofing around on stage "Okay everyone this is Fools Gold" Niall says into microphone.
" I'm like a crow on a wire
You're the shining distraction that makes me fly, oh
I'm like a boat on the water
You're the rays on the waves that calm my mind
Oh, every time "
Harry begins to walk over to us and my heart starts racing
He looks right at me ". But I know in my heart you're not a constant star. " His eyes meet mine
And he starts singing every word like it's directed towards me and my chest starts to race and tears slip down my cheeks. I push my way through the crowd. I finally get outside and lean against the wall trying to catch my breath.

~Harrys POV~

I'm standing behind stage and I feel a rush of adrenaline pulse through my body and I hear the intro video start to play our que to go out. We run out on stage and a smile can't help but cross my face. After the first couple of songs Liam and Louis start joking around and I tell my oh so funny jokes. The boys keep walking past the same spot and looking at something. Liam goes over to talk to Niall who just nods his head and Liam does the same. They slowly look over at me but I just ignore it. I tie my hair up and Nial starts to introduce Fools Gold "I'm like a crow on a wire
You're the shining distraction that makes me fly, oh..." He starts to sing and I start walking around and I get to the spot where the boys kept walking past and my whole world stops and my heart starts beating faster. ". I know in my heart you're not a constant star." I sing every word to her never taking my eyes off of her I can see the tears running down her cheeks. She starts to walk off and I continue singing until the songs over and I run off stage hearing my name being shouted but I don't care I just have to find her. I get outside of the stadium and run around to the front. I see her with her head against the wall as she wipes her tears away

~Embers POV~

I wipe my tears away and pull out my phone and dial my first contact.
" Hello? " I hear Aces voice.
" Ace do you think you can pick me up at the stadium? " I ask my voice cracking a bit.
" Yeah sure I'm close by I'll be there in a few minutes. Are you okay? " he asks.
" yeah yeah just hurry. " I say and hang up. I pace back and forth biting my nails as I wait for Ace.
" December! " I hear Harry shout and I turn around to find him running towards me. I stand frozen unsure what to do and before I know it he's standing in front of me.
" What are you doing here? " he asks trying to catch his breath.
I can't find words I want to say so many things to him but I can't find any words.
" Please say something. " he asks as he looks in my eyes trying to find an emotion. I shake my head unable to speak.
" Just talk to me. " he pleadingly asks grabbing my shoulders.
" Fuck you. " I say and shove his hands off. " You want me to talk now when you wouldn't even give a chance a month ago. Fuck you! How could you fucking do that! " I say shoving him in the chest as he grabs my shoulders trying to stop me.
" December listen- " he starts to say but I interrupt him.
" It's Ember to you. " I spit but instantly regret it when I see the look on his face.
" Harry! " we hear someone shout and we turn to see a bodyguard.
" One minute! " he shouts back " I need to get back to the show but we need to talk. " he says and I nod my head my anger slowly leaving. I pull out a pen and receipt from my purse and write my address down before I hand it to him. He puts it in his pocket and when I try to walk away he pulls me into a hug. I freeze at the sudden action but soon relax and wrap my arms around him.
" Harry! " the bodyguard shouts and Harry lets out a groan. " Coming! " he shouts and he pulls away. He places a small kiss on my forehead and walks back to the stadium when Ace pulls up. I turn and get into his car, I look up and see Harry watching us and he starts to make his way back but Ace pulls out into the street not noticing Harry at all. Tomorrow. I just have to wait until tomorrow.

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