Chapter 14

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He's not a prince I'm not a princess this isn't a disney movie or a fairytale this story doesn't have a happy ending

I wake up to an alarm going off but not mine. I open my eyes a little and realize I'm not in my room. Memories from last night flood my mind. I try to get up but an arm weighs me down. I look over to see Axel there sound asleep.
" Axel " I say trying to wake him. He shifts a little opening one eye. He smiles before hiding his face in the pillow before looking at me again.
"Morning babe." He says his voice raspy from barely waking up. He presses a kiss to my lips before pulling me closer to him.
" Axel? " I say.
"Hmmm " He says as he kisses my neck.
"We need to go to school." I say trying not to give into his touch.
"Let's not." He says.
"Then what do you suggest?" I say sarcastically turning on the bed to be face to face with him.
"There's a fair in town." he says " let's go."
I think about it a bit before I nod in agreement. A smile grows on his lips before he kisses me. I intwine my fingers in his hair pressing my body closer to his. He hugs my waist before turning to lay on his back with me on top of him. After a few minutes he pulls away panting.
"Let's get up before this leads to something else." He says in between breaths.
"You say this with us laying naked here." I say with a smirk. He grins before I feel a squeeze on my butt. I let out a little squeak before getting off of him. He bursts into laughter and gets up from the bed. I sit up on the bed and watch him walk over to his drawers before pulling out a t-shirt and boxers.
"I'm going to take a shower wanna join me ? " he says with a smirk. I almost say yes but I nod my head no with a blush creeping on my cheeks.
"Suit yourself ." He says before going to the bathroom. I sit on the bed for a few minutes before getting up and picking up my panties and slipping them on. I search for my bra but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm throwing things around when I hear the door open.
" Axel ... " we say at the same time and when I look up I see Crash standing there. My eyes widen and so do his. I quickly grab the thing closest to me and use it to cover up my body. He squeezes his eyes shut.
" Oh my god Ember I'm so sorry ." he says.
"Crash get out ! " I kind of scream at him. He nods before turning around and bumping into the wall. I hear a small ow as he rushes out from the room. After a few seconds of realizing what just happened and start to laugh a little. Axel walks in in a t-shirt and boxers running a towel through his hair. He gives me a weird look before asking "What are you laughing at? " I shake my head before answering "Crash just saw me in just my panties. " I say in between laughs pulling my jeans up. His eyes widen before exiting the room.
"CRASH!" He yells into the hallway before coming back into the room and picking up something from the floor. My bra! He throws it to me and I quickly put it on.
"Here." He says handing me one of his t-shirts. I grab it and slip it on just as Crash walks in.
He lets out a cough " Axel " he says.
"Next time knock." Axel says to him.
Crash nods. "Apologize." Axel demands
"No it's okay." I say to Axel.
"Apologize." Axel says to Crash again.
" I'm sorry." Crash says finally looking at me. I nod my head and Crash walks out. We burst into laughter at the same time.
"His face was priceless." Axel says in between laughter. After a few minutes we finally stop laughing.
"Come let's go to the fair." He says going to the closet and pulling some jeans out and putting them on. I grab my bag and get my phone out. I try to turn it on but it's dead. I run my hand through my hair and let out a sigh. I through it back into my bag and walk out to meet Axel in the living room.

We pull into a small fair and there's practically nobody here. We get out and Axel pays for our admission. We walk in and a smile grows on my lips as I look at all the games. We spend the day riding rides and playing games not winning anything just laughing at our terrible skills. Before we know it the sun starts to set.
I grab Axels hand and start to pull him towards the Ferris wheel.
"Wow Ember slow down." He says with a chuckle. We wait in line for a few minutes before actually getting into a cart. We sit next to each other our hands entwined together and my head resting on his shoulder.
"Ember?" He whispers.
" I have a question for you." He says running his thumb over mine.
I look up to him and he looks a bit nervous.
"What is it Axel? "
"Well um I was wondering if um you'd liked to be my girlfriend?" he says quickly and hesitantly.
"Yes " I say without hesitation that it leaves me a bit shocked just like Axel.
"Yes? "
"Yes." I say and Axel quickly latches his lips to mine. My hands find his hair once again and his kisses trail down to neck where he gently sucks on my sweet spot. I let out a moan and the cart starts to move again. He detaches himself from me as we start to reach the bottom. We exit the cart and head towards the entrance.
"Time to take you home. "He says pressing a kiss to my lips before we get into the car.

