Chapter 32

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If two people love each other there can be no happy ending to it. ~Ernest Hemingway ~ (Aces mom above)
I wake up in an unfamiliar room and I immediately start to panic. I look around frantically trying to gather my thoughts as I hear talking outside the door. I duck under the covers pretending to be asleep when they open the door.
" Mom I'm not gonna wake her up. " I hear Ace say and that's when I remember how I blew up on him last night.
" Well breakfast is gonna get cold and it won't taste good reheated. " she says with a huff and I hear her footsteps get further away. Ace lets out a sigh as he makes his way to the bed and sits on the edge of it. He runs a hand through his hair before he turns to me and I shut my eyes quickly.
" I saw you Young stop trying to pretend that you're sleeping. " he says with a small chuckle. I don't open my eyes I just keep acting like I'm sleeping even though he knows I'm awake already.
" Ok then " he says before jumping on me and starts to tickle my sides. I let out a squeal and try to move away but find it hard to with Ace on top of me.
" Stop! " I semi shout and Ace just ignores me and continues to tickle me.
" Stop! " I say again but this time I kick him in the groin and he falls of the bed dragging me with him. His back hits the floor and I land on his chest.
" Ugh Fuck that hurt. " he says as he winces in pain. I quickly get up and stand to the side looking down at him as he lays there.
" Damn Young " he says as he tries to sit up but I hit him with a pillow and he hits the floor again with a thud.
" Fuck! What was that for?! " he shouts at me as he sends me a glare.
" I'm still angry at you. " I say as I walk out and down the stairs. I'm almost to the front door when I'm stopped by a voice coming from the kitchen.
" Oh good you're up come eat breakfast! " Aces mom says to me. I stand there for a few seconds thinking if I should walk out the door and act like I didn't hear her or go into the kitchen but my stomach starts to growl and before I know I'm walking into the kitchen. She gives me a smile and I try to return it while I take a seat on the barstool by the island. She places a plate infront of me that has eggs bacon and pancakes and sits across from me with a plate containing the same food and starts to eat it and that's when I start to eat my food. We eat in silence not really talking to each other for a while.
" Mom what's the best way to apologize to a girl when you fucked up bad- you're still here? " Ace says bounding into the kitchen stopping at the sight of me. I just shrug my shoulders and shove eggs into my mouth. He walks over to me and takes a seat next to me not saying anything.
" Okay time to cut the awkwardness out of here " Aces mom says and Ace shoots her a glare. " Ember you seem to have this thing about you that keeps telling to hire you. " she says staring at me intently.
" Um hire me? " I ask gulping a little bit.
" Yes as you probably know I run this modeling business and I want you to be one of my models, pays well. Really well. " she says with a small chuckle.
" Mom stop please. She doesn't want to do it. She doesn't care about all that girly stuff. " Ace says laying his head on the counter.
" well that is true but I do need the extra cash. " I say a bit offended by Aces remark.
" Really! Great! " she says clapping her hands together.
" You do know that means you have to deal with paps if you become famous. " Ace says lifting his head off the counter and looking at me.
" Wouldn't be the first time. " I say under my breath as I get up and go put my plate in the sink.
" What? "
"Nothing " I say turning around and looking at him. We have a little stare down until his mom interrupts us.
" Okay! So I will call you when your needed for a shoot! " she says over enthusiastically.
" I'm going to get going now. " I say.
" Thank you for breakfast and the job I guess " I say to Aces mom and give her a small smile that she returns. I make my way towards the front door and when I step out I'm stopped by Aces voice.
" When will I be forgiven? " he asks as he closes the front door. I let out a sigh and turn to look at him. I stare at him for a few seconds then look down at my feet shaking my head slightly in my hands.
" Ember I really am sorry I didn't know it was someone that important. " he says taking a step towards me.
" Well it was. He's someone very important to me, and I guess I thought I was important to him but he went out and he had to kiss another girl. " I say my voice cracking a bit.
" Wait what? Who the fuck is this guy? Like honestly he's stupid to do that. He has you as a girlfriend and he does that!? " he says angrily as his cheeks turn a bit pink.
" Well he thought I had sex with another guy " I say sending him a glare.
" We could've been having a pillow fight for what he knows ! " Ace says throwing his hands in the air. I let out a giggle and he gives me a smile.
" But seriously what's his name so I can't beat some sense into him. " he says making a fist.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I say turning and walking away towards my car.
" What do you mean?! " he asks looking a bit confused. I just shrug and give him a small smile before getting into my car and driving away.
On my way home I try calling Styles again and it goes straight to voicemail. I let out a groan and throw my phone into the passengers seat. My thoughts run to all the things he could possibly be doing, all the girls he's probably... Stop December stop think happy thoughts. My mind runs to this morning when Ace started to tickle me, how he had a grin on his face and how when we fell to the floor my stomach had a few butterflies. No stop I can't be thinking that. I need to hear Styles voice. I reach over and grab my phone dialing his number again. It rings once and then I hear his voice.
" Stop calling. " Is all he says and hangs up instantly. My phone drops to my lap and I feel my eyes start to water. I pull over to the side of the road before I start to breakdown.

After coming home I run upstairs and start to pace my room I sit down on my bed and pull out my phone and scroll down to his name and press call.

"Hey Harry I know your mad at me right now but you have to understand that nothing happened he's a friend and he was being stupid so I'm sorry if you thought I cheated on you but I didn't but just know that I love you I love you so damn much that it hurts but I'll leave you alone if that's what you want I.. I love you Styles."

After I leave the voicemail I lay in bed and cry a little before I go downstairs to eat dinner.

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