Chapter 19

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I hate being in the same place as you and not being able to be close to you.

*Harrys POV *

I make my way to the shower trying to wash away every thing that's happened in the last 24 hours. I stand under the hot water thinking about what I saw earlier. The scars on her wrists almost all the way up to her elbows. I shake my head trying to get rid of the image. It can't be because of me, right? Maybe it is or maybe Axel did something. I swear if Axel did something... I feel myself starting to breathe heavily so I try to calm myself down. I quickly get out of the shower and throw on some black skinny jeans and a black t shirt on and head downstairs.

As I make my way into the living room I see that everyone's in there and by everyone I mean my mum, Robin, Gemma, and December.
" Ah Harry just in time. " Robin says when he spots me.
" What's going on? " I ask stepping more into the living room trying not to look a December.
" Well as I was telling the girls... We are going out to eat tonight. Together. " my mum says to me.
" Uh I can't - " I start to try to get out of it but my mum stops me.
" Ah no excuses."
" But- " I start.
" No Harry. No excuses. " she says giving me a stern look and I just nod my head okay.
" Now everyone go get ready we leave in an hour. " Robin says. Gemma shoots up from where she's sitting and turns to December.
" Come on Ember lets go make ourselves look pretty! " Gemma says jokingly while heading upstairs and December lets out a little laugh as she gets up and follows her. As she walks past me her smile fades and she hugs herself before quickly making her way upstairs. I stand there for a minute before heading upstairs to change.

We pull into the restaurant and there are a bunch of paps at the door.
" What the hell?! " I say angrily.
" Maybe one of the waiters tipped them off wouldn't be the first time. " Gemma suggests with a shrug of her shoulders.
" Um what am I supposed to? I mean I know you guys are used to it and all but what am I supposed to do? " December asks concern laced in her voice while she looks between us.
" Just stay between me and Harry. " Gemma says to her. My eyes shoot between December and Gemma while December just shifts uncomfortably.
" Well let's get going. " my mum says as she opens her door and gets out along with Robin. Gemma and December get out and I follow shortly after.

" Over there! " one of the paps shout and they rush over to us and the cameras start flashing. December shields her eyes from the lights and I instinctively place my hand on her back and pull her towards me. She tenses at my actions but doesn't move away.
" Who's this Harry? Another girl toy? " one of the paps shouts. Before I can stop myself I turn to the pap.
" How about you just shut the fuck up for once ?! " I shout. I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder. I turn to see Gemma.
" It's not worth it. " she says I nod my head and turn back around but not before I shoot them a glare. I place my hand back on Decembers back and rush her inside.

Once inside I step away from her and put up a cold front again but I can't help and look at her. She looks so breath taking. The dress she's wearing is black and goes down to mid thigh and hugs her body perfectly. But what catches my eye is that the sleeves are long and hide her wrists. I look away when the waiter comes and takes us to our table. We take our seats and order our drinks and sit silently for a few minutes looking through the menu. The waiter comes with our drinks and we order what we want. We sit and chatter for a while until our food arrives. We eat in silence for a while until I speak up.
" Um guys I have something to say. "
I pause before I continue making sure I have everyone's attention.
" We're going on tour this January! " I say with excitement. I hear clatter and my eyes dart to December. Shock and hurt is written across her face.
" Sorry the fork slipped. " she says picking up the fork and shoves her food around. Everyone gets into conversation about the tour and what shows they should go to. December just stays silent.

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