We pull into my driveway laughing at our attempts to sing some pop songs on the radio. " Do you wanna come inside ? " I ask him. He nods his head smiling and we make our way inside.
" December? " I hear Styles say from the living room. He walks into the foyer and relief seems to wash over him. He makes his way to me but stops when he sees Axel standing behind me.
" What is he doing here " he asks angrily.
" My boyfriend has the right to come visit me " I say before I can stop myself.
" What?" He asks as he takes a step back. But his expression changes.
" You promised. You promised you wouldn't leave me. " he practically shouts as he takes two quick steps to me. He is now in my face fuming.
" I didn't promise anything, you did " I spit at him. Hurt crosses over him before he grips my shoulders tight and I wince a little. " How can you just go to him. Why would you leave me? I thought you actually had feelings for me! " he's shouting into my face. I feel Axel pull me away from Styles. A gasp escapes my lips as Styles grabs Axel by the collar of his shirt and slams him against the wall.
" This is all your fault! You took her away from me! " Styles shouts at Axel.
" Harry stop! " I shout to him tears prickling my eyes. I run my hands trough my hair and Harry looks at me but his eyes travel to my neck. He lets go of Axel and steps to me.
" Is that a bloody hickey " he shouts pointing to my neck. " You didn't " he says shaking his head. I don't say anything to him I just look away. " I can't believe you slept with him! " he shouts stepping towards me. " I'm going to kill you for touching her! How dare you touch her! " Harry shouts as he turns back to Axel and punches him right across the face. I let out another gasp but quickly get in between them before Harry can hit him again. Harrys fist stops right before it hits me across the face. I notice tears on his cheeks but anger in his eyes. Which probably reflects how I feel also. I grab Axels hand before Harry says anything and pull him upstairs. We walk into my room and I grab one of my bags before shoving two pairs of clothes and extra under garments. I walk into the bathroom and grab my toiletries and go back out to the room and pack it into my bag.
" What are you doing " Axel says as he stiffly sits down.
" Can I stay with you for a few nights I can't just deal with him right now and if I stay here I know I'll do something stupid like really stupid. I mean I understand if you don't want me to or if you don't want to be with me anymore, I know I'm a lot to handle and I'm sure you don't want to deal with all that again. " I say frantically pacing back and forth.
" Hey hey hey it's fine you can come stay at my place as long as you need to okay " he says grabbing my shoulders to stop my pacing. He places a kiss on my forehead before pulling me into a hug. " I would never leave you because something like this happened. I would take a million punches as long as I have you. " He says and I pull away and smile at him which he returns with a gentle kiss on my lips. I grab my bag and we make our way downstairs.
" Harry what is going on? " I hear Anne's voice. " Nothing ! " I hear Harry say as Axel and I step into the foyer and everyone's heads snap to us.
" Ember darling where are you going? " Anne asks as I grab the bag I dropped on the floor earlier.
" I'm staying at Axels for a few days. " I say to her.
" Why ? " Robin asks.
" Because I can't stand to be around him right now " I say through gritted teeth sending a glare towards Harry which he returns. I grab all my things and shove past them and out the door. As I step out of the house I start to take deep breaths trying to return my breathing back to normal as I hear yelling from inside the house. Axel comes out a short time after looking angry but his expression changes when he sees me.
" Let's go to my place. " he says as we pull out of the driveway.

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